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Everything posted by Zhan_Zhuang

  1. Yeah I agree... some people eh? Good luck to wee Baz, there's a player in there somewhere he just needs to have some mental focus and grow up a little.
  2. Hutton wants too much money then...off to the Championship with you!
  3. I know people are fond of saying it's only pre-season and all about fitness but at the same time it is a confidence game. This puts pressure on all aspects and positions within the team if we are constantly worried about conceding. We cannot seem to eradicate sloppy mistakes and individual errors!
  4. Hold on..didn't we pay £18m upfront for Bent and the rest in installments and that's the reason Sunderland accepted because they needed the money?
  5. Pretty sad really when you think more about this and how Benteke has had one good season and he thinks he's better than Aston Villa. I think his antics at Genk sounded alarm bells for some here so we should have expected it really, I'm sure Lambert has learned from this in regard to future purchases.
  6. I really think it is in everybody's best interests if Benteke goes to a 'top four' side; then at least we couldn't really blame him too much. With Benteke, Spuds might have a better chance of getting into the CL but they're still outsiders in my opinion. Then, if they do not get there again next season Bale will definitely leave and so to Benteke i'd imagine. It does seem to appear as though they've tapped him considering Villa though he would sign a new deal before he left for his holiday?!?!
  7. I wonder whether the signing of a top quality attacking midfielder might still be on the cards instead of replacing Benteke?
  8. Is Webb a RB, never heard of him? Yes, he's a 17yr old RB prospect! Ok thanks. I must say that 2nd half team looks incredibly weak. Herd at CB!
  9. Is Webb a RB, never heard of him?
  10. So ungrateful...from hero to zero instantly! I hope he moves abroad but Chelsea is the likely destination, he'd be mad to join spuds or redscouse.
  11. It is real as his account is followed by other Villa players...he's also retweeted other players who we know do have genuine accounts such as Weimann and Benteke
  12. I saw the tweet from Delph last night and it does sound promising enough considering Benteke chose to retweet it. There is hope!
  13. It does make sense to ostracise Bent from the group; it's all about Aston Villa and if this necessitates a quick conclusion then so be it. We really need him off the wage bill quickly.
  14. If we keep Benteke then top ten is the least we can expect, if he improves or continues his form the maybe Europe is achievable?
  15. KEA could be a valuable player this season now he's settled as you rightly point out.
  16. I think Benteke is here for one more season; Helenius has been bought as an understudy who will hopefully learn and develop for the purpose of replacing Benteke in future.
  17. I guess this pushes Bowery out a little, maybe a loan move for him?
  18. £25,000 a week and he's doubling his wages by coming to Villa, i'm pretty sure he's not expecting much more? But maybe Galatasaray would pay more, I have no idea?
  19. I think PL was talking about high wages not specifically high transfer fees. Benteke at £7m is quite a lot of money for a young player who was untried in the Premier League. Belhanda at £10-£12m is not beyond us at all!
  20. So too is the step-up from League One/Two to the PL, a certain A. Westwood has done fairly well wouldn't you say? Give them a chance eh?!
  21. I disagree in regard to Albrighton, he has assists and goals to his name. Bannan's record is poor in terms of those attributes!
  22. Interestingly if Lawro's predictions had all been correct we would have been relegated weeks ago. Anyone know why he hates us so much?!
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