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You should have forwarded that message to Arsenal's goalkeeping coach at the start of the season. Maybe we would have had a more interesting title race this year.

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What are peoples thoughts on the iPad 2. I think my gf is thikning of getting me one as a present but im not sure about them. I have an iphone and a laptop - do I really need one?

Probably not, a nice luxury and great to use but you dont really need one with what you currently have.

But then again we dont really need flat screen tvs when black and white ones were fine, or cordless phones when we had wind up ones.

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Thinking of getting the iPad 2, I've got an iPhone and laptop so know I don't need one but I do really want one.

I know you can download music for free and put it on an iPod or iPhone but can you use torrents to download books and graphic novels for free and put them on an iPad?

Also I'm clueless when it comes to this whole data on 3G thing, how many hours of surfing the net and using things like YouTube get you with 1 or 2 gb a month? I have no idea if that's enough or if I need more.

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Thinking of getting the iPad 2, I've got an iPhone and laptop so know I don't need one but I do really want one.

I know you can download music for free and put it on an iPod or iPhone but can you use torrents to download books and graphic novels for free and put them on an iPad?

Also I'm clueless when it comes to this whole data on 3G thing, how many hours of surfing the net and using things like YouTube get you with 1 or 2 gb a month? I have no idea if that's enough or if I need more.

Books etc you'll have to get then add via iTunes and sync to your iPad, there are shed loads of converters for all types of media, you just need a little tinkering here and there, you can even play mkv's if you so desire.

Apple will try and enforce buying everything through iTunes, but there is always a way ;)

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Also I'm clueless when it comes to this whole data on 3G thing, how many hours of surfing the net and using things like YouTube get you with 1 or 2 gb a month? I have no idea if that's enough or if I need more.

5 Gb should be enough for a couple of films or 120mins of youtube.

It really depends on what quality you are downloading and the same goes for websites if they are banner heavy it eats up your data.

I currently use a mifi from 3 has my wired in broadband is shite. I am on a 15gb data plan at the moment and since getting an ipad it is being eaten up very quickly.

What model are you looking at getting?

I decided against the 3g myself as the mifi was only £30 and £15pm for 15gb on a rolling contract and does the same job as a 3g when out and about.

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Rough guide from the 3 site, but I reclon I get more than that.

Based on 5gb

Send 5000 Outlook/HTML Emails

Surf the Web for 50 hours

Download 25 four minute videos

Download 160 four minute music tracks

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What model are you looking at getting?

I decided against the 3g myself as the mifi was only £30 and £15pm for 15gb on a rolling contract and does the same job as a 3g when out and about.

Think i'll just get the 16gb 3G and wireless one.

Haven't got wireless at the moment and won't have it till September so I need the 3G. I do like the fact you can pay monthly or even daily and aren't locked into a contract.

3 offer 10gb for £16 a month so will probably go for that and see if 10gb is enough.

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If it was me I would save £100 and get a wifi only and pair it with a 3 mifi,works the same and you will always have the net on the go, up to you of course.

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I would say the same. Get a wireless dongle and you will find you dont get stitched up with a shitty data plan.

Is there a way to tether to an iPhone yet? I wouldnt be surprised if the WiFi hotspot comes with the iPhone5, but that isnt much help if you want to buy now. But get a dongle instead of a data plan.

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Yes the latest update enables the hotspot on iphone, i cant use it though as o2 have disabled it but I hear that will change soon.

Can't grumble with the mifi though and currently my only isp at the moment.

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It's a wifi dongle. It is your internet portal and you connect your iPad (or iPhone, or laptop, or anything else for that matter) to it wirelessly. Its about the size of a mobile phone (maybe a tiny bit smaller) and its available with a number of data plans.


I quite like how they have pictured it next to something that may or may not be an iPad in their marketing. :lol:

There are a few reasons that so many people take the WiFi iPad and get one of these things. Firstly its no secret that iPad 3G users get **** over with a shitty deal, the MiFi has a lot more options with the data plan you take, whether it is pay as you go or contract. Also there is that you can use the MiFi with anything you want if it can accept a WiFi signal. Its pretty sweet if you have a laptop too.

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There are a few reasons that so many people take the WiFi iPad and get one of these things. Firstly its no secret that iPad 3G users get **** over with a shitty deal, the MiFi has a lot more options with the data plan you take, whether it is pay as you go or contract. Also there is that you can use the MiFi with anything you want if it can accept a WiFi signal. Its pretty sweet if you have a laptop too.

With a 3G ipad you can get a monthly contract with three for 10gb for £16

With the Mifi you have to pay £40 to buy it and £15 a month will only get you 2gb of data a month.

Seems your only saving £60 initially but then get less data per month. Or have I got it all wrong?

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As per the original post of this thread, please do not talk about anything other iphones, ipads and ipods. Mifi is off tipic and not allowed. As is other discussion of data tariffs.

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