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  • 2 weeks later...

Got one of these lined up for £110 with 16GB card and sports/racing pack brand new.


Already got Sonic RT, UC:GA, Gravity Rush, Soul Sacrifice & a few more from PS Plus, what other must haves are there?

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If you like JRPG's then Persona 4 is ace (though takes a few hours to get going). It takes about 80 odd hours to complete so it's good value for money!


GTA Chinatown wars is great - especially if you've never played it on older systems.

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Having inored Gaucamelee initially, I've really gotten into it last few weeks. Thats probably one you've got on your PS+ sub already


Also if you're willing to look beyond the graphics Stealth Inc is really good, couldnt stop playing it until I finished it. Side scrolling puzzle game - you have to get one from side to the other without being detected, pushing buttons to open doors, using teleport links and avoiding trip sensors and such while staying in the shadows to avoid the robots' vision. Simple concept but truly addictive. (It's also another PS+ game you probably already have)


If you havent played Limbo thats also great, but it's been around for a while on other platforms you may have played it already, its free to download anyway.


Thomas was alone is quite good as well, Ive 100%'ed it.


I didn't realise how much I enjoy puzzle games and games where you have to think until I just wrote this^ :)

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The PS Vita 2000 Slim has been confirmed for release in the UK, and will retail for ~£180 from sometime in Feb. It's thinner, lighter, has a micro USB slot, and 1GB of internal storage.


It also boasts longer battery life, but it does have a different type of screen - LCD instead of OLED. Now, I won't even pretend to know what that really means, but apparently it's not necessarily a very good thing.

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Doesn't make a great deal of difference, the OLED screen is around 3 years old on this Vita and LCD screens have improved a great deal.. it might need wiping down a little more but it won't make too much of  difference when in comparison.


And I will get one.

Edited by dodgyknees
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Just read a review for Danganronpa :Trigger Happy Havoc, might be the game that forces my hand and has me buy a Vita. It's basically a mix of Ace Attorney (detective game), Persona (high school life RPG), and Virtue's Last Reward (adventure/visual novel) - with a story like Battle Royale. It's anime styled, naturally, and has you investigating murders in a school which you're locked inside. It looks great! There's already a sequel on the way, but given it's name and style I can't imagine it'll be a commercial success. I really want to try it though. Might have to pick up a Vita this very weekend! Then I'll finally be able to get P4G too ^__^;;

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No idea, I could have waited but got a big bonus yesterday so £20 more than it's been isn't too bad.

What a piece of kit, haven't even played a game yet. Think I need to buy a case as I've read that it can get scratched quite easily.

Think I need to purchase Persona 4 ASAP

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  • 1 month later...

Friends, Villans, countrymen; I'm buying a Vita this week (from Game), any suggestions on what version I should get and what the must-have peripherals/games are, please?  I've already got PSN+ sorted for the monthly games, and my budget is £200 (happy to go either pre-owned or brand new).  


The owner of the "Most Helpful Post" will win one fabulous MS Paint commission of whatever their fevered imagination can concoct, with a consolatory prize of 1 x 'like' for every runner-up.

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Tearaway, by the team that did little big planet

think I got virtua tennis for £6 in game, persona 4 usually tops the rankings, I think guacamelee will be your type of game, hotline Miami is on psn+ this month

The usual ones you have to be careful with, little big planet, uncharted, killzone all good, like others said cod is shit, not sure what it's like but based on the number of 2nd hand batman games about I'm guessing that isn't that good

Memory cards are cheap at CEX

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I don't even own a PS Vita yet, but can quite comfortably suggest the 4 first games that you should buy. Chock full of crazy Japanese bullshit  - Persona 4: The Golden, Virtue's Last Reward, Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God and the eloquently named Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc.


Here is a small taste of what to expect




A high school life sim RPG, with a serial killer murder mystery at the heart of the story




It's a visual novel, which are ofc massively popular in Japan. I guess the closest things in the west would be games like The Walking Dead? Not in terms of story though, which is all dark and moody grrr



A cross between a the above 2 games, with a healthy dose of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney thrown in, and a story somewhat similar to Battle Royale. The VA for the teddy in this one sounds like the same for Teddie in P4.




Umm..yeah I don't even know how this got localised for US, let alone get a release here. It's a pretty intense dungeon crawler but, as you can see, a very kawaii style.

Edited by hogso
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