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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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More road rage:

Does anybody know The Radleys? It's a pretty major road through Birmingham I guess, it runs from Marston Green, round the back of the airport, past the car hypermarkets and up towards Sheldon and the A45. It's busy at the best of times, its even busier in the rush hour and snowing.


Anyway, there are road works there at the minute. I've painted them in, the main road is controlled by traffic lights and the traffic joining from Mackadown Lane is not. I was queueing there last night at about 5pm, heading towards town (right to left on the picture), and as it was so busy I didnt get through on the first cycle. Fair enough I thought, but on the second cycle the car about three in front decided to slam its brakes on the second the lights changed to yellow* where most people realise that because both lights are held at red for a few seconds and everything is going through bumper to bumper, three or four more cars can get through. I was mildly annoyed by this, but fair enough, if he/she wants to stop at a yellow signal then so be it.

I had been at these lights for six or seven minutes now and just as they are about to change a bus comes in from Mackadown Lane. The car that stopped on the yellow light is at the very front and "kindly" decides to let the bus into the roadworks despite us being there for six or seven minutes and the bus being there for six or seven seconds.

You will notice that there is a bus stop inside the roadworks and guess what? Yep, the bus stops there and blocks everything. The lights are back to red before anybody other than the bus has a chance to move.

I have been driving for 13 years and have never felt the urge to get out of my car and punch somebody square in the mouth before, but the word removed who was at the front of these traffic lights yesterday came very close to having a black eye for Christmas.

I had to walk through the Radleys at about 1 am on Saturday night. It didn't piss me off, but it scared me a little! Not exactly the nicest area.

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:crylaugh: I set myself up for that.

And I sympathise Ginge, my dishwasher and washing machine packed in together, and about 5 weeks ago my freezer broke for a short while and deforsted a few things.

When I was 12 my younger sister accidentally put 2-stroke oil in the dishwasher :crylaugh:

Stupid girl.

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Having just been to my boys school Christmas concert , then i have to add "recorders" into the list

it's not an instrument it's a bloody torture device , only use i can see for one is twatting students who protest with them

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