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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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General Krulak here:

1. Randy was not at the meeting. I cannot speak for Randy but I do know that his feelings re. the Browns playing away from Cleveland...when not tied to NFL...is that he wants the Cleveland Browns to play in front of the Cleveland Browns fans in Cleveland...as much and as often as possible.

2. Not sure about a ceremony for Gareth Barry but I am sure the Squad is planning something.

3. ianrobo1...I am not really sure what your question is.

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Well for NFL they should change from 16 weeks season to 17 weeks and one game can be used for international match anywhere in the world. So we can host Cleveland Browns V Washington Redskins for example. So that way we can watch American football and encourage the fans to have a holiday. They don't have European football competition in NFL.

For Premier League we could have have 39 games season and one can be played anywhere in the world. But is it worth the hassle for Aston Villa play Everton in Colombus Crew Stadium for oversea PL match. Will the oversea fans be interested in Wigan V Middlesbrough match hosted in Stockholm for example.

Michael and others - PLEASE stick to the guidelines for this thread - comments and Q&A for the General, NOT unrelated discussions. Thank you. Blandy

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General Krulak here:

1. Randy was not at the meeting. I cannot speak for Randy but I do know that his feelings re. the Browns playing away from Cleveland...when not tied to NFL...is that he wants the Cleveland Browns to play in front of the Cleveland Browns fans in Cleveland...as much and as often as possible.

2. Not sure about a ceremony for Gareth Barry but I am sure the Squad is planning something.

3. ianrobo1...I am not really sure what your question is.

General on these points

1) I read the history of the Browns and what happened to them was it under Paul Brown was a total disgrace if there is one owner I expect not to play home games in either code away frmo home then it is Randy. However after Magnusson's comments it is inevitable that Randy will be linked with this, that is how the press work, it is easy to add one and one to make 5

2) I have to say football existed before the PL

3) Basically General I would like an article on the work done on the youth side, explaining in depth what goes on, how the talent spotting works both at home and abroad and future plans for expansion


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I am a smoker myself, I can confirm there are still problems with people smoking at Villa Park. Personally I won't once I'm in the stadium but smelling it makes it harder. I take nicotine replacements to the game, called my football fags. However being a Villa fan, things can get stressfull from time to time. I went to watch Worcester Warriors vs Ospreys Rugby match today and there was an area (just outside the stadium) where fans could go to smoke. Are there any plans going forward that will afford the smokers among us to go and have a smoke?

As a season ticket holder at the back of the Holte and a supporter for over 30 years, I'd also like to say good job, I like that you come on these boards, I like what the Manager and the Board are trying to do, long may it continue. Might take some time but I'm confident the good times are coming back.



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General Krulak here:

1. Back not helped by today. Before anyone else says it, this was a game we should have won. These are the ones where we just need to pour it on and never let up. As it was, the first half was not what we wanted or needed. This coming weekend we need to get back into the winning ways...get 3 points and keep going. One point beats none...but three is what we all wanted.

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Enjoyed the spectacle that was Villa V Bolton in the new Holte Pub & I must say you've done a wonderful job renovating a building that very much symbolises our recent resurgence. However I get the feeling that the screening of games wasn't at the forefront of people’s minds. Everybody near the front of the room left with a crick in their necks from craning their heads to watch the relatively small TV's (They do look bigger when they're in Dixon’s).

A couple of daylight projectors / screens would be such a vast improvement at such a small cost. The projectors would be unobtrusive and the screens would retract when not in use so as not to spoil the look.

P.S. I hate being picky.

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Hi General,

Just had a conversation with my dad and he was telling me about when he went to see Bruce Springsteen at Villa Park back in 1988 and was just wondering if its still in your plans to use Villa Park for live music and such and if so can you give us a flavour of the kinds of acts that you've been in contact with or looking to book etc.

would be great to see some live acts back at the villa again!

Thank You For You Time.


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General, more of a point to ponder rather than a question.

There is one thing i just dont get, and nor do 40,000 other villa fans ....Why have we gone into a season without a right side, both a genuine Right back and a right midfielder? It is brutally painful to watch other teams exploit us game in game out down that side of the pitch. We have a billionaire owner and probably the best owner in the league, yet we are the only team having to play players out of position to compensate for our lack of action in the transfer window. Take today at Bolton, we have probably the best young left midfielder in the country.......pushed onto the right. We have a strong central defensive partnership in Mellberg and Laursen......Mellberg pushed out to the right.

Now whilst im sure i will be told i dont know as much as MON about tactics, it is so painfully obvious he has dropped a bollock. I really love the guy and really think Villa are going places, but his errors in the transfer market will cost us again for another season. Villa will finish 10th this season whether you planned for it or not.

Im sorry to moan, but having paid out all of £50 to get to Bolton today, i just have to comment on what was a very average villa performance tactically. Something just needs to happen.....Yes we will have a right back in January but its too late!! we will have sacrificed 3 league positions in doing so!

Heartfelt I'm sure, but please understand that in this thread, as has been re-iterated many times, General Krulak has said that he'll talk to us about all kinds of stuff, but at Villa the manager does the playing side of things, not the board. Please respect that. Thanks. Blandy

Saying all of this....ill be there next week against derby and the weekend after against the Blues. It just breaks my heart to see good players playing out of position and thusly effecting what they can do on the pitch. Villa need to spend in January.....Did the Browns go into the new season without a quarterback? Im guessing the answer is no......

Thankyou for your time.


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Hi General. Sorry to hear about your bad back - hope it gets better soon. Anyway, not sure if this may have been mentioned before but it is an ongoing "bit of a gripe"of mine and quite a few others. When travelling to away games with the official coaches, all travellers start from Villa Park. How is it then that on the way back, we ALWAYS end up having to go past Villa Park, with a coach full of people into the City Centre to drop at most 6 passengers off in the City - this is the same for most coaches I think. How is it that they can start from VP but not get back from there. Now, don't get me wrong General, I have no objection really to taking them back into the City Centre but why can't we drop the majority back at VP first and then take the people into the City ? Or maybe, as someone else said today, take all the coaches back to VP and have one of them go back into the City Centre - then people could get off the coaches at VP and continue their onward journey home and those who need to get into the City could all jump on to the one coach and be taken into the City. I know it's just minor niggle really but when you've had a long journey back, it's just so irritating that the majority have to go into Town to drop off a few and then back to VP.

Maybe the extra coach back into the City after dropping off at VP could be an idea?

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Hi General,

Anynews on the Juan Pablo Angel apreciation day that i know so many fans want? Would be a guaranteed sell out that day, as none of us got to say bye to him in the way he deserved.

Also, an idea to make good us f the Villa/Browns connection, would be a kind of VIP day if a villa fan was to go watch a browns game in the future or something like that?

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General regarding your back, I hope the physios at the club have been working on you, setting up a regeme in the motion pool at Bodymoor etc because as an integral part of the Villa setup we need you back on your feet and raring to go. What's an army of fans without it's leader?

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1. Think what you have said about Bolton is absolutely spot on - none of this politically correct "all games are hard games" - we should have won and didn't, however, an away point isn't the end of the world and is what we got last season. lets face it, Bolton (although poor at moment), are still the Bolton who qualified for Europe so we shouldn't forget that. But great to see you tell it how it is !!

2. Re a little jokey comment from about 3 pages back which may be a good suggestion. Someone joked about giving him holte pub tickets for his birthday. Although nowt could be guarenteed (as 20k of the 24k STs could all have their birthday in September for all I know) maybe thats a suggestion. If possible people with birthdays around that time get priority - would be a nice little pressie !!!.

4. On that note - a little thing thats meant so much. My 2 kids share a a ST. Its in my daughters name but she comes one game, my son the next (although I can see them both wanting one next year). My daughters birthday was last week and she was chuffed to bits when a birthday card from martin O'Neill dropped on our doorstep. Thank the club for this - just these little things that are appreciated.

(and on that note - as I say , my son also comes but his name isn't on the ticket so come February - he won't receive one - any idea who I could contact to ask if one could be sent.)

All the best.

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General Krulak here:

1. TV's at Holte Inn....let me look into that one. I agree, they should be top quality in such a top quality location.

2. VIIIAFC: You pose a series of questions that I am honestly not qualified to answer...because I don't have insight into MON's mind. I can tell you what I personally think. I believe MON, more than anyone, knows what we need for our Squad. I think he knew what we needed before the latest transfer window. I think he evaluated our needs AND the availability of players and chose who he chose. To believe that our Manager walks the sidelines and is satisfied by all he sees...or that he is not aware of the requirements of AVFC is, in my opinion, wrong. Likewise, I do not think he puts a Squad out on the Pitch to experiment nor does he adopt tactics that he doesn't feel comfortable with and believe will be successful. I know Martin personally....he is a superb leader, an EXTREMELY hard worker, a huge motivator, and is extremely well-liked by his players. I honestly believe that we are on the way up...not down...not sideways...but up. We have a good, young, squad. We have a talented reserve team and a strong youth program. We have an owner that TOTALLY supports his Manager and his Club. We are going to be fine.

3. HEV: You make some good points and I will pass them on.

4. Paulanddonya. We will take care of your son....make SURE you give me 3 weeks before his B-day and then let me know.

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Your response made me think a little! my comments were slightly rash and a little nieve. I do honestly believe MON is the right man for the job and i know that in January or the summer we will continue to improve! I must not get carried away with my emotions next time on this board!

Thanks for your response and keep up the good work. UPTHEVILLA!

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morning general

have you any idea how the tickets are going for the derby game will it be a sell out?keep up the good work that you and the rest of the villa board are doing,now and again you will get someone having a moan and groan but deep down they know how great it is to have you and randy in charge

villa till i die


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