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I recently made a Bundesliga silver team in 3-5-2 after a recommendation from a mate. I don't think I'd use it for my main squad but it's definitely got it's advantages over my normal 4-4-2.

Got a FUT tournament tomorrow night, me and 6 mates putting £15 in each and playing each other twice, luckily going to have 4 TVs so we can have 2 games on simultaneously otherwise we'd be there all weekend :D We did the same last year and I won the tournament plus top goal scorer and won £90 :) unfortunately I'm shit this year so predict a less satisfying result.

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apart from my villa silver team and a US National side, i only use 3-4-1-2. You can get caught out in wide positions but i've been solving this by having a LB or RB playing on one side of midfield, usually have higher defensive tendency's than most wingers and doesn't really effect chemistry.

I've got Balzeretti at LM in my Serie A team and Felipe at LM in my BBVA team.

Yeah, that's something else I realised and didn't add into my post. In my Serie A team, I have Cuadrado on the right - who isn't particularly defensive but has decent tackling stats, medium defensive work rate, good pace and stamina too. I have Zuniga on the left, who has high defensive work rate, and is quick, has good stamina and strong tackling stats.

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Just won the online gold cup with my Premier League Team :)

Team is 4-3-3

GK: Howard

DF: Glen Johnson, M'Bia, Vertonghen and Jose Enrique

MD: Gerrard, Tiote, Santi Cazorla

FW: Ben Arfa, Torres and Gervinho

To be honest I hit people with the pace of Gervinho and Ben Arfa on the counter, with Gerrard and Torres slamming shots in from 20 yards +

I also have Adam Johnson coming off the bench who is rapid, Adebayor who's a good, cheap target man and Frank Lampard whose set pieces alone can win you games.

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Just curious, does everyone build squads or just a first 11?

My bench is never synchronised with my starting 11, although it leaves me short cause I never have impact players on the bench.

My starting 11 will be a Serie A line up, while my

Bench is a Ligue1 eleven. I'll then rotate which side I use each game, they constantly have full fitness this way.

I've always done this. Currently have:


BBVA/Liga Portugal

AVFC/US National team.

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I've not tested out the Tevez - Gerrard - Suarez three yet but will report back. As a formation I've been happy with 4-2-3-1. Ideally I'd like two strikers but this gives me a solid midfield and I'm hoping having what are effectively strikers as the CAMs will give me width, cover and more goalscoring potential. Here's hoping!

Currently using this formation with my Villa side, I have Holman and Weimann as my AM and they tend to be getting lost doing a lot of covering and tracking back, while my main support for Benteke seems to be Ireland at CF.

I'm really I'm two minds about this formation, seems to be my best chance of success with Villa but is quite limiting in it setup.

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Just curious, does everyone build squads or just a first 11?

My bench is never synchronised with my starting 11, although it leaves me short cause I never have impact players on the bench.

My starting 11 will be a Serie A line up, while my

Bench is a Ligue1 eleven. I'll then rotate which side I use each game, they constantly have full fitness this way.

I've always done this. Currently have:


BBVA/Liga Portugal

AVFC/US National team.

I build a full squad, generally I'll have a main squad and a lesser strength squad for when my main squad get to about 90 fitness. They're all the same league so that I have the option of bringing someone on and not impacting on my chemistry. I normally play league games with my main squad and tournament games with my reserve squad. Some of my mates prefer to buy squad fitness cards, but overall it costs alot more to do it that way.

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Finally played my first online match because I always get a pop up saying opponent disconnected whenever I tried previously. Played the game then went to improve my ultimate team. Come back 20 minutes later and then the same error keep popping up. I sat there for at least 10 minutes trying to find a match but no every time it would say opponent discounted.

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Anyone who plays in the online league system? Or is it all about Ultimate team?

I've just played the league 1vs1 system so far. Got fifa 2 weeks back. Been working my way up to 4th divison, promotion each season(30-10-15).

I manage to dominate most games. I pass the ball around quite a lot. 90% of the goals I score are thru the middle within the big box(whats it called in english?).

The only guys I'm having a problem with are the ones who's doing nothing but high thruballs to quick players. It's starting to get anoying loosing out on a game you've completley dominated. I've tried to adapt my game to defend against it, with little success. Even when I adjust the tactics to ultra defensive(which helps), the back line pushes up for too high whenever I play possesion in my opponents final 3. I also try to pull one of my centre halfs deeper down whenever I can see a midfielder loading up for high thru ball, it's succsessfull to some extent, but If I'm hit on the counter quickly it's allready to late.

It's annoys me to loose to what feels like weakness in the game itself rather then a guy who's playing much betther football then you. Don't get me wrong, I use the high thruball myself, but comon everytime they get the ball?

Rant over. So anyone got any tips against this? Maybe It's me who's bad at defending, and yes I need to get far more clincal in front of goal.

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Lost a bit of motivation for this game after winning Div1 with clubs, it was a bit of a slog to get it done in the end! Played 350 games in total including FUT and seasons so i'll give it a rest for a while.

Thankfully payday on Tuesday so I'll get a new game. Not liking the COD reviews so I might head straight for Assassins Creed or Halo or both!

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What's the deal with playing as other people's Virtual Pros in Drop-in matches? Is it that if someone has a Pro in the same position as you and decides to play as the Any, their Pro immediately becomes the Pro in that position? It's really shit and I'm sick of having to play as other people's Pros, it's really annoying.

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