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Everything posted by limpid

  1. Based on what? He's never been charged with anything let alone convicted. Fans at other clubs making allegations based on poor information does not affect his status in the slightest.
  2. I'm going to suggest that it's a "thing" that some people "don't get". By it's very nature they'll be some things in this thread that a poster has no opinion on. We don't have a thread for "things you don't get except coffee" or "things everyone doesn't get". The latter would be really dull.
  3. There is nothing about Samuelson which will interest the people doing the checks. He has never been charged let alone convicted of any relevant offence. It's simply not an issue.
  4. Please use the various speculation threads until something is confirmed.
  5. We can't be promoted into the Scottish league.
  6. Fair cop. I've been hunting it every year for over 20 years now.
  7. We'll see. I'd have thought after the nonsense with Dr X people would recognise when "journalists" publish opinions and biases as facts. And then the others copy the one who made it up. There's no comment in your quote from Sony. I think the Z is going to annual releases (like the other flagships) and the X will take the place of the dropped 6 monthly release. That's why they've not gone for a flagship CPU. In case it's not clear, I'm posting my opinion not claiming it as true because it suits my world view We won't know if I'm right for a few months.
  8. I'm not sure you're correct. I expect a z6 to be announced this year. There isn't much difference between any phone nowadays. You'd be hard pressed to tell the difference between a z3+ and a z5 unless you really need a fingerprint scanner.
  9. You'll need to raise a bug with tapatalk Or start using the mobile version of VT.
  10. For the few days/weeks until I disable it, you can press return twice.
  11. Be honest, you were just testing the swear word filter
  12. limpid

    Windows 10

    We're working to remove it at work too.
  13. Yep, it's all down to the calibration of the espresso machine. The grind, the dose, the pre-infuse, the pressure limiter and temperature control. Get someone who can't be bothered because they think it all just tastes the same and you get crap coffee. The freshness of the beans is important, but chains have an advantage here as they burn through stock quickly. The mix of beans affects the taste (obviously), but that is largely a matter of personal preference. I prefer the flavour of Arabica beans, but I don't mind the presence of Robusta in the mix. The chains tend to use mainly Robusta for their regular blends as it's cheap, but most offer speciality coffees (Costa's Old Paradise Street No 11 is an amazing single bean coffee).
  14. Greggs often recalibrate the espresso machines more than once a day. Pretty much guarantees a good cup.
  15. Instant coffee is coffee flavoured. It isn't coffee. One of them was advertising a few months back that it now contained actual coffee beans which should tell you all you need to know. Judging by what most people order in the big chains, they don't like coffee either.
  16. No. Lottery wins are exept for capital gains and income tax. If you put it in the bank then in subsequent years you'll pay tax on the interest. Any gifts are unearned income and the recipient needs to declare them. When you win £10m, take the financial advice the National Lottery offer.
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