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Everything posted by Zhan_Zhuang

  1. The point is we are direct and do create havoc for the opposition, so i'm all for going for this philosophy. It's like Martial Arts you don't pi55 about go straight for the opponent's weakpoints ;-) Simple Direct Attack (Bruce Lee).
  2. I like Lambert as a man and he's getting results. Yes it is early days but he does need time especially considering how much other teams have spent. On the subject of player acquisition the players have a great spirit and I like that and hope this is something we can build upon. Lambert does not seem afraid of ego and this is great because ultimately AVFC is and always will be more important.
  3. Hope the Concrete one is ok, any word?
  4. If we're top ten at Christmas then we should realistically be looking at seventh or eighth. Southampton might be having a blip, but it's the barcodes we'll have to worry about. You never know Everton's form might not be sustainable allowing us a place. I agree that the bottom eight as it stands are poor, i think many of the Championship teams could compete equally with some of those teams.
  5. Tonev on for Kozak to link things up a little...well if he gets told to pass that is!
  6. Bacuna and Luna, I like the sound of both their names and the attacking intent we could possibly show with both in the team. Fingers crossed for tomorrow ;-) UTV
  7. I actually never rated Given but I know he was decent for us in one season.
  8. Guzan Lowton Vlaar Baker Clark Bacuna Westwood KEA Agbonlahor Benteke Kozak KEA nor Westwood should be dropped but Delph on the bench to aid his recovery.
  9. Thing about Murray though is he doesn't actually have a personality so by default should not really be in the running for the award.
  10. I just presumed it was 4-3-3, but i guess that makes sense considering Delph was playing so deep after we made it 2-2. Was more like 5-4-1 to me when we defended?
  11. Three Centre-backs at home against a team bottom of the league is surely not required.
  12. Poor again from Sylla but all is not lost, he needs time though as it is a massive step up. Based on last seasons performances there is a decent player in there and he is still learning.
  13. Concrete again in his performance against WBA, long may it continue. He's very composed on the ball which is nice to see!
  14. I like Karim and hope he continues his form against WBA into the future. He is composed on the ball, strong, tackles well and plays neat passes. If he also can score the odd goal then it's got to be KEA, Delph and Westwood for me. Sylla was shocking last night and needs to be dropped as he has not found his form of last season. Still early days for him though as he's finding his feet just like many of our midfield.
  15. I hope Gabby scores a couple on Monday night to shut you bunch of moaners up for a week or two ;-)
  16. Don't know if this counts but my Dad met Roy Hodgson recently and basically confirmed what I thought he was like in reality that he's a really nice guy. My Dad chatted to him for about ten minutes on matters of football and Malaga, Spain.
  17. I still find it difficult to believe that Hutton plays International football when not playing regular club football. I'm baffled!
  18. Top ten should be achievable and would allow us to push on for the following season where we should be looking to finish within European qualification. Benteke will most likely leave after the World Cup but we should have money to spend to find an adequate replacement and ideally a player of Ben Arfa's quality to pull strings in the midfield.
  19. I think Gabby has to play in this (if fit) because of his pace on the break. I also like the idea of moving Bacuna higher up the pitch and ideally upfront as he looks very direct when he gets the ball and quick too. We do not have many players who have that natural talent at moving forward with the ball at their feet.
  20. If we can get the three points here then we will have built a decent platform to attain a good points total over the next couple of months. We have a lot of winnable games coming up and those around us (especially this weekend) are playing some tough matches. I see this as 1-2 Villa (Delph and Kozak).
  21. If Manure fail to qualify for the CL are they not in serious financial trouble? At the moment I cannot see them getting anywhere near the top four, I see them finishing fifth at the very best.
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