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Everything posted by Tayls

  1. You’re right. That is odd. Hey, how’s that little novel you’ve been working on? Got a compelling protagonist? Got an obstacle for him to overcome? A little heartbreak, you know, work it into the story? Some twists and turns? A little epilogue? Ohhh i look forward to reading it. I just your pic and name this immediately came to my head... had to watch it on YouTube. So funny.
  2. Great photo taken during the Centre Back drills portion of the training session.
  3. @tonyh29 what was your post the other day in relation to the current regime and there being bad stuff going on behind the scenes still, or something along those lines? Can you comment any further on that? Or can anyone else comment further for that matter...
  4. And stupid people. Bloody everywhere. Can’t escape them.
  5. Perhaps it’s Martinez AND Henry? Fwiw I honestly think Terry will be taking up a role with Chelsea. I don’t think he has ever been in our plans to bring him back here as a coach.
  6. Dem mate that’s a bit harsh. He hasn’t even joined yet!
  7. Sod it I say. Why not try something different and a little bit out there. Let’s face it, we have been an absolute joke for almost 10years (since MON left). The football has been awful. I just want us to actually have a style of play that is good to watch and a bit of direction. I want to see the players showing a bit of passion and drive to succeed. The previous appointments haven’t worked. Lets really mix things up. UTV.
  8. What’s this about a second appointment alongside the DOF? What role would that be?
  9. My sources tell me that he actually turned them down... i must stress that I don’t actually have any sources linked to Henry or Bordeaux... infact I have no idea where I got that from, read it somewhere. Could have been on this very forum even... so, yea, I haven’t actually contributed anything towards answering your question and we are pretty much at the beginning...
  10. It’s not on the OS yet so how the fudge do the inventors of football know before Villa themselves do?
  11. Has there been any mention as to who the potential candidates are for this DOF position? Has Purslow mentioned that there definitely will be one put in place?
  12. Had the same a few times today @limpid using guest WiFi at work (Zen). On an iPhone with latest update using safari browser.
  13. Yea I’m definitely keen on getting a guide and making sure I take full advantage of actually being there and learning. I’ve wanted to go for a while. I had a look on the site, but there were 2 options available which I couldn’t tell the difference between, but one was cheaper than the other by 5/10 zloty... so I panicked and didn’t book... I just need to try and figure out the best way to get there, but based on what @Rodders said, it might be possible to arrange that through the hotel. (Which we haven’t picked yet). I hadn’t thought about the salt mines - we were only going for 2 days, primarily for Auschwitz, but I might have to try and fit it in.
  14. Has anybody got any advice on the best way to tour around Auschwitz - booking tickets/guide etc. Would be staying in Kraków so need to get to Auschwitz from there....
  15. I watched the game on sky last night, and I couldn’t help but thinking that he needs a kick up the ass. He gets ‘on the ball’ a fair bit, but doesn’t really do a lot with it. I think he might benefit from being benched for a half or so. If he has aspirations of playing at the very top (if him being disappointed that his move to Spurs didn’t go through are true), then he needs to be starting for a championship team, else it isn’t going to happen. Hourihane was far more effective overall last night. Hopefully he starts delivering sooner rather than later. We need our best players right now.
  16. You get the headphone adapter with the phone so it’s no drama as far as the headphones are concerned. Or just use the new pods that come with it. i like the new phones. I’ve had my 6 for 3 years now, think it’s time for an updgrade. Tempted by either the 8 or the XR...
  17. Is there a ‘campaign mode’ for single player or is it all multiplayer based? Never played Battlefield before, but I enjoy WWI/II games...
  18. I take it all you chaps work in IT? I know @Davkaus does based on previous conversations.
  19. Tayls

    Locked Out Ipad

    Ok. There are ways to reset the password by going to here: https://appleid.apple.com (forgotten password) You’ll need access to the email account to authenticate. If you do not know the password for that email account then you’ll need to follow the steps to regain access.
  20. Tayls

    Locked Out Ipad

    So is it a case of your wife forgetting the passcode to unlock the iPad? If so, then it’s bad news if your wife hasn’t been making regular backups. You’ll have to connect to iTunes and and essentially erase the device along with the passcode. If she has made backups then you can restore from these. what actually appears on screen when trying to get into the device?
  21. I highly doubt they were arguing over a disagreement on Bruce’s tactical decisions making skills.
  22. Yea but, there’s no technical reason as to why they should always be on? Obviously running the updates regularly for the security patches is essential...
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