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Lambert's Row With Norwich


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And I know Villa Talk can sometimes have 'clashes' between posters too.

Yes, but at the end of the day we always settle our differences with a gentlemanly round of fisticuffs and a glass of sherry, then off we go on our merry way. Indeed, I myself have scheduled a jolly set-to with that bounder and ruffian Dem, for casting aspersions as to the nature of my dearest Mother's sexual ardour.
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Bored of Wizz. He just sounds bitter.

Right here's some facts for you Wizz.

Lambert was the best manager you have had in recent History.

You have replaced him with an inferior manager.

Norwich haven't invested, look worse than last season and are 4/6 to be relegated.

You're obsessed with Lambert and are still posting on Villa boards 4 months after he joined

Norwich is irrelevant to Villa fans.

So thank you and goodbye.

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After seeing some Norwich's games, I have to say that with (more or less) the same team and that awful defence Paul Lambert was a magician to obtain the results that he obtained last season with the canaries.

Attractive, attacking football and a safe spot in the table.

I wanted him, he was my first choice as anew manager, and I'm faithful that he'll do a fantastic job with us too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi lads.

Sorry to have inflicted Wiz on you. Every club has one and he is ours. If you want to see what the majority of posters on our site think of him, take a look at this link: http://services.pinkun.com/forums/pinkun/cs/forums/2807090/ShowPost.aspx

I'm afraid he's just an attention seeking village idiot. I rarely post on The Pink Un any more due to the likes of him and some other cronies on there.

As for Lambert, I will always appreciate the fact he turned us around from a team struggling team in League 1 to one that survived comfortably in the Prem. Yes I was disappointed that he left, and with the way in which it happened, but it was inevitable. We have to be realistic about that. With no offence meant to you at all, I did think he'd have held out for a bigger club. Not that you aren't big, but you seem to have off field troubles and I just felt there were stable clubs with better finances that would have snapped him up had he held out for it. My view is that there was more going on behind the scenes at Norwich than has come to light.

Again apologies for Wiz. Please don't judge the rest of us on his idiotic trolling.

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"A ban ? No. But a bit more grasp of what his true intentions on here are. If Villa fans can see through him so quickly, then..."


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Haha - Yellow Fellow, we've all known Wiz was a troll from his first post on this board :P

Its funny to hear his own board thinks the same of him!

- Yep we mostly think that the guy is a cretin. He moans about the fact that Lambert walked away from us and showed no loyalty yet he has a picture of Mike Walker on his signature, who did exactly the same thing.

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i always though wiz was the sort of fellow that wears a helmet to stop him headbutting walls, argues with himself, slightly unhinged but ultimatly could be kept entertained with a balloon on a stick.

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