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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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When people on Facebook state something bad has happened in their lives or in the world and people 'like' it. Technically if you like it you are liking the bad thing that has happened. If that makes sense. 'My granny just died' - like. 

Edited by Voinjama
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When people on Facebook state something bad has happened in their lives or in the world and people 'like' it. Technically if you like it you are liking the bad thing that has happened. If that makes sense. 'My granny just died' - like. 

Yes, there is irony there indeed and I have clicked like on something similar - more as a sign of solidarity obviously than actually 'enjoying' their news. It's almost as if Facebook is crying out for a 'hug' button. Maybe I should patent that before any other words removed actually get in there first.

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.....because using a method where water freezes at -32 and boils at 212 is FAR more appropriate than a scale where water freezes at 0 and boils at 100!!!

I agree that that's a daft system. Which system is it?

(Fahrenheit sets zero at the temperature where brine freezes)

As Mooney hinted at, Fahrenheit makes more sense for weather, because anything from about zero to a hundred is basically OK, but get outside that range and you're getting into dangerous territory.

Your presence

...It is as the mooney has foreseen...

Only for cold weather, maybe? I still don't see the issue with centigrade here. The planet isn't going to be hotter than say sixty degrees? Certainly not over 100. And then minus...Antarctica at maybe -80 max? For quick human interpretation, those figures still near more to me than doing sums to work out the temperature...

Fahrenheit for chemistry properties would sound more appropriate to me

I'm more of a Kelvin man.



As opposed to the Calvin which is the incremental increase in sexiness you feel when you put on a pair of expensive underpants.

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I tell you what FB is crying out for...


a "nobody gives a shit about this" button.


That would soon reduce the amount of shite that people post. I'd use that button far more than a "like" button, that's for sure.


Totally agree but the simplest solution is to just not use it.


I am on there and will have a look maybe once or twice a month, it has its uses (keeping in touch with relatives and friends who you dont see on a regular basis) i certainly dont need to use facebook on a daily basis to read about all the mundane shit going on in peoples lives.


Thats why im more of a twitter fan, just follow a few select people who are involved in things you care about, couple of darts players, couple of villa players etc.. makes a lot more sense to me.

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I tell you what FB is crying out for...


a "nobody gives a shit about this" button.


That would soon reduce the amount of shite that people post. I'd use that button far more than a "like" button, that's for sure.

have a " like " in the absence of a VT "I don't give a shit button "



at the risk of sounding like I'm Zuckerbergs love child though , I still like Facebook  ..it is what it is , the trick is in how you use it  .... I've got some anorak mates on it who once had an argument over a red tractor I posted a picture of one of my kids on   ...apparently it  can't have been built in 63 as it was the wrong shade of red on the flux capacitor or something  ... equally funny and annoying at the same time , Facebook at it's finest imo


I don't use it as much as I used to and nor do most of my friends by and large , but I still like it , but then I'm quite a social / nosey type of person

Edited by tonyh29
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Flash Debate:


Social Media - is it making us more or less social?


Im definitely in the less social camp, its funny how an etiquette has developed in probably 5 years or less where there isn't a situation you cant get your phone out and start messing around with it.


You see groups of people at restaurants, pubs, clubs, pretty much anywhere where you can see a group of people just messing around on their phones instead of interacting with each other.


I was eating in a pub the other day and there was a family there who had an 8 year old on his surface tablet with his beats headphones in, I had to just chuckle to myself, maybe that is perfectly normal and we just need to accept that "normal" is always changing but whats the point of having a family meal and having your kid completely zoned out like that.

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Flash Debate:


Social Media - is it making us more or less social?


Im definitely in the less social camp, its funny how an etiquette has developed in probably 5 years or less where there isn't a situation you cant get your phone out and start messing around with it.


You see groups of people at restaurants, pubs, clubs, pretty much anywhere where you can see a group of people just messing around on their phones instead of interacting with each other.


I was eating in a pub the other day and there was a family there who had an 8 year old on his surface tablet with his beats headphones in, I had to just chuckle to myself, maybe that is perfectly normal and we just need to accept that "normal" is always changing but whats the point of having a family meal and having your kid completely zoned out like that.


that's just bad parenting tbh and not the fault of social media


I watched a mum today as I took my kids to school walking along using her phone , she nearly walked into a  lamp post and then after avoiding that had the panic moment when she thought she'd lost her kid  , who was standing patiently by her side


I don't care who you are , it can bloody well wait 5 minutes for a reply

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I confess I do like Facebook, but that's because I am ruthless with regards to who is on my friend list. Recently trimmed it down to about 190. Only have genuine friends from past or present on there. 


Edit: and family

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Flash Debate:


Social Media - is it making us more or less social?


Im definitely in the less social camp, its funny how an etiquette has developed in probably 5 years or less where there isn't a situation you cant get your phone out and start messing around with it.


You see groups of people at restaurants, pubs, clubs, pretty much anywhere where you can see a group of people just messing around on their phones instead of interacting with each other.


I was eating in a pub the other day and there was a family there who had an 8 year old on his surface tablet with his beats headphones in, I had to just chuckle to myself, maybe that is perfectly normal and we just need to accept that "normal" is always changing but whats the point of having a family meal and having your kid completely zoned out like that.


I understand how things change but how come the people who can't stop browsing on their phones, always act offended when you start reading a book, while they are speaking? 

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This one keeps cropping up. 


Just use the media you find useful, in a way you find useful. Otherwise, ignore it. 


I have no use whatsoever for Twitter, but I like Facebook - much the same way as Tony. I keep the number of friends (and 'friends') relatively low. I subscribe to the hobby/interest groups that I like (mostly music and history - very little football/Villa stuff, I get all that here), and I filter and adblock to suit. 

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We've had take down notices in the past from the FA for pictures people have taken at games.

"Personal use" is fine, according to Premier League rules:

I'm not sure that publishing a photo on a busy public web site fits under any legal definition of "Personal use". And apparently, neither do the FA's solicitors.

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Colleagues that are unable to keep e-mail ping pong short and sweet.


One in particular here. Today I sent her one e-mail, 40 mins later 11 responses.


Her name has become a verb that means being swamped by superfluous E-mail traffic.

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