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Bollitics: The General Election 2010 Exit Poll


How Did You Vote in the General Election?  

194 members have voted

  1. 1. How Did You Vote in the General Election?

    • Conservative
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I actually think Cameron should go it alone .. no Surrender to the Lib Dems

He can try and implement his policies ..and Labour and the Libs can block them if they wish

and if they do In around 6 mths Cameron can then go public and say ..Look everything we are trying to do is being blocked on party grounds , so i'm calling an election ... if you don't back me we will be back to a hung parliament and it will continue ..or you can back me and my party and let us get on with the job ...

possibly a dangerous game but far better than a coalition whereby everything gets horse traded

I think the Tories will go it alone, implement some very unpopular spending cuts and run into trouble with the unions/public opinion. Labour will have a new leader without the baggage of Brown and will say "look, same old Tories! Thatcher is back!" etc etc and will win back power in another election in 12 months.

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Honest question Ian; What do you want to happen? Who do you want to be prime minister and form a government based upon the voting on Thursday?

Not sure Paul - as said Cameron should be PM based on the fact that his party had the most MP's if there can be no alliance between the Libs and Lab , but obviously with any sort of credibility for him or Clegg it would be as a minority parliament. I say this because of the massive difference between the two parties policies both in this and previous elections. For Cameron to back down now and offer the Libs a whole bunch of concessions is a major face loss for him especially given the backing that he has received from the media and the tax avoiders.

Brown is PM at the moment and it was actually quite refreshing to see at least some of the analysts agreeing today that he cannot and should not just say "I'm off" until things are sorted and the various options are explored.

As with all political parties typically if you don't become PM you lose your position as leader, so I suspect that in the next few months Brown would step down as leader.

I've answered it, so what are your thoughts?

My thoughts? Mixed feelings on many levels, which as the results show, much of the population felt. Not enough people felt that the Tories were the solution, nor were they so tired of Labour that they voted them out. In the end the LibDems failed. What I feel is that we are in deep deep economic problems that need to be addressed; whether it be in cuts or tax rises, depends on your persuasion. To me it has to be a bit of both.

I think that Brown isn’t likely to be that solution. Cameron is likely to be PM, and I guess we will judge him on what he does, or rather who he appoints in cabinet and what they do. Earlier I questioned Ken Clarke. I for some reason are warming to him again; after all he did create the boom of the late 90s/early 2000s :D

I want someone to sort out the Afghan question. And I would hope that we get a review of defence and electoral policy.

Perhaps the next government can make the former member of Montgomershire a Lord? I am already missing his colour!

And wasn’t Have I Got News for You excellent this week?

And from a Villa point of view; under which party are we most successful under? I am suspecting its either Lib or Con?

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So if he is not debating these issues with Clegg why the delay, why is he not demanding the PM role now?
Because he is following the quasi-constitutional niceties, in the same way that you have said Brown is. They must agree a level of concession before they demand anything.
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No PM candidate has ever had the funding and support of media (some of it foreign) than Cameron.
Blair had the sun, the mirror, the times, the indie, the grauniad, sky, the beeb, and (some of it foreign) support from ecclestone, mittal.......
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...bailing out the lazy Greek public sector...

I was under the impression that the bail out for the Greeks was necessary because of the crisis caused by the outright lies and dodgy accounting of their previous centre-right government and partly, as you rightly pointed out, a pervasive culture of tolerating tax evasion?

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I actually think Cameron should go it alone .. no Surrender to the Lib Dems

He can try and implement his policies ..and Labour and the Libs can block them if they wish

and if they do In around 6 mths Cameron can then go public and say ..Look everything we are trying to do is being blocked on party grounds , so i'm calling an election ... if you don't back me we will be back to a hung parliament and it will continue ..or you can back me and my party and let us get on with the job ...

possibly a dangerous game but far better than a coalition whereby everything gets horse traded

I think the Tories will go it alone, implement some very unpopular spending cuts and run into trouble with the unions/public opinion. Labour will have a new leader without the baggage of Brown and will say "look, same old Tories! Thatcher is back!" etc etc and will win back power in another election in 12 months.

Not milliband, please not got milliband.
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If Cameron goes alone the countries ****.

newsflash but the country is already ****

run into trouble with the unions

If history teaches us anything that would play right in Tory hands , and would backfire on the Unions (and labour) most spectacularly

Labour can have a new leader but there isn't anyone in their current lot who is going to grab the public's attention or trust ..Milliband for example , **** me I'd rather Brown run the country than him

I think Labour will go through a few years of turmoil a la the Tory party before they find themselves again

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If history teaches us anything that would play right in Tory hands , and would backfire on the Unions (and labour) most spectacularly

I'm not sure that will be the case if it goes hand in hand with social and political turmoil across the continent, too.

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If Cameron goes alone the countries ****.
newsflash but the country is already ****

run into trouble with the unions

If history teaches us anything that

If history taught us anything we wouldn't be facing another tory bonfire of the unions; especially as this time it's to pay for the mistake of the financial services.
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I actually think Cameron should go it alone .. no Surrender to the Lib Dems

He can try and implement his policies ..and Labour and the Libs can block them if they wish

and if they do In around 6 mths Cameron can then go public and say ..Look everything we are trying to do is being blocked on party grounds , so i'm calling an election ... if you don't back me we will be back to a hung parliament and it will continue ..or you can back me and my party and let us get on with the job ...

possibly a dangerous game but far better than a coalition whereby everything gets horse traded

I think the Tories will go it alone, implement some very unpopular spending cuts and run into trouble with the unions/public opinion. Labour will have a new leader without the baggage of Brown and will say "look, same old Tories! Thatcher is back!" etc etc and will win back power in another election in 12 months.

This was the Tories worst nightmare as they are **** either way. I think they'll form a coalition of sorts with the Lib Dems that will fail spectaularly with in 12 months. It will though have been long enough for the Tories to show that they are still the look after the few and **** over the many party they have always been and they will indeed have to call an election which they will lose.

Its actually a massive relief how things have turned out as it ensures we don't have to endure the tories for anymore than 18 months and won't see them in power again for many, many years. Like I said previously a little short term pain for long term gain.

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I actually think Cameron should go it alone .. no Surrender to the Lib Dems

He can try and implement his policies ..and Labour and the Libs can block them if they wish

and if they do In around 6 mths Cameron can then go public and say ..Look everything we are trying to do is being blocked on party grounds , so i'm calling an election ... if you don't back me we will be back to a hung parliament and it will continue ..or you can back me and my party and let us get on with the job ...

possibly a dangerous game but far better than a coalition whereby everything gets horse traded

I think the Tories will go it alone, implement some very unpopular spending cuts and run into trouble with the unions/public opinion. Labour will have a new leader without the baggage of Brown and will say "look, same old Tories! Thatcher is back!" etc etc and will win back power in another election in 12 months.

This was the Tories worst nightmare as they are **** either way. I think they'll form a coalition of sorts with the Lib Dems that will fail spectaularly with in 12 months. It will though have been long enough for the Tories to show that they are still the look after the few and **** over the many party they have always been and they will indeed have to call an election which they will lose.

Its actually a massive relief how things have turned out as it ensures we don't have to endure the tories for anymore than 18 months and won't see them in power again for many, many years. Like I said previously a little short term pain for long term gain.

I think you’ve badly misjudged the strength of Cameron’s position in all this. Whether we have a full Con/Lib coalition or just Lib support, when the second election does come around, I think the Conservatives will win the extra 19 seats they need.

When the Conservatives open up the books and inform the public of just how deep we are in the shit, Labour will be buried by it.

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This was the Tories worst nightmare as they are **** either way. I think they'll form a coalition of sorts with the Lib Dems that will fail spectaularly with in 12 months. It will though have been long enough for the Tories to show that they are still the look after the few and **** over the many party they have always been and they will indeed have to call an election which they will lose.

Its actually a massive relief how things have turned out as it ensures we don't have to endure the tories for anymore than 18 months and won't see them in power again for many, many years. Like I said previously a little short term pain for long term gain.

I really don't think it will go that way. The voters will punish the lib dems for being vacuous and failing to show that coallition govts work. The lib dems have to get a PR referundum on the board now, or go back and prepare for gardening for another generation.
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When the Conservatives open up the books and inform the public of just how deep we are in the shit, Labour will be buried by it.
On that scale, I think there is a very strong possibility the electorate will blame the messenger and discard the message. No one likes austerity.
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Nope, your clutching at straws if you think the white knight Cameron can stroll along on his horse, cut the **** out of public spending and mess up an important organisation like OFCOM just to benefit his puppet master Murdoch, and expect the public to lap it up in the name of austerity.

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Nope, your clutching at straws if you think the white knight Cameron can stroll along on his horse, cut the **** out of public spending and mess up an important organisation like OFCOM just to benefit his puppet master Murdoch, and expect the public to lap it up in the name of austerity.
Who's post are you responding to? If it's mine then I'm sure the term <> would indicate I don't think Dave would survive unscathed. Please advise.
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If Cameron goes alone the countries ****.

newsflash but the country is already ****

run into trouble with the unions

If history teaches us anything that would play right in Tory hands , and would backfire on the Unions (and labour) most spectacularly

Just to complete the set of strange historical quirks, our propsectors have discovered the first viable oilfield 190 miles north of the Falklands (estimated at 200 million barrels, worth 17 billion pounds at today's prices).

The Argies have said the find has pushed them beyond their limits. Falklands Mk 2 on the horizon, but this time with a pot of (black) gold at the end of the rainbow. Hope no one kicks the arse out of defence cuts too much..

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Honest question Ian; What do you want to happen? Who do you want to be prime minister and form a government based upon the voting on Thursday?
In the interest of fairness.....


Honest question Richard; What do you want to happen? Who do you want to be prime minister and form a government based upon the voting on Thursday? And whom do you wish to form that govt.

Why me? I haven't been involved in the debate since Thursday!
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