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Mass Effect 2


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Finito. Finished it on veteran difficulty. The combat was a challenge.

Wouldn't play it through again though, for the same reasons as Stu ^ and also because it was so challenging the first time around.

Good game, but not as good as I expected. The romance scenes in these RPGs are getting a bit weird now though, if you ask me. I poked Miranda, but I would have poked anyone one of the ladies really because I wanted the achievement.

Also for a two disc game I expected it to be bigger. Not as many missions as I expected.

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Finito. Finished it on veteran difficulty. The combat was a challenge.

Wouldn't play it through again though, for the same reasons as Stu ^ and also because it was so challenging the first time around.

Good game, but not as good as I expected. The romance scenes in these RPGs are getting a bit weird now though, if you ask me. I poked Miranda, but I would have poked anyone one of the ladies really because I wanted the achievement.

Also for a two disc game I expected it to be bigger. Not as many missions as I expected.

I am guessing that is down to the dialog and the graphics. Majority of the data is audio, and like Oblivion this game has a looooooot of it.

When do people think the next gen of consoles will be out 2013, 2015?

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Finally got this yesterday having traded in Heavy Rain. There sure have been some good games out recently!

Anyway, I had a six hour session on it yesterday and am really enjoying it. I think they have basically improved on every aspect of the first game, even if only slightly. The combat still isn't very good but it is still ok. The game runs a lot smoother than the first one in my opinion. Plus it just looks and feels more polished. Anyway, I am having fun.

Only problem I am having right now is too many games to play. I still haven't finished Dragon Age: Origins and I still need to reach 70 in MW2. Plus I got Civilization IV the other day and have been having great fun with that. Too many games and not enough time to play them all!

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Good game, but not as good as I expected. The romance scenes in these RPGs are getting a bit weird now though, if you ask me. I poked Miranda, but I would have poked anyone one of the ladies really because I wanted the achievement

I didnt get none!! Was putting in the ground work with Kelly and thought i was in there...took her for dinner and everything and still didnt get anything. Hard work that gal was. Story of my life really though :(

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*may contain spoilers*

finished this a while ago and now I have had time to think over Harbinger's final message I have come up with a few little theories, just thought I would share them.

Due to the now common usage of Element Zero (for mass effect fields etc) dark energy in the universe is getting all messed up and leads to situations like the sun on Haestrom (sun aging prematurely) meaning the reapers cycle of harvesting is to stop the suns from going out by kulling advanced populations who use element zero before the damage becomes irreparable making life in the galaxy impossible, hence "we are your salvation through destruction" . This would also explain why only the space fairing Protheans were killed off in the last harvest. It also seems like the reapers are turning the older civilizations i.e Protheans/collectors into beings able to develop tech to survive in places as hostile as this future would be just in case, using the location of the collector base as a kind of test run of surviving in the post apocalyptic galaxy.

again this is just a kind of theory that might fit the framework we have been given, just a hunch really. Would like some feedback on it though.

*Edit, some of this goes against what sovereign says in his conversation with Shepard but he was quite arrogant and to be honest is probably the loser of the reapers because he was left behind with the clean up. I don't know this story seems like it's gonna need one hell of conclusion

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  • 1 month later...

Started playing this on Saturday. It's frickin' ace! Improved on ME1 in every way.


The only thing i'm not keen on is the planet scanning (which can take a while, even after the upgrade) and the inter-galactic travel with fuel reserves. But i can live with it.

The characters are so much better too. Kaiden and Ashley were meh, Tali and Liara were OK, Garrus and Wrex were wicked. Grunt basically takes Wrex's place, Samara is a definite improvement over Liara, Tali is Tali, Jacob and Miranda are upgrades of Kaiden and Ashley, Archangel is Garrus so he's still in and still kicking ass, then you have the extra characters who are sheer badass, Jack and Thane. More choice, and deeper personalities. Much love.

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Absolutely. This is heading into game of the year territory for me, and I really didnt like Mass Effect 1 at all.

If you do buy it then definitely read up on the plot of Mass Effect 1 though. The Wikipedia page on the game can be read in ten minutes, but it will help you get to grips with the Mass Effect universe.

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Alright, I did have Mass Effect 1 but I wasn't really a fan - finished it once and didn't touch it again. Just wondering if the singleplayer lives up to the price!

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A space mage with a heart of stone. It is much fun.


See the guy flying to his death in the top left of the picture? I did that.

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I may have to get this. I've been looking for something to push the new system I bought recently and this seems to fit the bill graphically. The only thing that put me off was that I didn't get on with the first one, but after reading a bit more about it I take it it's a vast improvement. Hmmmm.

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