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fifa 12


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Sainsburys first to show their hand in the supermarket price war. £28 for the game with £30 spend in store (purchase price of the game does not count)

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from what ive played it's the best fifa yet but..

playing against AI is pointless nowadays when you can play real people online, it is so boring playing against legendary as you cannot get the ball off them, but on a lower difficulty it is just as bad because it's too easy.

the game is alot slower, which is a good thing as it is more of a sim than ever, but the make or break for me will be when i try online when i get my internet back on friday. i have a bad feeling that other players will just keep possession throughout the game and pass it around the defence when they're 1-0 up

it has the potential to be great though

Pah, Legendary is usually too easy!

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EA servers are so f*cked up right now. Half the time when you try and get in-game you get 'your squad file differs to your opponent' and kicks you out, which is plain irritating as it gets you ALL THE WAY into a game before saying it, so you have to start the whole process all over again. I don't even know how true it is or if it's just a bug, but I've only been able to play about 2 games this evening because of that.

And just now I was half-way through playing my 3rd game and got disconnected from EA servers at half-time, now they're 'unavailable' when you try and login again. Half the time your stats aren't available when you're logged in as well due to it being unable to contact the server.

Another time I was loading into a game and got stuck in the arena. Sat there messing around for about 10 minutes then remembered I was supposed to be playing someone online. No way to get out of it so had to restart the whole game.

Pretty big waste of time trying to play online right now.

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Morning boys. Ive got a question, i was always a huge PES fan but have given FIFA a go over the last couple of years but have never been drawn in by it as some do. I always thought the playability of PES was much better but the aesthetics of FIFA much better.

Which one will have the best/most indepth management mode?

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FIFA hands down. For all it's various bugs over the years, in terms of depth FIFA's career mode has blown Master League out of the water for the last 4-5 iterations. This year's looks even better and more involved than ever with the new Youth Academy, Scouting, and Transfer (including dedicated Deadline Day) functionality, and that's before you get into the new FIFA creation centre.

PES has always been better than FIFA at the user-created content side of things, well no more. I was up till about 2am yesterday just **** about with it, it's so in-depth that I created a near perfect facsimile of Cypriot team Enosis Neon Paralimni, complete with accurate badge, sponsor, kit manufacturer. Totally negates the issue of not having the Turkish/Czech leagues as you can just **** make 'em! And if you can't be arsed to sink hours into it, you can just download other people's creations. Then you can import them into your management mode.

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How indepth is the management side on FIFA then? Ive always found it really basic/boring before.

EA appear to have really beefed up Career mode this season. Other clubs now hound you for top players and you don't need to transfer list players to flog them. There's also a new player interaction/press conference bit which looks like it's getting closer to FM without the same amound of time consumption.

I'm really looking forward to getting this tomorrow, mainly because of the career mode.

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How indepth is the management side on FIFA then? Ive always found it really basic/boring before.

EA appear to have really beefed up Career mode this season. Other clubs now hound you for top players and you don't need to transfer list players to flog them. There's also a new player interaction/press conference bit which looks like it's getting closer to FM without the same amound of time consumption.

I'm really looking forward to getting this tomorrow, mainly because of the career mode.

Sounds good, thats what im after too! Something along the lines as FM but less time consuming, likes like this may be the one.

Anyone know what the crack with loaning players in and out is?

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I went in and asked about that HMV deal with the 2100 MS points and they didn't have a bloody clue. Said to go back in today to ask as they couldn't see anything on the computer and hadn't been told about it...

Pre-ordered mine from HMV yesterday and got the deal.

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Gareth - just a word of warning with the created teams, apparently you can only add 1 additional league to your career not multiple leagues ( which is a shame ). You also have to buy a DLC in order to use them in the game but apparently its only about a quid. Although its not realistic, think i'm just gonna add about 20 odd teams from around the world that aren't in the game into a single league ( ie Shakthar Donesk, FC Bate etc )

Thought I better let you know before you're up till 4am tonight creating a perfectly crafted Honduran 2nd division league.

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Ah, thanks for the heads-up Biskitt, that's a bollocking shame. I had heard about the DLC though, and I'm only too happy to fork over my cash. Curse you EA!

I like your idea on creating a combi-league to incorporate the better teams across Europe, but I'm so **** pedantic that I'll have to just pick a league and stick with it. It's a toss-up between the Ukrainian, Serbian, Croatian and Romanian leagues. Whatever I go with, I'll just dump all my other teams into Rest Of The World and play friendlies with 'em.

Besides, you couldn't make a realistic Honduran 2nd Division anyway as the "Liga de Ascenso" is itself split into 4 geographical zones of 5-7 teams each. At the end of each half-season (the traditional South American "Apertura" & "Clausura" format), the top 2 teams from each zone go into a promotion knockout whilst the bottom team from each zone goes into a relegation knockout.

Thus it is, sadly, too complex for Creation Centre.

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What a **** bargain!

Xbox 360 S Console Bundle With 250GB HDD + FIFA 12 + Gears Of War 3 - Matte Black.


Don't know how long this deal is going to be up for.


Well, I'll be waiting to play Fifa 12 now as I ordered this. It was too good to say no too really. I've got the old 360 with something like 15GB. Makes sense.as I can now flog the old one. Plus I already own GoW3 so I can trade in the one that comes with the console.

Cheers for the head up. Now I have to patiently wait 3-5 days for it to arrive. It will be worth the wait.

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