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Bollitics: The General Election 2010 Exit Poll


How Did You Vote in the General Election?  

194 members have voted

  1. 1. How Did You Vote in the General Election?

    • Conservative
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62% of people want PR according to a survey on yesterday's news. I would say that represents a pretty decent majority.

Furry muff. I wonder why they voted for the opposite then..

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Guest Ricardomeister
62% of people want PR according to a survey on yesterday's news. I would say that represents a pretty decent majority.

Furry muff. I wonder why they voted for the opposite then..

Quite clearly they didn't. Believe it or not PR isn't the only issue! I voted Labour to keep out the heartless Tory party but I want PR as it is much fairer than what we have at the moment. Most people that I know also favour PR and lots of them voted tactically at the election so you are clearly wrong.

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I think what Clegg will have to be very carefull about is how all this comes across, he cuddles up to Cameron, just how much of his principles will he drop, that's the question, if Clegg is seen to be a "sell out" is political career is over because the way the Tories will look within the next 6 months, utterly detested, and probably another General Election within 2 years, Clegg will be seen as someone that bends to get power.

All this talking i find strange, how long does it take to say David, 1) PR is a must, 2) this business about 6bl being taken out of the economy stops, 3) I simply must sleep with your wife, simples. there you go, end of throttled parliament sorry hung parliament, and a newly formed Lib Con pack led by the Cleggerons or the Camereggs

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62% of people want PR according to a survey on yesterday's news. I would say that represents a pretty decent majority.

and a week ago it was 48% .. I suspect that give it a few weeks with PR not being in the news it would drop back down to the 40's or lower again

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"1039: Gordon Brown and Lord Mandelson have just left Number 10 - destination unknown".

They're going for a hot steamy sauna and man sex, thing is you look at these guys and the last thing you could ever imagine is them having sex of any kind.

:shock: Not that i want to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The irony in all this, is that the two parties who are actually the most similar are Labour and Conservative!

you've been listening to Gringo and Bicks for too long :-)



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Guest Ricardomeister

I voted Labour to keep out the heartless Tory party

then all one can say is


A Tory is certainly well qualified to talk about failure! And by the way my vote did help to keep the Tory out in my marginal constituency so at least my conscience will be clear when the Tories start their attack on the vulnerable and disadvantaged.

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Pretty much agree, it's not really a good time to govern at the moment. If I was Labour I would sit and wait and come back stronger with a good leader as you say. There is opportunity here to make the Tories life hell if the votes are close in the commons. "Call me Dave" promised change but the best he can hope for is to limp along wounded for a couple of years delivering virtually nothing.

so just to verify you would rather the country was made worse so labour could come back in?

if people had faith in labour they would have won this election. i think its silly for anyone to want another party to fail so another oen comes in. for me i wnat WHOEVER is in power to sort this mess out

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so just to verify you would rather the country was made worse so labour could come back in?

if people had faith in labour they would have won this election. i think its silly for anyone to want another party to fail so another one comes in. for me i want WHOEVER is in power to sort this mess out

Exactly Demitri ....Welcome to the world of the left .... blinkers compulsory ..

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Pretty much agree, it's not really a good time to govern at the moment. If I was Labour I would sit and wait and come back stronger with a good leader as you say. There is opportunity here to make the Tories life hell if the votes are close in the commons. "Call me Dave" promised change but the best he can hope for is to limp along wounded for a couple of years delivering virtually nothing.

so just to verify you would rather the country was made worse so labour could come back in?

if people had faith in labour they would have won this election. i think its silly for anyone to want another party to fail so another oen comes in. for me i wnat WHOEVER is in power to sort this mess out

It's not a case of WANTING things to get worse, it's more that it's likely that they simply will.

And a suggestion of what Labour's best strategy would be under those circumstances.

EDIT: And here's a further scenario - the Clegg sell-out to the Tories will destroy the Lib Dem party as we know it. A revamped Labour party with a new leader then merges with the rump of the Lib Dems to form a new social progressive party as an alernative to the (by now massively unpopular) Tories.

You read it here first.

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Amazing how Labour supporters are saying the Tories didn't win the election, or that most people dont want a Tory government. I must have missed the landslide Labour win last Thursday.

I also see how people are saying that they want PR and electoral reform. Well for me that would just give us exactly what we have now but every 4 years and that is an unstable uncertain period with political parties doing deals to try and secure a bit of power for themselves. In addition we would have the situation whereby we would have the Labour Party or the Conservatives basically having to do deals with the Liberals at every election to form a government. The one thing that changes being the Labour or Tory party but the one constant party in government being the Liberals. That (before any lifelong Labour supporter interjects) is not me saying I dislike the Liberals it is me saying how fair would that be?

Basically there is no fair systme of voting, not one that would produce a fair and consistent result. Not least but because what would you be voting for? Presumably you vote for a party because you believe in the policies they have on offer and , in some cases, vehemently disagree with the other parties. So what happens then when the party you vote for negotiates away some policies, probably some you wanted, to form a government? Where does that leave you and your vote that didn't matter but now does but actually doesn't because your policy no longer exists?

As for Cameron and "why is he actually bothering with the Liberals why doesn't he just go it alone" because, actually and unlike some people, he realises we need a strong government in the current situation and would prefer a government who could maintain more than 50% of the popular vote and seats in parliament, a buy in of all the people. Yes he could go minority government (aren't all parties minority now by the way) but surely it would be better to get stronger government? And that is what PR will never give you.

Lib dems will not go with labour for two key reasons

1. They are in the Brownstuff - It would take Labour 6 - 8 weeks to get a new leader and that would mean 2 months of further delay and uncertainty, can the country take that while we wait for Labour to get someone more acceptable?

2. The Numbers - even if they went with Labour the two parties combined would have only slightly more that the Conservatives and then no overall majority.

For these reasons the Tory discussions are really the only serious game in town

Gringo as for what I want, I want some certainty around our government, whether that is Conservatives on our own or with the support of the Lib dems then either is good for me, perhaps favouring an alliance of some sort as it would give better support and show an anti Labour majority rather than the anti Tory Majority that Labour and their desperate supportes were craving for.

However, and this is just my own personal opinion, I do think that the LIb dems need to be very careful. There are one or two in their party, and their supporters , who would find the idea of a Lb dem Conservative alliance just too distasteful and it may give the party some internal pressures that may force a little bit of a split, again just my opinion.

What I think will happen is that we will have an alliance and we could see an election before 2015

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so just to verify you would rather the country was made worse so labour could come back in?

if people had faith in labour they would have won this election. i think its silly for anyone to want another party to fail so another one comes in. for me i want WHOEVER is in power to sort this mess out

Exactly Demitri ....Welcome to the world of the left .... blinkers compulsory ..

Its inevitable things will get far worse for most under the conservatives. The good thing about this hung parliament is that it will fall down with in 12 - 18 months and another election will be called. This at least ensures that the Tories won't get anywhere near a full term but just long enough for people to again see them for the useless spineless look after the few **** over the many party they are and they will once again not be elected for many, many years.

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Its inevitable things will get far worse for most under the conservatives. The good thing about this hung parliament is that it will fall down with in 12 - 18 months and another election will be called. This at least ensures that the Tories won't get anywhere near a full term but just long enough for people to again see them for the useless spineless look after the few **** over the many party they are and they will once again not be elected for many, many years.

Welcome to the world of the left .... blinkers compulsory ..

well if nothing else you proved my post to be correct ..Thanks :-)

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It's not a case of WANTING things to get worse, it's more that it's likely that they simply will.

And a suggestion of what Labour's best strategy would be under those circumstances.

fair enough mj but it came across like you wanted the tories to fail and i completely disagree with that. if labour had won i want them to sort the country out ahead oif messing up so tories would win next time.

Its inevitable things will get far worse for most under the conservatives. The good thing about this hung parliament is that it will fall down with in 12 - 18 months and another election will be called. This at least ensures that the Tories won't get anywhere near a full term but just long enough for people to again see them for the useless spineless look after the few **** over the many party they are and they will once again not be elected for many, many years.

on what basis? we havent had a tory government in 12 years so how do you know? you dont, your guessing. you could be right or you could be wrong. this labour governments truely messed it up.

but labour supporters say its a "global recession" but if it was tories who did it i think you would be critising them and rightly so. i just find it funny when labour supporters cannot admit to labour failing

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