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What Album Are You Listening To Right Now?


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Just now, chrisp65 said:

Similar thing happened walking passed Channel 4 once, up in that London.

I was with my boss walking down a street and Will Self walked by in the opposite direction with a gaggle of hangers on around him. For no reason at all as we crossed we got eye contact and he gave a slight eyebrow tilt / head nod.

’d’you know him?’ Says the boss. ‘Nope’ says I.

A week later same place, same time, same happens again except this time he gives me a little wave of his coffee cup.

’you bloody do know him!’ Says the boss. ‘Not that well really’ says I. 

"Yeah we shared a toilet on a plane once"

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1 minute ago, bickster said:

I've got a new trick. Annoying driver phones me and I tell him I'm putting him on hold, when really all I'm doing is going for a shit and playing Tangerine Dream on the Hi Fi


I was right though, Electro Hippy Bullshit

They had a new album out a week or three ago, but they’re one of those bands now where none of the originals are in it / alive.

Which for me, makes them their own tribute band.

As you say, 20 minute ambient backing track for working from home.

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Pulled another mellow one out of the pile, definitely better that that German hippy nonsense

Former On-U Posse member, now world reknowned tabla player Talvin Singh

This was his debut, it won the Mercury prize, when it was worth winning, so no-one remembers

Talvin Singh - OK


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18 hours ago, bickster said:

I got bored of Pavement by about track 11, mainly because I knew half of the material and it's OK but not top drawer, I don't dislike it but the fascination some have for Malkmus baffles me

Anyway onto, the Cornershop Album everyone has, if they own a Cornershop Album - When I was Born for the 7th Time

It's the one with Brimful of Asha on. I always feel like I should own more Cornershop and listen to them more, yet I can't for the life of me remember past the first two tracks of this but every time I hear them, I like them.


Outside of 70s and 80s light entertainers I don't really have any name drop stories, I was mates with a middle to lower tier indie band but I lost touch. That said Pete Bengry, Cornershops percussionist and me both worked, or should I say volunteered, at Lion Street Cultural Centre in Telford in the 90s, before he was part of Cornershop. His brother also worked there and prior to that was my milkman. Both the Bengrys were lovely people. It was big news one day reading the NME and seeing him staring back at me. 

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6 minutes ago, Seat68 said:

Outside of 70s and 80s light entertainers I don't really have any name drop stories, I was mates with a middle to lower tier indie band but I lost touch. That said Pete Bengry, Cornershops percussionist and me both worked, or should I say volunteered, at Lion Street Cultural Centre in Telford in the 90s, before he was part of Cornershop. His brother also worked there and prior to that was my milkman. Both the Bengrys were lovely people. It was big news one day reading the NME and seeing him staring back at me. 

I had a twitter DM conversation with Tjinder once, that he initiated. It was about Villa oddly because he was telling me he wasn't into footy but his brother was. Very surreal, still not sure why it happened apart from me replying to a tweet of his...

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Here's one for the gong show, made it to track 8 but christ it's shite

Why I ever bought this I have noooooo idea. Why were they a thing? Like a really shite version of early Jam with a wanky Billy Bragg on vocals. Dire

Can't imagine I've ever made it to the end if even I've ever played it. The free live EP fills me with such dread, I know it'll never get played


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13 minutes ago, Seat68 said:

What the **** is going on. Are you infected?

I'm going through my Cds. There could be a lot of posts of shite, consider that a warning 😂

This one is next and before I put it on I really have no clue, don't remember them, don't know a thing about it

The Open - The Silent Hours.


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That really didn't last long, it's gone into the charidee shop pile, utter drivel

Next Up, Wonderstuff Tribute band - Kingmaker - Sleepwalking

Probably a freebie this one and used for DJing. It'll be a keeper for posterity but they really did have a hard on for Miles Hunt


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1 minute ago, bickster said:

That really didn't last long, it's gone into the charidee shop pile, utter drivel

Next Up, Wonderstuff Tribute band - Kingmaker - Sleepwalking

Probably a freebie this one and used for DJing. It'll be a keeper for posterity but they really did have a hard on for Miles Hunt


I never thought of them as that, the wonderstuff, but you are right. I have and loved this album but I can't recall the last time I heard it. Probably could dig it out but don't think it would do anything for me now. What I do recall is I saw them a number of times and the singer was always a tool. Not even in a Mark E Smith way. Just an unlikeable prick. 

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12 minutes ago, Seat68 said:

Just an unlikeable prick.

Yeah I seem to remember that, we put them on a couple of times at the Krazy House in Liverpool and possibly at the Tivoli in Buckley and he came across as a bit of a tool

Not to dissimilar to Miles Hunt himself if the truth be known. He's a great showman but he's also a bit of an arse iirc

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And onto The Stands - All Years Leaving

Local Liverpool Muso Howie Payne (brother of Candy Payne), I put him on a few times when he was in a band called Magic Clock

A bit like Shack / Pale Fountains in that pile of bands that we're touted for success but never made it and again typically steeped in something 60's.

Shades of Dylan in this one

Keeper this one just for the association. It's not bad but it's not as good as Howie Payne thinks it is


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If I may plug this as I am currently genuinely listening to it.

Its by my Son.

He wrote all the words and music, played every instrument, did the vocals and designed the album.

But the bugger won’t promote it or perform it.

I think it’s great, but it’s possible I’m biased.

His heroes are Pink Floyd, in particular Roger Waters, so, if anyone has a spare hour, please have a listen.

If I can send him even one positive comment it would be nice.

( it’s pretty miserable though, as people who know Roger would expect😂)

...he doesn’t know I’ve done this..


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I've played A Smiths compilation(The World won't Listen), Dark Side of the moon and an album by MGMT called congratulations, which I thought was very boring

Then I played this, remembered their name but that was about it. From the name I expected something vaguely loud and possibly punky, I did not expect Trip Hop

Pleasantly surprised. Its not as good as top drawer Portishead or Massive Attack but it's a decent listen

Sneaker Pimps - Becoming X


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