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Bollitics: The General Election 2010 Exit Poll


How Did You Vote in the General Election?  

194 members have voted

  1. 1. How Did You Vote in the General Election?

    • Conservative
    • Labour
    • Liberal Democrats
    • Green
    • UKIP
    • BNP
    • Jury Team
    • SNP
    • Plaid Cymru
    • Spoilt Ballot
    • Didn't bother

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IMO, No question here, there is only onw way all the parties must go and that is for the present government to continue for a set period, a firm General Election date called in October and then the nation does it all again, this Election is a poison chalice for any party attempting to take power and unless they can agree to work together a s a coalition we must have another General Election 6 months on, also this business about people being turned away at 9.20 and prevented from voting, there absolute right, and turned away by the Police is a national disgrace, this isn't Mugabe's Zimbabwe ffs, complete shambles, this could also give the parties time to discuss any new electoral method before going into an general Election.

The other point is surely these parties with the kind of decisions they are going to have to make over the next few years will want nothing less than a complete overall majority and a sweeping mandate from the public to implement these polices, otherwise we have unstable government, infighting, deals being done to stop legislation going through parliment delay delay delay, it just can't work.

Most of all Thousand being denied there absolute right to vote is scandelous and a total disgrace. The only fair way is another General Election at a set date, after a cool calm period and another campaign period where the parties will now know that thus far the public are not impressed and they will have to work a lot harder.

Only way............another Election and the Queen should call it.

i do kind of agree with this, i think labour have plan out lost this election so it would be an outrage if they stay in. cameron should perhaps be leader as has most seats however i think coalition between all three parties may need to be done to help during this crucial period

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IMO, No question here, there is only onw way all the parties must go and that is for the present government to continue for a set period, a firm General Election date called in October and then the nation does it all again, this Election is a poison chalice for any party attempting to take power and unless they can agree to work together a s a coalition we must have another General Election 6 months on, also this business about people being turned away at 9.20 and prevented from voting, there absolute right, and turned away by the Police is a national disgrace, this isn't Mugabe's Zimbabwe ffs, complete shambles, this could also give the parties time to discuss any new electoral method before going into an general Election.

The other point is surely these parties with the kind of decisions they are going to have to make over the next few years will want nothing less than a complete overall majority and a sweeping mandate from the public to implement these polices, otherwise we have unstable government, infighting, deals being done to stop legislation going through parliment delay delay delay, it just can't work.

Most of all Thousand being denied there absolute right to vote is scandelous and a total disgrace. The only fair way is another General Election at a set date, after a cool calm period and another campaign period where the parties will now know that thus far the public are not impressed and they will have to work a lot harder.

Only way............another Election and the Queen should call it.

The constitution is quite clear. Brown as the incumbent Prime Minister can do deals with other parties to make a coalition government. Cameron can do the same.

In the meantime the mandarins of Whitehall are in power, which in reality they always are.

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yes the system is poor but some people have to take responsibility as well.

this idiot on the radio just now was saying it was a disgrace that he couldnt vote (he said he got at the poll station at 9:55pm bearing in mind the poll station at 10:00pm

why didnt he go earlier? or sign up for posting voting? some people need to take responsibility for being unorganised as well.

well if he got there at 21.55 it's tough titty. It's the people who queued for hours that it's not fair on.

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I know someone having talked to them this morning that turned up at 7 last night, couldn't get in, went back at 8.30, same, want back at 9.15 waited till 9.50 when an official came out and told everybody to go home, about a 100 people, his excuse was there was a slow down becuase so many people had not got polling cards and they couldn't track them, so they couldn't deal with it.

5 mins before 10 the doors where closed and people locked out, Thats illegal pure and simple.

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IMO, No question here, there is only onw way all the parties must go and that is for the present government to continue for a set period, a firm General Election date called in October and then the nation does it all again, this Election is a poison chalice for any party attempting to take power and unless they can agree to work together a s a coalition we must have another General Election 6 months on, also this business about people being turned away at 9.20 and prevented from voting, there absolute right, and turned away by the Police is a national disgrace, this isn't Mugabe's Zimbabwe ffs, complete shambles, this could also give the parties time to discuss any new electoral method before going into an general Election.

The other point is surely these parties with the kind of decisions they are going to have to make over the next few years will want nothing less than a complete overall majority and a sweeping mandate from the public to implement these polices, otherwise we have unstable government, infighting, deals being done to stop legislation going through parliment delay delay delay, it just can't work.

Most of all Thousand being denied there absolute right to vote is scandelous and a total disgrace. The only fair way is another General Election at a set date, after a cool calm period and another campaign period where the parties will now know that thus far the public are not impressed and they will have to work a lot harder.

Only way............another Election and the Queen should call it.

The constitution is quite clear. Brown as the incumbent Prime Minister can do deals with other parties to make a coalition government. Cameron can do the same.

In the meantime the mandarins of Whitehall are in power, which in reality they always are.

The convention may say that but they have to take on board what is a national disgrace in people being denied the basic right to vote, which by the way it just takes one of those people in each area to serve a writ to the electoral commission and they have to have a by-election, also if we are scratching to get the mandate it will cause massive instability, and we don't need that with the kind of politics we are about to endure, we need complete confidence and a total mandate form the public.

6 months is nothing, the another Election and make sure there is no error.

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party lines aside , can anyone actually see us getting a clear result anytime soon ?

Who ever gets to lead the coalition at some point they are going to want to make a run for rule in their own right

But the measures required for the country probably mean that whatever the coalition leader does is going to prove deeply unpopular and I don't think a 5 year coalition will work ...

so what to do ??

On a totally unrelated topic , i see that Rockhopper have just found huge oil reserves in the Falklands .......

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No chance of Mr Lerner taking advantage of the weak pound as he's just departed back to the U.S.!

I wouldn't mind betting that knowing how resolute and considered and firm Mr Lerner makes decisions he would say, another Election, its only fair after all, the public having given anybody an absolute majority we all have to go out there again do it again and earn it, and earn the public trust with the country facing huge uncertainty.

Must go again IMO

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The convention may say that but they have to take on board what is a national disgrace in people being denied the basic right to vote, which by the way it just takes one of those people in each area to serve a writ to the electoral commission and they have to have a by-election, also if we are scratching to get the mandate it will cause massive instability, and we don't need that with the kind of politics we are about to endure, we need complete confidence and a total mandate form the public.

6 months is nothing, the another Election and make sure there is no error.

I agree entirely. There will be another election within months.

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I agree, Britian only works with a total mandate, can you imagine Cameron trying to get an austere and severe unpopuler Budget through the house on the otherside Labour and Liberal doing deals to stop it and the conservatives scratching around trying to get support from little partries like the DUP to get support and get it through the house, just not worth it.

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I agree, Britian only works with a total mandate, can you imagine Cameron trying to get an austere and severe unpopuler Budget through the house on the otherside Labour and Liberal doing deals to stop it and the conservatives scratching around trying to get support from little partries like the DUP to get support and get it through the house, just not worth it.

If the Lib Dem get into bed with the tories, Clegg will demand electoral reform, which will mean that Cameron will sign his own death warrant.

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I agree, Britian only works with a total mandate, can you imagine Cameron trying to get an austere and severe unpopuler Budget through the house on the otherside Labour and Liberal doing deals to stop it and the conservatives scratching around trying to get support from little partries like the DUP to get support and get it through the house, just not worth it.

If the Lib Dem get into bed with the tories, Clegg will demand electoral reform, which will mean that Cameron will sign his own death warrant.

Absolutely, which is why Paddy Ashdown is now saying on TV that Cameron should form a government, the deal Cameron will have to do is as you say a death warrant for the Tories or a war when he reneges on it despite the fact Ashdown is saying there has been no deal.

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Why do the tory party keep saying that they got the same as Blair in 97. A quick look and it says that Blair's Labour got 43.2% of the vote / Tory 30.7 and Libs 16.8 . As it stands now the Tory vote last night was 36.1 Lab 29.2 and Libs 22.9 :shock:

It does show again though that this system is flawed

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Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg says he sticks to his view that the party with most votes and seats - the Conservatives - should seek to form a government.

oh dear labour are finished if clegg means this

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Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg says he sticks to his view that the party with most votes and seats - the Conservatives - should seek to form a government.

oh dear labour are finished if clegg means this

Dem - why are they "finished"? - Last nights results showed they are not finished at all, and Clegg is re-affirming his promise of the build up to speak with the party with the most MP's. Listening to David Steele just though and most Libs this morning they will not form a coalition with the cons. It will be interesting to see if and what deal they can forge. But to say that this means the Labour party are "finished" is wrong IMO

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Rodders: They are saying that, but if there is wheeler dealing at a time like this if there is deals being done, the very second something goes wrong there will be hell to pay, mudslinging, and that old stick, " well you never had the confidence of the public and your only in becuas eyou did a deal".

I'm not making judgement in favour of any party, but if they can't see the writing on the wall when things go wrong they are stupid, most importantly they have to take on board the thousands that have been denied there rights.

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Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg says he sticks to his view that the party with most votes and seats - the Conservatives - should seek to form a government.

oh dear labour are finished if clegg means this

Just because he thinks they should have first crack at it it doesn't mean he'll side with them.

If the tories come up short there's nothing to stop him siding with labour to form a government, and it's far far more likely than him siding with the tories.

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party lines aside , can anyone actually see us getting a clear result anytime soon ?

Who ever gets to lead the coalition at some point they are going to want to make a run for rule in their own right

But the measures required for the country probably mean that whatever the coalition leader does is going to prove deeply unpopular and I don't think a 5 year coalition will work ...

so what to do ??

On a totally unrelated topic , i see that Rockhopper have just found huge oil reserves in the Falklands .......

Tony if they have any sense of responsibility they will take a few days to deliberate and ensure that we have a gvmt who can govern in place rather than quick deals on the back of a fag packet. But being politics I suspect we may have an answer by 11:30 and the first sacking of a new MP by Monday

Does this show we need a set in stone constitution?

Told you the Falklands was about oil :-)

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