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I do not feel good at all. :x

Is that because we didn't meet? And now you may have missed your chance forever?

I did on the other hand stand and sit very close to Lombardo. I'm guessing it was Lombardo. He was a giant and seemed vaguely familiar and was around the airport after our flight landed and was with one male accomplice, possibly his friend.. I had to try to imagine what the person I saw would look like blurry and I'd say it was almost definitely him.

We stood outside a bathroom/wudu together. Then waited for the airport shuffle together. Then got onto the same carriage together. And sat across from each other (together).

No introductions were made and I refused all attempts at eye contact.

Yes, not meeting you completely ruined the game. :( I was waiting with a bag of MnMs as well.

That and the fact despite spending very little, I got very drunk and my leg really really hurts.

Soooooo, nothing was thrown, no pictures were taken, and no love connection was made. WOW! I mean talk about your let downs.

Aaaw no bromantic cuddling? :cry:

I barely watched the match at all looking for any sign of a green hoody, but no joy. I think Liverpool is my next game, so fingers crossed...

I said green COAT not hoody! :angry:


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After the first 2 Transformers Films (the second of which could well be number 2 on my list of "Worst Films I've spent money at the cinema to watch), there is very VERY little chance of me bothering to watch Transformers 3

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After the first 2 Transformers Films (the second of which could well be number 2 on my list of "Worst Films I've spent money at the cinema to watch), there is very VERY little chance of me bothering to watch Transformers 3

Exactly my thoughts when the previous poster was really excited about a 30 second clip of Transformers 3. It'll almost certainly be crap. Even if it isn't they don't deserve to have fans 'excited' about a clip after the shite they've served up.

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After the first 2 Transformers Films (the second of which could well be number 2 on my list of "Worst Films I've spent money at the cinema to watch), there is very VERY little chance of me bothering to watch Transformers 3

Exactly my thoughts when the previous poster was really excited about a 30 second clip of Transformers 3. It'll almost certainly be crap. Even if it isn't they don't deserve to have fans 'excited' about a clip after the shite they've served up.

Unless you have 12-year-old kids, I can't see why anybody would contemplate watching these - that's the target audience, isn't it?

Or is it a nostalgia thing for blokes who had Transformers toys when they were kids?

If so, I still don't get it it. I mean, I grew up with Thunderbirds - and I'd happily watch a DVD of the old programmes for a nostalgia buzz. But I wouldn't touch the recent big screen live action version with a bargepole.

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I think it's the nostalgia thing.

But they are really crap. They COULD be good, if they decided what kind of film they wanted it to be. But the cringeworthy attempts at humour that they insert into it just ruins it. Add the standard Michael bay crap Storyline ridiculous action, and you've got a distinctly average film (Transformers) followed by a seriously crap film (Transformers 2).

They get points for special effects. The effects are seriously good. But it doesn't make up for the failings in basically every other area of the film.

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Or is it a nostalgia thing for blokes who had Transformers toys when they were kids?

Only those who are so blinded by their love of a franchise they can't tell a turd when they stand in one. How Michael Bay continues to get any kind of work just baffles, I would honestly rather see Uwe Boll in the chair.

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I mean, I grew up with Thunderbirds - and I'd happily watch a DVD of the old programmes for a nostalgia buzz. But I wouldn't touch the recent big screen live action version with a bargepole.

An aside; whilst you'd be right in avoiding said film like the plague, Ben Kingsley as The Hood is an inspired piece of casting. :lol:

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I mean, I grew up with Thunderbirds - and I'd happily watch a DVD of the old programmes for a nostalgia buzz. But I wouldn't touch the recent big screen live action version with a bargepole.

An aside; whilst you'd be right in avoiding said film like the plague, Ben Kingsley as The Hood is an inspired piece of casting. :lol:

True. Pity Joanna Lumley was a bit too old to do Lady Penelope!
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I had a night on the German wheat beer last night. I think I've got a collapsed arse.

Nowt like a good Weißbier.

It's also a weiß of mine...

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