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whoever suggested heytell what a fantastic app!

That was me I think!

I see an Apple employee has 'left' the new iPhone 5 in a bar.....

sounds familiar....

Any photo's? Links?

It was lost in July, I think pics would have turned up by now so is probably BS.

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I think it was Apple who confirmed it had been left there wasn't it?

I imagine they just managed to get it back before anyone noticed, and it was probably camouflaged as an iPhone 4 anyway

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Still undecided, if it isnt a huge jump I may stick with my 4 or look at the nexus prime. I must admit I use my iphone less and less now I have an ipad.

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So if all new stuff was in a new case everyone would be spunking their load?

That's usually what happens.

Apple would have been given grief for doing a re-design for no good reason other than to print money.

No, they are the kings of design and redesign (and marketing) and every apple user would embrace it.

Nothing wrong with current design hence no change.

True, maybe screensize but that's a user-preference.

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