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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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Just thought I should inform you about my bad experience with ticketing for the Wigan game. From what I gather from the staff at Wigan there was quite a significant problem of tickets that were not received by villa fans for the game, I was one who received only one ticket when I’d purchased two. As usual I phoned the ticket office to let them know the issue and they said it would be sorted, they’d been printed separately and I’d receive them before the game. The Friday before the game I hadn’t received the other ticket and phoned again and as per usual they were fantastic and apologetic and told me the ticket would be waiting for me at Wigan. The ticket that was waiting for me at Wigan was unfortunately the ticket I had all ready received from Villa, but thankfully the Wigan staff who were extremely helpful said they’d print a ticket for the seat next to me and if someone was in that one to sit the other side. When I got to my seat as I knew there would be there were people sitting either side of me with tickets for the seats as well leaving my and my dad (we’re not small chaps) to stand within the confinement of one seat. We questioned the steward what to do and he had no solution and the people around us were fine being squashed together we stood there for 90 minutes. My dads getting on a bit and was exhausted by the end of the match even if people stand around him sometimes he likes to have a break ever now and then by leaning back on the seat but this just wasn’t possible. T he ticket office is usually great (99.9%) but I was really annoyed by this because I’m sure when I first called it must have been obvious there was a problem, and the second time I called it must have been obvious again. Yet I went to the ground I paid for two seats and only got one. There is certainly a huge safety issue here and even more emphasised by the suggestions earlier of overcrowding in block 3 at Wigan where I was sitting (standing!). I have no idea what’s gone wrong here general but I paid for something it wasn’t delivered but even worse it was obviously sold to someone else and I was still led to believe I had a ticket. Really think this deserves your attention general.

Many Thanks


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General Krulak here:

1. I give up on this one. I have said, in as many ways that I can possibly say it, my thoughts on this issue. I have read pages on this topic...on this thread and 4 others. I have heard people say that this was a chance for Randy to "give something back to the season ticket holders"...that we were gouging the fans...etc. etc. As everyone on this site MUST ACKNOWLEDGE, when I think we have screwed up or not done the "right" thing, I am the first to say so and to apologize. This one has been taken way too far. If you as the Fans truly believe that Randy, the Board and the Club charged too much for the game...so be it. At the same time, what if the score had been 2-nil Villa and you had been there, in your seat, to see it? How much would you have paid to see it? We didn't go inot the game to lose...or to have 2 goals against in 10 minutes. We went into win...in a game between Aston Villa Football Club and Manchester United. It was an "A" game in every respect. If I sound a tad frustrated, I am. You have an owner who cares about the Club and the fans more than probably any owner in the Premiership and I find myself wading through pages on this issue. I have said my last on this one.


I disagree about this been taken way too far. It is a subject that people were passionate about when the pricing was announced for the game. You yourself when you first came that communication both good and bad must take place. On this occasion some of it is not good for you and I think the club has made a big error on the pricing for THIS game. I can acknowledge that Randy is great and that he cares but that doesn;t stop me having the right to criticize when I think things are wrong. If it does then I don;t buy into it.

And in case you were wondering I did go to the game.

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I suggest you don't make this the last one, we will hold in on this, if my aunt had a dick she would be my uncle, what if, what if, what if, bored and sick of hearing it, you got 33,000 at VP saturday because you deserved it, you could have sold it out, you chose not to, is that the fans fault? No, so lets learn from this together. The fans told you this would happen, you thought you knew better, turns out, the fans knew best. I feel over this issue you have tried to bulldoze us with rubbish that you don't beleive yourself. We will always be fans, but we will not be ripped off, simple as

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Another thing to add general,

a villa fan brought a man u fan to the game and sat behind me, I didn't notice until the second goal when he tried to quietly celebrate but I overheard, really pissed me off and wanted to give him a slap but didn't want to sink to his level, I gave both him and the villa fan a mouthful and they left. Their seat numbers were K3 row 26 seats 74 & 75 right behind where I sit every week, thought it was really disrespectful and possible inflammatory. Wasn’t so angry at the united fan but the villa fan, what a ridiculous place to bring an away supporter who can’t keep his mouth shut. I really think action should be taken.

Cheers chris

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Calm down, I killed people in Bosnia that I didn't want to kill, I saved the lives of kids who supported Man U, their parents and familiy were dead, what could I do? I was sworn to save death for the U.N, I was locked down, the kids we great (their parents were dead), kept myself alive 1st.............. nothing more I need to say

Q&A and comments for the General, only, please. Not arguments between posters. Thanks Blandy

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Guest Ricardomeister


A thought on the Blackburn game which is due to take place on the Wednesday evening, January 30th. Surely with both teams having been knocked out of the FA Cup, the game could and should be re-arranged for Saturday January 26th (or failing that then Saturday 16th February when the 5th round ties are due to be played).

Most fans would rather have the game on a Saturday 3pm for a change. It would make it easier for both sets of fans to attend and I bet the attendance would be at least 5,000 higher than if you leave the game on a freezing Wednesday in January. How about it?

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I have looked back at some of the posts i and other users have made and i would just like to credit yourself for the responses you have made. You have said it as it is but at the same time you can tell you look out for the welfare of both our club and us the fans.

Its just great to have someone who can communicate with the fans and will listen to what we have to say.

Keep up the good work.

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I feel your last response has accepted parts of what has been said, but not really understood what a lot of fans have said.

I do understand your points, but also, i feel that, without being disrespectful, you havent understood what the fans are saying here.

We understand how much the board has done in the past, and you have no idea how thankful we are for the things that have been done.

In the UK, Christmas is an expensive time, especially for people who have children. Unless part of the childs christmas present is going to the FA Cup game, which in being honest children want things they can unwrap, if you have a family of 4, after spending vast amounts for xmas, the average family of 4 is expected to pay 2 x £32, and 2 x £19, which works out at £102. That is a vast amount of money for somebody to spend after the christmas period, one of the most expensive times of the year.

A lot of my friends from london wanted to go to the game as well, but with £32 tickets, added to the travel, food and drinks, works out at over £70 per person just for 1 adult ticket. For an FA cup game at this time of year, is simply too much.

Its not the adult prices that many have an issue with, its the fact the child prices were £19. Even if the ticket prices were £25 for adults, and £10/£15 for children, you could have guaranteed a sell out.

I dont mean to come across like i am having a go at the board, they have been amazing to the fans since taking over, but after MON and the players saying how amazing the fans have been, especially this season, maybe we expected lower cup prices this season, like the league cup tickets have been.

Again, please dont think i am dis-respecting the board here, they, and yourself have been amazing to all, especially how you helped my brother at the start of the season.


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General, in a post on the main forum the fans relationship with the club has been likened to a relationship between a man and a woman and even in the most trusting relationships there will be the odd disagreement but this happens in even in the most successful relationships. I'm sure this blow over and we can continue to enjoy the successful future of Aston Villa.

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Post edited. Q&A and comments for the General, only, please. Not disagreements between posters. Thanks

general K this is for you, and i would like to apologise for some of the comments made to you, everything you and randy have done for us is ever appreciated and im just glad your on our side kid :)

if you read this, thank you.


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Maybe the price was to high, I am too a season ticket holder and I couldnt afford to go on Saturday either.

General, I think you may realise people are venting their frustration from the constant Man Utd defeats onto the club. It is becoming frustrating for all involved!

Still, yourself, Randy Lerner, MO'N and Co., are doing a massively good job and Villa are starting to earn some great respect, keep it up and don't let the odd fan make you feel negative.


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General I want a brick at VP, how do I get one done? how much is it? also I remember as a kid that people could sponsor their favourite player for say £250 a year and have their name as sponsor of the player in the programmes; I just realised I buy them and never read them, i just like collecting from games I see. Do villa do such a thing? if so how much is it to sponsor someone?

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OK can we have a stop to the discussion about pricing for a game that has gone, the club are aware of the issues caused and we are extremely lucky to have The General come on here and put the club's position so succinctly, thanks

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One last little thing before I go onto something else. I am not going to apologise for my posts as, unlike some, I believe I put my side over atriculately, and did not criticise over Saturday - more suggest for future (and please read back if have read it wrongly) - so, speaking for myself only, do not take it as a criticism.

Onto my main post, there are lots of rumours regarding stadium redevelopment , including things you have answered.

Can you clarify the situation regarding the Olympics. From what I heard - to be an Olympic venue (of which we are) our stadium needs to hold 50k minimum - is that wrong ?. If it is right then we all at least know that it will be taking place within the next 3 or so years. Also, you did mention plans are either in place / or being drawn up.

Is one of them plans incorporating a safe standing area - I only ask because the subject has been raised again this week with both Man U commenting, and Bayern Munich ripping out the seats in their brand new stadium and replacing them with terraces.

Therefore, just on the off chance that the government does give the go-ahead - are one of the plans covering this.


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I know alot has been mentioned here before about the song for the players to come out to, which I think the current one does the job just fine.

What I do suggest though is that we play the traditional fanfare as the players are emerging from the tunnel then the song afterwards.

My biggest memory from when I was a child was seeing the players run onto the pitch as fanfare was played.

Im sure this has been suggested before and perhaps theres a reason we do not do this anymore, just thought I'd mention it as its something Ive been bothered nby this season.

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Amidst the issue over ticketing and your possible feeling that some fans are not respectful of what you and Randy are doing for the Club, I'd just like to say that I'm sure the frustration of what people feel with regard to the ticket prices is not a fair reflection over how they feel about what you've done for the club.

It is clear that the club is heading back to where it should be, right at the top of English football, and this would not have been possible without the work you, Randy and the rest of the Board are doing.

I have a season ticket myself and didn't go to the Manchester United game as a result of the pricing so close to Christmas. Yes, it is frustrating to see prices this high so close to Christmas, but looking at the wider picture, putting this into perspective along with the vast amount of positive things that have been done for the Club since Randy took over it is clear to see that one should not get too annoyed over the issue.

Maybe it is something that could be looked into in the future, but overall I'd just like to give you the thumbs up and hope you and Randy continue the fantastic work you've done for the club. Please don't let a single disagreement over one issue let you look at the fans in a different way, particularly the guys who post on the forum. At the end of the day we all want the same thing, SUCCESS! :winkold:

It does NOT go unnoticed, I assure you.

Kind regards,


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