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Gym Routine


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Hows about this for a controversial bit of advice - If you're looking to put on muscle mass avoid cardio like the plague. Well I say that but 5 minutes at the end is a necessary evil, plus it will help get the blood pumping to aid repair. 


Bulk up then strip down, it can't be done the other way around. 




If your goal is purely to add muscle then you don't NEED any cardio.


I don't think 20 minutes of cardio at the end hurts. Helps to keep off the excess fat from the extra food that you will (SHOULD) be eating. But I certainly wouldn't be going overboard with it. 



I reckon the amount of cardio you can do at the end is mostly dependent on the workout you've just had. Or how you feel afterwards.


Listen to your body. 

Edited by dont_do_it_doug.
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I'm doing the 5x5 stronglift routine. Anyone else tried it out?

Work out 3 times a week. Monay, Wednesday and Friday. Resting Saturday and Sunday.
Swapping between setup A and B. So A,B,A the first week and B,A,B the second week, and so on. Add 2.5KG(5kg on deadlift) to each exercise each week untill it says stop :)
Works like a charm for me.

A :

Squat 5x5

Benchpress: 5x5

Barbell Rows: 5x5


Squat 5x5
Barbell Shoulderpress 5x5

Deadlift: 1x5

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Hows about this for a controversial bit of advice - If you're looking to put on muscle mass avoid cardio like the plague. Well I say that but 5 minutes at the end is a necessary evil, plus it will help get the blood pumping to aid repair. 


Bulk up then strip down, it can't be done the other way around. 


Nothing controversial there at all.


Cardio is the enemy when it comes to bulking.


You'll never see an endurance athlete with sizeable muscle mass, cardio eats muscle.

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I'm doing the 5x5 stronglift routine. Anyone else tried it out?

Work out 3 times a week. Monay, Wednesday and Friday. Resting Saturday and Sunday.

Swapping between setup A and B. So A,B,A the first week and B,A,B the second week, and so on. Add 2.5KG(5kg on deadlift) to each exercise each week untill it says stop :)

Works like a charm for me.


In regards to Stronglifts, are you supposed to do other exercises in-between/before/after each lift during that session/week?

Surely if you're only doing 3 exercises per session, you're only gonna be in the gym for about 20 mins?


I've been wondering about this for a little while now.

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I assume there are accessory lifts on Stronglifts?


That's how it is on MAdcow (another 5x5 variant). You have the 3 main compound lifts per session, and then 2 or 3 accessories like curls or pull ups or Good Mornings etc.


You don't need to be in the gym for hours. I'm seldom in the gym (purely lifting anyway) for more than an hour.

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I'm doing the 5x5 stronglift routine. Anyone else tried it out?

Work out 3 times a week. Monay, Wednesday and Friday. Resting Saturday and Sunday.

Swapping between setup A and B. So A,B,A the first week and B,A,B the second week, and so on. Add 2.5KG(5kg on deadlift) to each exercise each week untill it says stop :)

Works like a charm for me.


In regards to Stronglifts, are you supposed to do other exercises in-between/before/after each lift during that session/week?

Surely if you're only doing 3 exercises per session, you're only gonna be in the gym for about 20 mins?


I've been wondering about this for a little while now.



You can, but you really don't need to.


The program is focused around compound lifts, they'll work out all the key muscle groups. You don't need to start isolating muscles until you have weak points. If you're starting out your entire body is a weak point so it's kind of pointless to start targeting specific areas.


If you're at the level where you need to do more than the lifts in a classic 5x5 then you're already past the point where you get the most benefit from it and will have likely moved on to a different program anyway. The rule generally is if you have to ask if you need to do accessory lifts, you don't need to do accessory lifts.

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I assume there are accessory lifts on Stronglifts?


That's how it is on MAdcow (another 5x5 variant). You have the 3 main compound lifts per session, and then 2 or 3 accessories like curls or pull ups or Good Mornings etc.


You don't need to be in the gym for hours. I'm seldom in the gym (purely lifting anyway) for more than an hour.

My workout from the moment I sit on the rowing machine takes the better part of 2hrs. I'll say 1hr 45m. A little shorter on the deadlift day due to fewer sets. After my compound lifts I do the following. On the overhead day I'll do 10x22.5, 8x22.5, 6x25 shoulder press. Then on both days I do triceps. That is 3x20xraised & weighted (15kg) dips. Then 3x10x25kg skull crushers. Then biceps, 10x15kg, 10x15, 10x12.5, 10x10 curls.
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I'm never on the gym floor for two hours, including days I do HIIT (20-25 minutes).


The longest session I have is my Friday/Saturday session.


6 sets of Squats

6 Sets of Bench Press

6 Sets of Barbell Rows


3 sets of DB Curls

3 sets of Barbell "21s"

3 sets of weighted chest dips

Light ab work


20 minutes of HIIT on the bike.


That takes me about 90 minutes

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I'm doing the 5x5 stronglift routine. Anyone else tried it out?

Work out 3 times a week. Monay, Wednesday and Friday. Resting Saturday and Sunday.

Swapping between setup A and B. So A,B,A the first week and B,A,B the second week, and so on. Add 2.5KG(5kg on deadlift) to each exercise each week untill it says stop :)

Works like a charm for me.

A :

Squat 5x5

Benchpress: 5x5

Barbell Rows: 5x5


Squat 5x5

Barbell Shoulderpress 5x5

Deadlift: 1x5


Yup, all the way up to;


Benchpress: 100kg x5

Barbell Rows: 75kg x5

Squats: 165kg x5

Barbell OHP: 70kg x5

Deadlift: 180kg x5


Then I had a lot going on and haven't been to the gym for 5 months. I feel fat and lethargic. v_v

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I'm supersetting once a week in an attempt to add stamina and shred a little. Like so - 


Front lateral raises + hammer curls 

4 x 10 x 10 (14kg dumbbells)


Weighted lunges + bent over dumbbell flys

4 x 20 x 10 (14kg dumbbells)


Abdominal crunches + plank

4 x 20 x 1 minute


Decline push-up + Bicep curl to military press

4 x 20 x 10 (12kg dumbells)


All fairly basic stuff, nothing fancy but then that's never been my way. I threw in some forearm curls at the end today, I was **** but I could have given more so ideas are welcome. 

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That's it MV. It'll progress from there. Find the right balance of cardio v weights, then find a weights programme that suits and as Stevo says, look to progress the weights slowly but consistently and before you know it you'll be surprising yourself.

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I was really hoping tinternet would tell me it's not OK to work out while you have a cold. Sadly it looks like it is safe provided it's not from the neck down, so I'll have to haul my ass there this evening.

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