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Everything posted by Tayls

  1. That’s it. I only want to see links to players who’s names relate to either a) Property b) Structual engineering we’re Aston Villa - and we are building for the future.
  2. Yea - I think one of the really top newspapers mentioned £7m - so I was mainly taking the piss out of that... basically - I’m not sure I believe this breaking news... yet...
  3. £18m?! Hopefully the reported £7m we are paying Wolves for Hause is going straight towards this fee...
  4. Hold on hold on hold on, just processing this article for a second... so, based on how this article is written , Wolves are negotiating with us on Abraham and will only let us have their unused defender, if we let them have Abraham, who belongs to Chelsea, but Abraham has a clause which means he himself can trigger it so that he can end his loan early? Im not sure if the Daily Mail know how the football works...
  5. Hull are only a point behind now. They look really good as well. Weird season.
  6. That result is just so typical of Villa isn’t it. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. No chance we are going up though. There’s a reason why Leeds are top, and we aren’t even close.
  7. He used to post on here. He’s not welcome back after what he did to us. Traitor!
  8. Difficult to get him to adapt to our new style I reckon. Very much a Bruce man.
  9. Good post dude. My thoughts on it though, just by going off your screenshot, is that Taylor is taking up a more central position because of the absence of Chester (where the fack is he btw?!). If he didnt, then all the chap would have to do is play it forward to the runner next to him (the two guys that axel is inbetween) and it would have been a 1v1. So the fact that he played it wide to Lolley actually makes it a bit trickier for Forest. Just so happens that they put it in anyway... so, 1) where the fack is Chester 2) Axel shouldn’t be in a position where he is parallel to his man facing his goal 3) what are our midfielders doing giving them that much space in that part of the pitch. I actually think Taylor has done the right thing there.
  10. @TRO control of a game isn’t just about goals scored/conceded though, it’s about possession/passing/chance creation etc etc. We know this from the MON days, we never controlled a game, but won lots based on counter attacking having found a system that worked for a certain amount of games before the players were gassed. As soon as we lost a player we fell to shit. We should have won last night, better side overall, but, as you say, we were massively let down by our defenders and ‘goalkeeper’. ... DS hasn’t had chance to bring in his own players yet, he’s working with what he has and what are our ‘best players’ in certain positions.
  11. And to keep it cryptic Trent, I’ll say this in a similar way so that these yahoos don’t figure anything out - but is it a premier league keeper, that isn’t playing at the moment (but probs should be), and plays for a team that sounds an awful lot like Turnley...
  12. What did DS do when Jutkiewicz came off for them? He mentioned it during the sky interview and the one above, but I don’t understand what he did?
  13. Apologies for the late reply! Cheers though dude. Re health anxiety - yea it has been my thing that has been with me since I was about 13/14. I’m 30 now. It’s not as bad now as it used to be, because I’ve got other things to focus on and keep my mind off it, but it certainly does pop up still. I do worry about others also, I’m almost physically sick at the thought of anything happening to my family - but I’d say it’s mostly me thinking I feel ill, so I google symptoms and convince myself I have something specific...
  14. I posted something on my Facebook last week, which I was nervous about ‘putting out there’ in case people saw me differently.. I also thought about my colleagues that would see it and how it might affect my career. But then, I realised that I was doing exactly what I was campaigning for - for men to speak out about their feelings. I think I have mentioned it in other posts in this topic, and I’ve spoken to a couple of people here about issues this year - I have suffered from anxiety for many years, particularly around health. But things escalated a little after the birth of my daughter... Anyway, below is what I posted. (I’ve changed names to be My wife/daughter/Baby etc) I’m not one for writing posts on social media and I’m certainly not one that talks often about my feelings, to anybody, but I think this is an important message to get out there in the hope that somebody may be able to relate to it. My beautiful baby daughter turns eight months young in a few days time and she is everything my wife and I ever wanted, in-fact, more so. The way she smiles at me when I come home from work, or when we go into her room after she wakes up from one of her naps - always grinning with her shiny new teeth, glad to see us. I honestly could not be more proud of my wife for the way she has raised our daughter to be such a sweet little baby. In spite of all of this, since the birth I have been struggling with what I believe to be PND, which primarily stemmed from the traumatic birth that we experienced. I won’t go into full details, but what seems to have triggered this the most for me was the initial hospital transfer due to complications and then seeing one of the midwives frantically trying to get our baby to breath on her own, before calling for one of the other midwives to request help. At that point, an alarm rang and a team of nine or 10 doctors/nurses/midwives came rushing in to provide immediate support. We had no idea what was happening, my wife was stood surrounded by a pool of blood and hadn’t even had chance to set eyes on our daughter before she was rushed away. We didn’t even know the sex of our baby at that stage. We didn’t have the chance to sit as a family for the first time immediately after Baby was born. There was one point during the whole labour where I thought I was going to lose both my wife AND the baby - typically thinking of the worst case scenario. I replay these moments in my head pretty regularly as it is almost impossible to erase. It appears when I’m driving to/from work, or sat at my desk, or when the house is quiet, or even when we’re out for dinner surrounded by family - it often brings me to tears - despite knowing that everything is ok, and Baby was breathing on her own after just 10minutes of support. The thoughts that went through my mind whilst witnessing the brilliant team at the hospital do what they needed to do, during that short period, almost ruined me. The reason I’m writing this is because I have finally come to terms with what happened, knowing that we were in the best place that we possibly could have been to get help, knowing that Baby is growing so fast and learning every single day (mainly thanks to her awesome mum), and knowing that I have a network of people around me that I can talk to about how I am feeling should I need to. So for you other chaps that may have experienced a traumatic birth, I urge you to talk about it, don’t hold it in for months like I did. I didn’t seek professional help, admittedly, some of you may prefer to do that, but I have spoken to friends and family, and finally realised that I have no reason to fear or continue to be upset about the events that occurred, purely just by looking at my daughter now... I don’t see an awful lot of support available for guys that experience this, probably because we like to be men about it, but it is very real. Please talk about it. Get support should you need it.
  15. Agreed that it will always be Villa Park to us fans. If the name has to be different when written down, then so be it, provided it brings in the money. Saying that, having [new name] Villa Park is a bit crap. Just sack the word Villa off and just go with [new name] Park. I’d be disappointed if it became ‘stadium’... but, I’d get over it.
  16. San Fran, San Jose and Honolulu for me. Red/Orange around the New England area including New York, blue for the rest of the east coast and south easterly region then starts turning from orange to very red in Cali. I’ll take that though - San Fran is probs my fav city in the world. (That I have visited).
  17. That defending by Chester though. Quality. Bolton growing in confidence here, we’ve taken a step back. Disappointing.
  18. Still missing something at the minute aren’t we... Definitely look a bit awkward off the ball, can’t quite make out what’s missing with the ball... odd.
  19. Well, somebody knows how to use the Y/Triangle button on Fifa... a fricking through-ball!!! What on earth!!
  20. Sidwell has an exceptional football brain. Unfortunately he wasn’t used properly by a few managers, especially after leaving Reading. Was gutted when we got rid.
  21. Perhaps Bruce was onto something then and we have made a terrible mistake. Is it the players that are the reason as to why we are so bad, nothing to do with coaching/team selections at all... Makes one wonder doesn’t it...
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