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Things you often Wonder


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Could you drink a pint of gin? Whiskey? Rum? Vodka? 


how fast would you get pissed if you necked it?


I used be broke in final year of college and used down 350ml of Jack Daniel's I'd have the tiniest bit of coke in it to kill the taste and I'd be a total mess in 30mins.

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Could you drink a pint of gin? Whiskey? Rum? Vodka? 


how fast would you get pissed if you necked it?

People have died of alcohol poisoning necking stuff like that.
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Could you drink a pint of gin? Whiskey? Rum? Vodka? 


how fast would you get pissed if you necked it?


I used be broke in final year of college and used down 350ml of Jack Daniel's I'd have the tiniest bit of coke in it to kill the taste and I'd be a total mess in 30mins.



There are loads of nutters on youtube downing pints of spirits in seconds.

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reminds me of when I was about 14 .. was going to a party so raided the folks drinks cabinet and just put a bit of everything into a 1 litre bottle


Drambuie , baileys , Advocaat , Whiskey , Gin , Brandy , Vodka , some assortment of liquors  ... and so on and so on


we walked to the party and apparently I feel through the door with an empty bottle in my hand ,pretty much out cold  .. got taken home where I spent the night with my head in the toilet ( often with my brother flushing it on me !!)


Party was on a Friday night and I was still being sick at School on the Monday


needless to say I don't really drink spirits anymore 

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Off topic but about 4 weeks ago my buddy was going to Canada so before we went out I'd 600ml of Jack Daniel's which was kind of standard when we were in college and I woke up balls naked in my kitchen, with my mom standing over me asking what the **** was I at. 


My favourite was we were out one night and my own birthday and my two friends are 25th, 27th & 28th of November, so we used go on a bit of a marathon session, we were drinking all day since about 1pm. I got a phone call about ten to ten from my Dad telling me Villa were beating Blackburn 4-0 away, I assumed that this was simply impossible, and therefore must have been someone taking the piss, I began to argue with the person on the phone as to why they were impersonating my dad and talking absolute nonsense. 

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Sometimes I wonder about whether or not the universe is a big lie.

People tell us that it all kicks on outside of our atmosphere and we've been shown some pictures of it.

But, really, there are only a handful of people who will ever experience it. So what's to say it actually exists out there?


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I remember the time I questioned the fact that out of my vision, how do i know what's there, and how do i know that outside of my vision nobody or no one else actually exists.


Then BOF (I think) told me what SOLOISM is. - this was from years ago, I bet that conversation doesn't exist on the new site.


I think you're just questioning us as an entire planet, rather than an individual, like what I was doing.


Interesting concept when you google it :) 

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Could you drink a pint of gin? Whiskey? Rum? Vodka? 


how fast would you get pissed if you necked it?

People have died of alcohol poisoning necking stuff like that.



I tried to neck a bottle of whiskey one time. I woke up on a sofa the following morning, rolled onto my side with vomit all down my right. I was later informed that I went to take a piss, but when I didn't emerge they had to kick the door in, and found me lying in a puddle of vomit.


I had to get a bus home and everything! Pity the poor sods who sat in that bus. I didn't give a ****, like, I was still pissed.

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What would happen (I've just been in the youtube thread) if you were going bungee jumping with your lady friend, she was going to do the jump but say, she hadn't been fully tied to the rope, you push her for a laugh on camera and she just falls to her death.. there are people there, and you 100% thought she was ready to go, it was just something funny she was going to to anyway.


what would be the punishment? 


odd question i know :lol:

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A few friends had a rum day at Uni. We each bought a bottle and a mixer. I finished my rum in 2 hours, got up to say I had to go and get some cash...that was the last anyone saw of me. I woke up in an outhouse of a random house with my jeans in the washing machine and a pool of vomit.

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What would happen (I've just been in the youtube thread) if you were going bungee jumping with your lady friend, she was going to do the jump but say, she hadn't been fully tied to the rope, you push her for a laugh on camera and she just falls to her death.. there are people there, and you 100% thought she was ready to go, it was just something funny she was going to to anyway.


what would be the punishment? 


odd question i know :lol:

On a related note, a friend of mine did a bungee jump in NZ and the guys in charge pretended that they let him go before he was ready, including an 'attempt' to catch him and some screams as he fell. Utter bastards :lol:
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What would happen (I've just been in the youtube thread) if you were going bungee jumping with your lady friend, she was going to do the jump but say, she hadn't been fully tied to the rope, you push her for a laugh on camera and she just falls to her death.. there are people there, and you 100% thought she was ready to go, it was just something funny she was going to to anyway.


what would be the punishment? 


odd question i know :lol:

On a related note, a friend of mine did a bungee jump in NZ and the guys in charge pretended that they let him go before he was ready, including an 'attempt' to catch him and some screams as he fell. Utter bastards :lol:




anyone get a video?

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Y'know there was one now that you mention it. I'll see if I can find it :)

EDIT : Not a movie but I found FB photos that I'm reluctant to share. Canyon Swing was the name of the crowd who do it.

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lapal_fan, on 18 Oct 2013 - 4:08 PM, said:

What would happen (I've just been in the youtube thread) if you were going bungee jumping with your lady friend, she was going to do the jump but say, she hadn't been fully tied to the rope, you push her for a laugh on camera and she just falls to her death.. there are people there, and you 100% thought she was ready to go, it was just something funny she was going to to anyway.


what would be the punishment? 


odd question i know :lol:



It's not premeditated (i.e no malice aforethought)  so my guess is you'd be charged with manslaughter  (possibly be gross negligence )  and then it's down to the  jury


but now you've written about doing it on a public internet forum my guess is you may not get away with the " accident "  line so my advice would be a car accident in  tunnel or something

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