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Everything posted by limpid

  1. limpid

    General Chat

    Petrol doesn't burn. You/d have to let it evaporate a bit before you try.
  2. https://www.cyberark.com/resources/blog/considering-passwordless-heres-how-to-do-it (I'm not in any way affiliated with this vendor.)
  3. It'll blow people's minds in a year or so when we go passwordless.
  4. Our 8k users at work will soon be able to work from anywhere on any device. At least from a technical point of view. I just wish I could kick the last handful of users off the VPN and my life will be so much easier. Prepared.
  5. I use Google Assistant for all this (I don't know "tapo"). The Pixel tablet is £600 but does include a really good speaker doc (and has extra things it can do if you have a Pixel phone).
  6. I'm pretty sure that a planning application has already been submitted for to put mixed mode retail., commercial and residential in on that site. (A friend is involved.) Not a stopper, but if that consent is granted the price of the land will shoot up. BCC wants more residential in the city centre.
  7. Section 60 is about development orders. There is no LDO in place. If one was to be put in place now it would not affect the already granted consents. But I'm not in the building trade.
  8. The consent is already granted. Th council can't attach additional riders to it after the fact.
  9. limpid


    I don't trust an organisation that can't fix the toilets to secure biometric data
  10. I only disagree in that there is no reason for them to only do one thing at a time.
  11. limpid

    Links test

    Don't open the "link dialogue box", just past the link using "paste without formatting" or" paste as plain text" or ctrl+shift+v.
  12. limpid

    Links test

    Just post the link and an extract. There's no need to do any more than that.
  13. What is your source for this?
  14. FFP talk in the FFP thread please. We don't own the stadium and if we did, infrastructure spend is outside of FFP.
  15. If it's even near that, he'll be having to remove forces existing from the borders and puppet states. I'd be surprised if there is much left on the European borders as he knows NATO won't attack unless he makes the first move. I winder if he trusts China as much?
  16. It's still a link to the page, not a gif. That's part of their financial model, they want you going to their site so they get the ad revenue. You'll have to find another site which allows a link to the actual gif.
  17. Your ratings and reactions please. Keep it respectful even if you know everyone else is wrong. A mod will add the players to the MoTM poll later.
  18. Unfortunately, if you are using iOS, all browsers are Safari. The rest is just a wrapper. You aren't allowed a choice.
  19. Everton v Villa Please do not mention streams or streaming in this thread. Please note that there is no distinction between legal or illegal, video or audio. If you aren't sure, it doesn't go in this thread. You will receive warning points if you ignore this.
  20. Apple won't let you have nice things. Unless you buy them from Apple.
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