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General Next Manager Topic?? (everything other than Lambert)


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Martinez would be a clear declaration of our intent to challenge upwards again.

A chance to rub Whelan's nose in it to boot.....thanking him for finally letting Martinez finally leave for a top club.

A manager who might get N'Zogbia beleiving he can actually play football again as well!

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Well obviously AVB would be the best choice but.... quite unrealistic.

So.. now i'm not dreaming, i'd like Lambert, Martinez or Hoddle.

Though, i'm unsure on Clarke and Di Matteo. But would welcome either of them.

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if we still talking about the promising academy kids - then the gravity of the situation hasn't been grasped imo

Well from my perspective it's entirely the point to be grasped....

we need a squad of seniors who compliment the talent we have coming through....players who lead by example and help & nurture them and who have the interests of Aston Villa FC short term & long term.

Players like Stilian Petrov....who care.

Instead of having any players remaining who are just a bad influence on the youngsters and couldn't care a hoot about anyone but themselves.

Weve won that reserve league 4 years running. Yet no one has stepped up to be a top performer in the PL. If new manager can build a team based around Bannan, Albrighton, Herd,Baker Weinman - we will have one hell of a manager on our hands.

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why is everyone mentioning Rafa and Martinez? Didnt they turn us down already last year, when the club was in a better state?

Rafa legged it when he heard what Lerner had to say to him about the future.

why would they change their mind now?

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I'm quite convinced Martinez would be an unholy disaster of an appointment.


Well as Trent noted he'd be an improvement on McLeish, but we could erect a scarecrow in the dugout and see a marked improvement so it's not saying much.

The problem with Martinez is he places style over everything. He forces his teams to play in a manner he deems appropriate even when it risks the clubs survival. Lets not forget that, despite their admittedly remarkable resurgence at the end of this season, they were shit for much of it, and they've been shit for much of his reign. And it a lot of comes down to the fact he insists on this style of football that rarely works for them. He's gotten away with it, just about, thus far, but I'm sure Wigan fans would prefer not to snatch survival from the jaws of relegation year on year and I'm convinced they would be more... comfortable if they were managed by someone with a bit of pragmatism.

He's also bought a load of rubbish in his time.

I don't think we have the players to make the most of his game style, and I think we'd be awful under him as he insisted on a style of football unsuitable for our situation. Given that we're also arguably in a rather fragile position right now (weak squad, lots of work needing doing and, you can assume, not a whole lot to fix it with), I wouldn't want to gamble on him. I think he'd have us lose and lose a lot.

No... no thanks to Martinez. I said as much last year, and I think the same now, now amount of miracle turn arounds makes me ignore the fact that his Wigan have been terrible much, much more often than not. And a lot of that is his fault - it's possible to make teams out-perform themselves, O'Neill made his career off it, but it requires simplicity and playing to the strengths you have. Martinez insists his teams play in the manner he wants, not what fits it.

Lambert is a better fit for our team imo. We have a team that doesn't suit itself to 'technical' football, a holdover from O'Neill, and Lambert can make use of that and build on it imo.

You really are underestimating our players and Martinez. Wigan and for that matter Swansea don’t have better squads than us. They play a simple style of possession football that our players are capable of adapting to.

These teams are not some form of English Barcelona. I suggest you watch a few of Wigan and Swansea’s games. Their players are average premiership players (at best). All they have proven is that you can play nice, neat possession football in the Premiership and get by with a squad of average players. Out squad is superior and our finances are much superior. There is no reason to believe Martinez would not be a success here.

Can I wade in on this?

I don't think anyone said our players weren't capable ofthis. In fact, I think any decent professional footballer can be trained to play at least MORE of a passing game than we play.

But the sticking point isn't ability, it's time.

Rodgers hasn't turned Swansea into that team over night. The groundwork for Swansea playing that well has been in place since Martinez was there himself.

At Wigan, sure they play nice football sometimes, but they're absoloutely dross sometimes too. So he still hasn't got the style bedded in there, and he's been there for how long now?

I know it's hard when you're losing your best players all the time, but that will happen here too.

I would LOVE someone to get us playing like Swansea and shooting up the table.

But there is a huge gap between what we play now and the way swansea play. And you can't bridge that gap just like that.

We cannot afford to take a step back. We can't even afford to stand still. We don't have that luxury.

We need someone who can come in and make a difference straight away. That might not sounds like what we all want, but I really think it's what we all need.

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From the sound of what Dan Pallet said - the new manager has been identified - which is positive news, even if only for the reason that club have given up on the drawn out 'interview' style process. I believe and hope that no one will publicly decline villa this time.

I could be totally wrong - but i get the impression that Mcleish was a Faulkner appointment - but this time Randy is taking charge. Lets hope he's learnt from the last 2 ...............by the law of averages we must get one right !

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why is everyone mentioning Rafa and Martinez? Didnt they turn us down already last year, when the club was in a better state?

Rafa legged it when he heard what Lerner had to say to him about the future.

why would they change their mind now?

Not sure if this is true but apparently Martinez was only invited to an interview, so it's not like he was offered the job there and then and turned us down.

Anyway, I actually think we're in a better position now - a lot of the deadwood is gone, Randy *might* be investing again and anyone that follows McLeish will get a lot of patience I expect.

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why is everyone mentioning Rafa and Martinez? Didnt they turn us down already last year, when the club was in a better state?

Rafa legged it when he heard what Lerner had to say to him about the future.

why would they change their mind now?

I think many, including me, are hoping that after this season of discontent and cost cutting then the subsequent immediate firing of McLeish after the end of the season, we are ready for reinvestment from Randy. That should attract more appealing managers.

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Somebody who can set the team up to play exciting, passing football, with a minimum of 12 home wins and a maximum of 2 home defeats in a season.(away form of no interest to me as I don't travel away)

After the complete direness of McLeish I know that many are seduced by the idea of a return to the relative excitement, but nevertheless mediocrity of the previous years, but I pray that the club looks beyond that, and brings quality football to VP once again.

As to who, I don't care. It is the product that I pay to watch that interests me.

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I think the only logical thing to do is look at some of the successful managers in the PL.

Arsene Wenger - Arsenal

Roberto Mancini - Manchester City

Andre Villas-Boas - Aston Villa

It's simple, hire a manager that has a similar name to the club and he'll be successful! ;)

haha okay joking aside, AVB has got a lot to prove, to redeem himself in the PL. He's young, ambitious, proven in Europe. I say we try our hardest to sign him up.

Lambert I don't really care for, good on him for keeping Norwich in the PL but that's hardly the ambition we want. I want more than a season in the PL kinda manager.

Lerner, get AVB!

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I reckon it could be someone completely out of left field. Both Houllier and McLeish took us by surprise.

I completely disagree. I think it's going to be a popular choice. That way they can cover themselves if things go sour again.

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I don't really care who is manager as long as there known for playing attractive football and can get the best out of the players. I don't think you can deny Martinez fits that bill, what he has done with wigan the last three seasons if nothing short of brilliant, arguably the worst squad in the prem and to keep them up,

I just want to go to villa park and fell we played well and kept me on edge of me seat, I don't mind a loss as long as I fell we worked hard and had a go, I NEVER want to see us go to a team and try shut up shop defend for 90 minutes, if we lose but put up a fight I'm happy,

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I reckon it could be someone completely out of left field. Both Houllier and McLeish took us by surprise.

I completely disagree. I think it's going to be a popular choice. That way they can cover themselves if things go sour again.

I think it'll be both. The new manager could be both popular and out of left field. Take Moyes for example. Now I'm not saying we will get him but if we did that would be quite unexpected but also immensely popular.
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