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Call of Duty: Black Ops


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I'm really enjoying it tbh, apart from that **** annoying radio control car bollocks.

I agree with the poster earlier who said that the knife is still too important, as it really is.

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I'm really enjoying it tbh, apart from that **** annoying radio control car bollocks.

I agree with the poster earlier who said that the knife is still too important, as it really is.

With one of the perks, you can get an RC car after 2 kills in a row... pretty much 3 for the price of two.

I still use Spy Plane though as it benefits the team more in the long run.

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^ :bang:

You've played it for days on end, but you think its shit? I'm sorry, i don't get it? Most people when they think something is shit, don't bother with it anymore, but you carry on playing?

Why don't you just admit the game is not the total abortion you and your chum are making out?

You'll no doubt carry on being an argumentative dick though...

I already explained why I played it for days on end. I rarely ever play on my own, so obviously I'm going to play games my mates play regularly, the Call of Duty series happens to be that, as is FIFA.

If one of them happens to be shit, I have to put up with it, unless they get rid of it.

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I'm really enjoying it tbh, apart from that **** annoying radio control car bollocks.

This.. Those cars do my absolute nut it! I picked one up in a care package and found them a right nightmare to drive too .. think i'll stick to the spy plane!

Generally i'm enjoying the game though, i'm not someone to stroke my chin and take games too seriously though. I like the maps, i think there's a decent weapons and so far it seems pretty "glitch" free as far as i can tell.

I also came down with pretty severe tonsilitus on tuesday and got signed off work till next week which means i'm house bound. Needless to say i've clocked up some serious game time already, i think i should have prestiged come the end of the weekend :lol:

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To get the dead ops arcade game just type 'DOA'.

Has anyone come across the decoy grenades? Saw a red dot appear in the corner of the 'Jungle' map, so i strolls over thinking it was someone **** about and that i'd get an easy kill, only to find this little canister just popping about on the floor! I got ambushed seconds later.

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Zork is a text based game (a bit like the one tom hanks plays in big, but without pictures) and worth having a look for an easy achievement. Help brings up a list of commands that can be input into the computer. From there e-mails can be read, nothing of great relevance (or at least i dont think so) but worth a look.

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