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Paul Lambert


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Mark - interesting stats you post from last night's match at Norwich. It seemed to be a goal fest, and so it turned out to be late doors. I recall after the Stoke game though that we had similar statistics in terms of chances/chances on target/possession, yet VillaTalk is full of doom and gloom again about that game. It was a dreary nil-nil...

We had 5 shots on goal against Stoke (all of them pretty lame as well) against 13 last night so the claim that the stats are "similar" may be a bit overstated!

Do wish people would stop making up stats to try to strengthen their statements of opinion.

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I don't want to go away from the Lambert topic but coming from a fan who was there, Houllier was bang out of order, spending £80 odd on a cold Monday evening to watch that shower of shite and then to top it off, after the game win lose or draw, manager should acknowedge the fans, however Monsiour Houllier was acknowledging the KOP, and completely ignored us at the opposite end. Having been at City game where we got spanked our manager still acknowledged us. Thats the difference.

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He didn't exactly paint himself in a good light but in the grand scheme of things waving to the Liverpool fans and touching a sign isn't exactly a big deal. The completely inept and shit performance that was witnessed on the other hand is a different matter, yet people rarely ever mention the performance and instead focus on superficial things.

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Thats why i mentioned the performance it was half hearted especially considering they had no Torres or Gerrard and managed to beat us so easily. But waving at the KOP at the final whistle and not his own fans was the biggest joke of all hence the anger amongst fans that went.

On Lambert could never see him doing that, even if we've played shit he understands the fans, acknowledges and recognises the importance of us in todays game.

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He didn't exactly paint himself in a good light but in the grand scheme of things waving to the Liverpool fans and touching a sign isn't exactly a big deal. The completely inept and shit performance that was witnessed on the other hand is a different matter, yet people rarely ever mention the performance and instead focus on superficial things.

Maybe you had to be one of the 1800 there on a freezing cold Monday night. Being an Aston Villa supporter I have witnessed a few beatings over the years and you can just about stomach that although I will acknowledge the gutless tripe served up under Houllier was all too frequent. However what I had never witnessed before, and I'd estimate I have been to around a thousand games, and hope I never have to witness again is a manager lording it in front of the oppositions fans at the final whistle and completely ignoring the supporters of the club he managed. Supporters that despite being served up gutless tripe had given great support and out sung his beloved Kop. The touching of the sign I couldn't give a **** about.

In all fairness this is totally irrelevant now. The only real relevance Houllier has in this thread is that when you think back on him it certainly makes you appreciate having Lambert that little bit more.

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Maybe you had to be one of the 1800 there on a freezing cold Monday night. Being an Aston Villa supporter I have witnessed a few beatings over the years and you can just about stomach that although I will acknowledge the gutless tripe served up under Houllier was all too frequent. However what I had never witnessed before, and I'd estimate I have been to around a thousand games, and hope I never have to witness again is a manager lording it in front of the oppositions fans at the final whistle and completely ignoring the supporters of the club he managed. Supporters that despite being served up gutless tripe had given great support and out sung his beloved Kop. The touching of the sign I couldn't give a **** about.

In all fairness this is totally irrelevant now. The only real relevance Houllier has in this thread is that when you think back on him it certainly makes you appreciate having Lambert that little bit more.

Or maybe I just care more about the performance than something as small (relatively) as waving to the opposition fans.
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Depends what you mean by Never - check the age of 1980/81 squad - gibson, williams, shaw, sid, were all around 21 - don't forget premier league is only 1992 - there was football before that

I did actually say that it was our "youngest ever side in the PL" so I thought it was clear I was talking about in the PL era. Evidently not, but yes I'm aware football existed prior to 1992.

As for the age of the 1980/81 squad the age of the squad is irrelevant I was talking about the average age of the team. I'm not about to start checking the average age of every team selected from that or any season. I am though aware that the average age of the team that night in Rotterdam 26 years and 9 months so I can't image it got close to the age of the team against Reading the other night.

I know that side was the youngest of the PL era for Villa, who knows it could well be the youngest ever though. Paul Lambert certainly appears to think so;

"We have had the youngest team in Aston Villa'sspacer.gif history, which is an incredible achievement and hopefully shows in the future, given time, that we can build on it and have a good side.


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Or maybe I just care more about the performance than something as small (relatively) as waving to the opposition fans.

With respect I think you are being a little harsh here because obviously everyone is predominately concerned with results.

His conduct that day as well as the performance were unacceptable, the former coming on the back of the later was frankly insulting to all those who made the trip that night. I therefore fully understand why it continues to be the thing they remember and refer to, it was so remarkable stupid and insulting as was his refusal to acknowledge what he did was wrong the following day.

The performance was shit but we've seen so many of those in the last couple of years it doesn't really stand out, his conduct on that night still does though.

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With respect I think you are being a little harsh here because obviously everyone is predominately concerned with results.

His conduct that day as well as the performance were unacceptable, the former coming on the back of the later was frankly insulting to all those who made the trip that night. I therefore fully understand why it continues to be the thing they remember and refer to, it was so remarkable stupid and insulting as was his refusal to acknowledge what he did was wrong the following day.

The performance was shit but we've seen so many of those in the last couple of years it doesn't really stand out, his conduct on that night still does though.

Cheers Trent summed it up nicely. We have all witnessed very poor performances over the years and whilst difficult to stomach no matter who you support you accept that you will inevitably witness your team getting a good hiding and for some teams more often than others. However what you don't accept and can't stomach is having to witness the manager of this great club completely ignore its great fans at the end of a game preferring to lord it in front of the opposing teams fans.

That night had you have not known it was a Premier League game you could well of thought you were witnessing a testimonial for Houllier. He certainly treated it as such.

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Maybe it's just me then but I see a disgraceful performance with absolutely no fight or quality as way more insulting than simply waving to the opposition fans.

And while yes it may add insult to injury to some the "injury" itself (the shit performance) is far more damaging and disgraceful.

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Maybe it's just me then but I see a disgraceful performance with absolutely no fight or quality as way more insulting than simply waving to the opposition fans.

The issue though mate is that one came after the other when people had paid a good deal of money, travelled a long way, in freezing conditions to be treated for want of a better word with contempt which added insult to injury.

Anyway... thankfully he has nothing to do with this club any more and we have a manager who has respect for the club and fans and who always puts a team out that at least tries to compete.

Coincidently the thread is named after him so we should probably stick to talking about him, myself included :)

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Maybe it's just me then but I see a disgraceful performance with absolutely no fight or quality as way more insulting than simply waving to the opposition fans.

You missed the bit, which you have a few times, that he didn't just wave to the opposition teams fans he did so whilst completely ignoring the fans of the team he was actually managing. Fans that had given great support even whilst being served up gutless tripe.

Anyway as I have already said and Trent has also stated thankfully that disrespectful pr*ck no longer has anything to do with this great club and we now have a manager in Lambert who at the very least will respect the supporters and ensure that those who run out in claret and blue will give nothing less than 100%. I will also now stick to talking about him in this thread.

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I've got a feeling that we'll have a much happier trip there this weekend.

And to the Norwich fans calling us fickle over Lambert, you obviously don't follow us much so please try to get your facts right. We've been right behind him in what he's doing at our club from the day he walked in, some fans can see further than their next game.

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The issue though mate is that one came after the other when people had paid a good deal of money, travelled a long way, in freezing conditions to be treated for want of a better word with contempt which added insult to injury.

Anyway... thankfully he has nothing to do with this club any more and we have a manager who has respect for the club and fans and who always puts a team out that at least tries to compete.

Coincidently the thread is named after him so we should probably stick to talking about him, myself included :)

Contempt is completely the wrong word here - it was Houllier's obliviousness to the situation that caused the problem, he clearly wasn't doing it purposefully.

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You missed the bit, which you have a few times, that he didn't just wave to the opposition teams fans he did so whilst completely ignoring the fans of the team he was actually managing. Fans that had given great support even whilst being served up gutless tripe.

Anyway as I have already said and Trent has also stated thankfully that disrespectful pr*ck no longer has anything to do with this great club and we now have a manager in Lambert who at the very least will respect the supporters and ensure that those who run out in claret and blue will give nothing less than 100%. I will also now stick to talking about him in this thread.

Spot on Mark, it was not about him and his love affair with the KOP, it was the fact he completely ignored his own fans on the other side hence the anger.

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Contempt is completely the wrong word here - it was Houllier's obliviousness to the situation that caused the problem, he clearly wasn't doing it purposefully.

Fair point, I just couldn't think of a better word at the time although I think it comes close. You are right though about his obliviousness, that was then followed by his utter arrogance when told it hadn't gone down well when he refused to accept he had done anything wrong. Lets not forget the post match comments either.

Anyway... back to Lambo

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