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He should be sacked alone for smiling and laughing whilst we are 2-0 down.

Ginger prick.

You don't have a context for the smiling the camera simply cut to him. Big deal or would you rather over analyse his facial expressions for 90 minutes?

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Players getting pissed off at eachother on top of everything else. Commentators reckoned Zog was ranting at Bannan for not moving, but I reckon at least half of it was directed at Hutton for passing to him twice when he had 3 players on him.

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The body language says it all

yeah, the group as a whole has problems i reckon, not much team spirit going around. fonz and alby are running themselves into the ground but there's more than a few which look like they couldn't give a monkeys

I have no doubt McLeish has a lot to answer for being unable to organise or motivate the players, however Houllier identified wholesale changes were needed to the team last season and I think he is right. A lot of this bunch aren't concerned as long as they pick up their pay packet.

Problem is, certain players kicked up a stink.

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I lose interest more and more each week watching us.

I'm so glad I didn't waste my money renewing my ST this season, I spent the money instead on a lovely new 47" tv.

Wise decision.

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When a team comes so close to achieving its goal of CL football like we had unde er MON, isnt that suppose to make a goal orientated owner crave it all the more. How on earth has he sat back and watched the demise of the club like he has. I would never of thought wed be this bad with such a poor squad jus a year and a half down the line.

**** mccleish, how was he ever gonna be a good appointment. Get mark hughes in while hes still available to sort this utter mess out!!

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