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Does anyone else start feeling anxious on a Sunday night?
Not so much anxious as deeply **** depressed. Leading to application of medicinal alcohol. Leding to Monday morning hangover, thus making it even more shit .

I used to...but my schedule on a Monday means I don't teach until after lunch and even then it's to the 7/8 year olds.

I used to get really anxious when I was working for the NHS in Birmingham, they used to schedule a half 8 meeting and get each and everyone of us to map out the weeks duties and what not. This was done through PP presentations and so Sunday night was spent furiously...making a presentation that could pass muster.

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I thought a resume was just what Americans call a CV!

so did I until last week, by all accounts it's very condensed and straight to the point, not that I'd waffle on a cv but resume templates online suggest them to be incredibly punchy, no sales pitch bullshit at all

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I killed a mouse with a trap few years ago after seeing it in the living room

Not nice, not an instant death at all, still wriggling in trap for about a minute

Never again

RIP mousey

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I killed a mouse with a trap few years ago after seeing it in the living room

Not nice, not an instant death at all, still wriggling in trap for about a minute

Never again

RIP mousey

You need better mouse traps..... the ones I use absolutely destroy the little feckers. And when they get caught in one of the rat traps? :shock: :puke:

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