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Barry Bannan


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Working in the insurance industry, I see and investigate this type of "incident" all to often.

What usually happens is that the driver (under the influence) has an accident and then leaves the vehicle either parked up where it is, or somewhere tucked away.

The driver will then go about his business - in this case - it was so early in the morning that "Mr Bannan was asleep at home in bed", non the wiser. He then wakes up looks outside and "oh shit my cars gone" (wink wink) and calls the police to report it. If it makes it to that stage, then he is almost as good as out of the woods - vehicle not found by police prior to him calling (as they would have called him) and the booze would be out of his system.

Added to the fact its a footballer reporting a theft, the police think he has been targeted.


If the police find the vehicle before the theft is reported, they check the owners details and go to the address confirmed with the DVLA and nine times out of ten, find the owner still half pissed, or bruised like a mother **** (accident rleated). From there, you have to PROVE the vehicle was stolen and the police have already assumed it was the owner at the wheel.

This incident occured on the motorway I believe, so there was CCTV footage galore. He should of just stopped where he was, organised recovery and took his chances the old bill didnt drive past, but as your on camera, its unlikely you aint gunna see blues and twos.

All in all, Bannan has hit the sauce that night, been unable to drive normally and hit a barrier (on a sunday morning!!) and did a runner and failed to report it.

I have come across cases like this where families have lost loved ones, such as occupnats in the responsible vehicles, the innocent vehicles and general passersby on the street. Young and Old.

He made a decision to get in that car, he knew the risks and he had the cash to get himself home or book a hotel. Then he has the accident and runs off like a coward. Might be a good footballer, but a poor human being. I just hope he learns from his stupid and arrogant behaviour.

He will prob get a 18 month ban & £500 fine - nothing to him, pocket change. The Insurers will still end up paying for his vehicle damage and any damage to the barrier - nice.

I dont want him kicked out of the club, but he needs to get a grip and appreciate the good life he has. He should be ashamed of himself and I hope he is.

Wow, great post!

Yes good post, and all we need to consider is Lee Hughes and his incident to remember what could have happened. Bannan has been a very stupid boy, and needs to grow up fast.

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Working in the insurance industry, I see and investigate this type of "incident" all to often.

What usually happens is that the driver (under the influence) has an accident and then leaves the vehicle either parked up where it is, or somewhere tucked away.

The driver will then go about his business - in this case - it was so early in the morning that "Mr Bannan was asleep at home in bed", non the wiser. He then wakes up looks outside and "oh shit my cars gone" (wink wink) and calls the police to report it. If it makes it to that stage, then he is almost as good as out of the woods - vehicle not found by police prior to him calling (as they would have called him) and the booze would be out of his system.

Added to the fact its a footballer reporting a theft, the police think he has been targeted.


If the police find the vehicle before the theft is reported, they check the owners details and go to the address confirmed with the DVLA and nine times out of ten, find the owner still half pissed, or bruised like a mother **** (accident rleated). From there, you have to PROVE the vehicle was stolen and the police have already assumed it was the owner at the wheel.

This incident occured on the motorway I believe, so there was CCTV footage galore. He should of just stopped where he was, organised recovery and took his chances the old bill didnt drive past, but as your on camera, its unlikely you aint gunna see blues and twos.

All in all, Bannan has hit the sauce that night, been unable to drive normally and hit a barrier (on a sunday morning!!) and did a runner and failed to report it.

I have come across cases like this where families have lost loved ones, such as occupnats in the responsible vehicles, the innocent vehicles and general passersby on the street. Young and Old.

He made a decision to get in that car, he knew the risks and he had the cash to get himself home or book a hotel. Then he has the accident and runs off like a coward. Might be a good footballer, but a poor human being. I just hope he learns from his stupid and arrogant behaviour.

He will prob get a 18 month ban & £500 fine - nothing to him, pocket change. The Insurers will still end up paying for his vehicle damage and any damage to the barrier - nice.

I dont want him kicked out of the club, but he needs to get a grip and appreciate the good life he has. He should be ashamed of himself and I hope he is.

Wow, great post!

Yes good post, and all we need to consider is Lee Hughes and his incident to remember what could have happened. Bannan has been a very stupid boy, and needs to grow up fast.


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I too work in the insurance industry, however, I work in the legal claims and handle Motor Prosecution defence cases on a daily basis. (Those querying whether insurance is valid when drinking, the motor prosecution defence section definitely is otherwise it would be pointless having the cover)

It is not so clear cut to say that Bannan will get 18 month ban and £500 fine. Many things will be taken into account, such as the effect of not driving would have on his life, how mcuh alcohol was in his blood stream, were there any mitigating circumstances etc. It will also depend on how good the solicitor is, there are varying tactics used to get people off cases, they query the way the alcohol reading was taken, the evidence that the CPS have and various other methods of reducing/avoiding bans. I have seen cases where people have been 3 times over the alcohol limit, speeding at 96mph and pulled by the police and they have managed to only get a three week ban....

All that being said it doesn't excuse the actions of Bannan. Good player who obviously needs a few life lessons. Hopefully this will mature him. Not a seriousness offence to be sacked from the club as some are suggesting, especially when facts are not known (whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty). Wise by club to suspend and investigate and will probably result in club fining him.

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I'm astounded, so you can get lagered up, smash the car up etc and claim on your insurance??

I would guess it is more to cover the other parties involved, and that the fall out of such actions would make it very expensive to get insurance in the future.

Could the Insurance company then pursue the driver in the courts to reclaim their costs of the claim?

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I've seen Bannon start at least 10 games now

I cannot concur with the hype, am I missing something ?

His set piece delivery is exemplary.

His technique- passing, shooting, controlling is fantastic (for sgc, this more than anything else is what sets Bannan apart from Delph, who often looks like Bambi on ice attempting to control a dribble or pass)

His eye for a through-ball is better than anyone in the team, though his decision-making can be a little rushed at times

His tackling is all right for his size, but he is certainly unafraid to go into the mixer

IF he learns from this mistake, and is given the chance to flourish, I think the lad could be as influential to us as Scholes- a player of similar size- was for Man U.

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I can understand 3rd party cover, but not for your own vehicle and self

If the driver is fully comprehensive then yes, his vehicle damage will still be covered, unless specific policy wording has been added, but this is rare and usually if a driver has been caught previously.

So, for the smart arse who had to try and have a dig, call your insurers and ask them. Its a taboo subject, but they have to tell you.

They are not going to write "we still cover you in the event of an accident if your pissed" are they?

Nor will the policy state you are not covered in this scenario.

If Mr Bannan had Third Party Only cover in this case the barrier damage would be covered and any possible injury to a passenger, namely, Mr James Collins.

As for punishment, I agree the courts are hit and miss, but taking into account he had an accident, failed to report it and fled the scene with excess alcohol consumed, I doubt he has done himself any favours at all and is not your standard stop and breath test scenario

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Wow comparing him to Scholes now, high praise indeed

Hyperbole though it may be, Bannan's technical ability really is in a class of its own among the Villa squad, and I would hope to see the academy produce more players in his vein (at least as regards on-pitch activities).

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Wow comparing him to Scholes now, high praise indeed

yep, I dont want to be a nay sayer but comparing him to Scholes is high praise that he doesnt deserve.

I think that Bannan has potential though I like many others have been saying just this for the last 2/3 yrs. For me he has not developed (yet) how I had hoped. He tends to drift in and out of games on a regular basis.

Of course I hope he develops further into a star player for us but for me Delph is way ahead of him so it would be him getting playing time ahead of Bannan. I think I'd send him out on loan again as for me he's not helping us improve the team just yet.

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