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Paddy's "Things that cheer you up"


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my response for the cup-a-soup is im a student :P pre made, easy, quick food is best :D
Well, the home-made stuff (apart from tasting better, being healthier, and not actually poisonous like Cup-a-Soup) does have another big benefit for students - it's CHEAP.
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Why blend it? What's wrong with chunky soup?
Oh, nothing at all. Although some soups work better blended (or semi-blended, leaving some chunky bits), e.g. leek and potato.

One of my favourites:

Onion and Stilton soup


1 oz Butter per person

2 medium Onions per person, chopped


Black pepper, freshly ground

1/2 pt Each beer and stock

Fresh thyme or winter savory




In a heavy saucepan heat the butter and saute the onions slowly until golden brown. Season with salt and pepper. Add the liquid and bring to a boil. Adjust the seasoning and add thyme. Cover and simmer for 30 to 40 minutes. If you are using Stilton rind, grate it finely. Otherwise, chop the cheese. Add it half way through the cooking and stir well. Serve with croutons.


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My daughters just introduced our cat to catnip for the first time. He's been miserable ever since his sister got run over, but a bit of feline class-A drug did the trick. He spent about 20 minutes going batshit crazy and is now in comedown mode, staring into the flames of the fire with a "W-o-o-o-o-w-w, maaaaan" expression on his face. :)

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Bickster has cheered my shitty weekend up by sending me "Eddie Shit - Complete Shit" on pic disc vinyl.

It is **** hilarious if you like toilet humour :-)

Cheers buddy!

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