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El Zen

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Everything posted by El Zen

  1. I’d go further than 4-5, though. Automatic is an excellent album.
  2. Being more serious about it, definitely this. When it comes to preserving our identity, I’d rather say ‘old’ is a good thing. We’ve a tonne of traditions. We should be proud of that.
  3. Muse is worse than Queen. They are worse than U2. Horrible, horrible, horrible band.
  4. I was a massive Foos fan in my late teens. And I maintain that their stuff up to and including One by One is very good. Everlong is still an excellent tune. But. But. They stopped being interesting a loooong time ago and I haven’t bought or even really bothered with anything they’ve done this decade. Much like REM, who turned into a right snoozefest.
  5. Yes. Very much against it. Looks hideous.
  6. I only watched the first episode of it, but the energy vampire gag was the only thing I found funny. The rest was just «yeah, I get it, but I’m still not laughing». This surprised me, as I genuinely thought it would be good.
  7. I’m not sure my 2013 Volkswagen Polo qualifies!
  8. That’s a bit of a stretch. He’s done what you expect from a manager who, in relative terms, has unlimited funds to play with.
  9. If we’re talking about radius, then sure, not too bad
  10. I’m with you here. Road authorities specifically encourage you to use both lanes. There is literally no reason not to use both lanes.
  11. Why the people of Foggy Bottom haven’t petitioned for the immediate removal of Mayor Humdinger from office. The man’s not right. Not right, I tell you!
  12. I would put it that you are entirely wrong, but I suppose a discussion about the philosophy of history isn’t relevant to this thread* *just pre-empting obvious jokes about the prehistoric qualities of Bruce’s managerial abilites.
  13. For me, it’s more about the situation those loans (Steer and Elphick) left us in. I can’t recall any other manager leaving us with such a glaring lack of reliable options in such key positions.
  14. Countless historians would strongly disagree with that statement
  15. But when the outcome was an absolute mess of a gk (not to mention cb) situation at the club, it’s hardly unfair to criticise the man in charge of the situation?
  16. It’s more sending him out on loan, leaving us with Nyland, Bunn and the vague memory that is Moreira.
  17. Sending Steer and Elphick on loan remains a mystery to me.
  18. Watching Argentina and Colombia. Still scoreless just before half time, but the Colombians are causing Argentina all kinds of trouble. Their work rate and pressing is unreal. The game has also been insanely physical, and not just a little theatrical.
  19. I’d say it’s worth everything. Even still, you’re obviously worth something to someone. Your employer must think you’re worth your salary, for starters. Your co-workers who are shocked about your dating issues must think you’re worth their time to listen to you talk about it. The literally dozens of people who have tried to offer support in this thread must all think you’re worth their time - I’m spending some of mine right now. Look, you’re feeling lonely and socially ignored. I’m the last person who would ever tell you to act all Alpha male and machismo, but it’s hard to get away from the fact that fragility, gloominess and melancholy aren’t always the most attractive qualities. If you keep telling yourself that your melancholia and anxiety defines you as a person - which you seem to be doing - you’re not showing people that you want to be social and have fun. Show them the actual you, not let your demons define who your social persona is. Let me suggest something a little bit left field-ish, and forgive me if it comes across as hippie rubbish. Have you ever considered taking acting lessons? If you can’t feel confident and attractive, maybe you can learn to act like it? Either way, you’ll meet people.
  20. I’ve watched since he was 17, as he signed his first professional contract with my Norwegian club. He’s excellent.
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