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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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General Krulak here:

3. I will have to check into the issue raised by paulanddonya. My sense is that shirts are restricted because we have seen where people who are in the boxes come wearing the away kit. But let me look into this.

Just have a dress code that states "smart casual dress and/or Aston Villa related clothing only" after all, it is Villa Park! I am sure the "guests" are smart enough to realise this (unless they are sha fans)

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General ,

Can you please pass some thanks onto Craig Simmonds and Phil Moore at Business Villa who have arranged for all the lounges / box holders to keep the lounges open till 11pm on Sat night for those wanting to see the rugby and laid on free curry . Now trust me with the revenue they will get from the beer ( THERE ARE FITY OF US ) it will more than pay for itself .

Lee Preece has contacted me regarding the free parking and will be meeting him upon his return from holiday .

Any news on the giant flags ?

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RIP to John Cullen. 24 years old villa fan who drowned in Thailand recently in a flash flood while cave exploring. His girlfriend was the only survivor of 12 people who went in. John died as he left his girlfriend on a ledge while he tried to go and get help.

Was mates with him at School and he will be sorely missed by many. A funny and genuine bloke and a Villa fan through and through...


That would be unfair on the other Villa fans who have died in Iraq or other heroic acts.

I agree with that. Perhaps an article in the match programme would be better serving for events such as these.

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RIP to John Cullen. 24 years old villa fan who drowned in Thailand recently in a flash flood while cave exploring. His girlfriend was the only survivor of 12 people who went in. John died as he left his girlfriend on a ledge while he tried to go and get help.

Was mates with him at School and he will be sorely missed by many. A funny and genuine bloke and a Villa fan through and through...


That would be unfair on the other Villa fans who have died in Iraq or other heroic acts.

I agree with that. Perhaps an article in the match programme would be better serving for events such as these.

I agree too, its a tragedy but we will be having minutes silences every game for every villa fan who dies if we have one now

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In reply to the minute silence and maybe a suggestion for the general.

I agree that a minute silence for one fan is a silly precedent as the floodgates will open.

However, one suggestion is having one date per year, whereby a minutes silence is done for all people connected to the Villa - club officials or fans that have departed. (last game of the calender year would seem the most appropriate)

The names could be displayed on the baords / new advertising hoardings at the time the silence is being observed.

Just a thought - over to you Gen.

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However, one suggestion is having one date per year, whereby a minutes silence is done for all people connected to the Villa - club officials or fans that have departed. (last game of the calender year would seem the most appropriate)

This is something I believe either Everton or Man City do, and was going to make a similar suggestion to the General about it. Last home game, the programme has a list of all former staff who have passed away in the past year and a minute silence/applause/whatever to say thankyou.

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i visited the new shop in town yesderday for the first time, as i havent been to the city centre for quite a long time, looking good by the way!

anyway, my mate who i was with said that the club is now thinking about closing the shop as its not making enough money, can you shine any light on this please?

cheerz ta very mooch!

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General Krulak here:

1. Minute of silence...I like the idea of doing this once a season...near the end or at beginning. Doing it once a game would open the flood gates.

2. New web site is now due to go live on 1 November, 2007.

3. New membership scheme. Let me check on the status and get back to you.

4. Graig and Phil...I will pass on your thanks for thewir efforts. You are right, they are great lads.

5. Centre City ship...it will remain open.

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General ,

Seeing as the Portsmouth and Blackburn home games are not big crowd pullers and coupled with there respective kick off times are the club looking at some special ticket prices to avoid 10000 empty seats for both games ?

As aseason ticket holder i would rather have kids in for a quid than any empty seats .

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General, the Pompey game has been moved to a 1245 Sat KO, the worse of them all.

Now they won;'t bring that many and with it being close to xmas we could see a low crod (for this season !!) of around 33k and 10k unsold seats

Can I suggest an idea ?

As it xmas can I suggest a special family offer

for any season ticket holder they can bring a kid down to VP for a £1 and another adult family member for £10

Already asked, General has passed this idea on to Nicky in the ticket office

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hello general k, dont normally post a great deal on here, firstly its fantastic to finally have an owner worthy of owning such a great club, randy lerner is great and although he seems pretty shy and unassuming, we adore him already!

basically, was just wondering what you've enjoyed most about being affiliated with Aston Villa, and was just wondering which of our players are you particulary fond of atm?

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Hi General

According to the official site, Seat Exchange was set to go live today, however the Seat Exhange website doesn't seem to provide the facility to register our seats for sale yet. Do you have any idea what the hold up is and when it will be operational? A user guide to the Seat Exchange website may also be useful as some of the content seems to lack a bit of clarity.

Many thanks


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General Krulak here:

1. The new web site is bespoke...and that has caused the delay in bringing it on. TrentVilla: not sure what is wrong with the link to the club shop...I will alert our folks that we have a problem.

2. We do not want our lads to play in front of empty seats so Nicky Keye and her team are looking at ways to bring in new fans, youth, students, etc. etc.

3. My greatest enjoyment being associated with Villa is the Fans...a remarkable group who are dedicated to their Team but who don't mind giving a bit of stick when things aren't going good. Still, at the end of the day, they are claret and blue...thru and thru. I don't want to pick out a favourite player...would not be a good thing for a Director to do.

4. I was going to be over for the game but, as some know, I am trying to get over a back problem that I have had since my second tour in VietNam. It acts up every few years and it is giving me fits now. Randy is over...but I wasn't able to join him.

5. I hope you all have had a chance to read Randy's interview with the media....it tells alot about the man.

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Thanks for the kind words on the fans and I hope your back is better soon. (I hope Randy's is now better as well.) The club went years without a backbone and we'll need you two to look after yours!

On being a supporter, how has your time here changed the way you are as a fan?

Do you feel differently at games now to when you first started to attend?


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yet again General Randy has shown with his statement over England that he has a great partnership with MON

However I see Martin as our manager for many years yet, he has a plan to succeed with Randy's and everyone's help

the stuff Randy did was nothing less than I expect from him, no great fanfare, but quiet and unassuming, I love it !!!

Just a question I hope (back pertaining) you will be at the Blooz game with Randy. Whatever the result I hope you can make it to the Holte pub after the game, I am sure the both of you will get a great reception !!!

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Hello General

My first time posting on this thread as I am an Aussie Villa fan and, well, haven't really had anything to ask you until now.

Have you heard anything about a delegation from the Carlton Australian Rules Football club over the past week or so? I understand the head coach Brett Ratten and a few senior managers were doing a tour of Man U, Villa and AC Milan over the past few weeks to develop ideas for pushing the club forward.

I am a very big Carlton fan - see my avatar <<<<------- and would be interested to know if and when they have been, and the sorts of things that they were interested in at BH and VP.

Carlton (nicknamed the Blues - but strictly NAVY blue mind) are the most successful club in the Australian Football League having won the title a record 17 times, but in recent years, much like Villa, we have fallen on pretty lean times due to poor performance both on and off the field. In the past 12 months or so, however, one of Australia's richest men (Richard Pratt of Visy Cardboard) has taken over the club with very stunning off field results - again not unlike Villa - and we have recently captured the signature of Chris Judd, the League's best player, to go with a very talented list of hungry young future stars - so hopefully they will be on the way up again on the field too (other Aussie Villa fans on this board probably disagree vehemently!).

Anyway, I was just curious to know what they might get up to when/if at Villa, if you'd be at liberty to tell.

Oh, and if MON has a chance to meet them he might be interested in a young Irish bloke called Setanta O'hAilpin who was recruited from Cork in the GAA (Gaelic football) who is going to be an absolutely incredible player for Carlton. I understand MON once played Gaelic himself so it might be something he and Brett have in common to chat about.

Thanks General - and I just wanted to say you do a brilliant job on these boards. I am a mod on a Carlton board just like this one and to be honest, I doubt very much if any representative of the club would be game enough to set up camp there.

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