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Yeah, i find i have to use IE most of the time to see it. Still not sure why Firefox doesnt like it. Think they would have fixed Firefox to work with stuff like that by now.

And Dan:

Deuce Commander puts all Ace2 stuff on a dropdown menu in Fubar. You probably have this, but its still worth a link in case you dont.

Witchunt A very nice spell alert. I like it a lot. Id say outside of 2v2 its probably best to have for your target only, but you can make it appear in your scrolling combat text. Much better than Enemy Cast Bar ive found.

Littlewigs just for comedy purposes. Its like Bigwigs, only little!

Also noticed this bow has gone to the guild bank. Is it as good as the people say in the comments?

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My guild is now at the curator... kinda slow i know, but we didnt raid patch week, and not too many people have much raid exp. Anyways was just wondering how you guys found him eg- how long he took you, any tricks etc Also after chess where did you go? Who went down next?

Havent had any real goes at him yet- hopefully tomorrow we'll have a full run at the guy, then we have maybe monday before reset.

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Quick newbie quesiton, I have a Taurean Shaman character, and I have a spell that requires a totem. Wher can I get this totem from?

I've never played a shaman, but I guess you buy them from a vendor - probably a reagent vendor.

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Nah. With my level 6 Shaman i can field this. He has an Earthbind totem!

Totems are Reagents, much like Fadeleaf for Blind or Soulshards for 452332 different Warlock spells. You only need one Totem in your bag and then you can cast all the Totem spells you want.

There are four totems which you will get over the course of leveling, (Earth, Air, Fire and Water) and each opens a number of spells. This is why Shamen can only drop four totems at a time, one of each school.

You should get a quest for each Totem.

And @ Max about The Curator.

We wiped quite a lot on him, but i do think he is a gear test. Using a 3 healer, 2 tank 5 DPS group we beat him.

You do need to know four things about him really.

1] Usual Damage on Main Tank. Assign a healer.

2] Hateful Bolts. Will shoot at the person with the highest threat after the maintank. I think it also targets people with the highest number of hitpoints.

Hateful bolts are arcane nukes. They hit for about 5k. The person who gets hit by them will need to be healed to 100% asap. The trick we use is to have one person taking all the Hateful Bolts rather than have the Curator spamming bolts around the entire raid making healing more difficult. We used a Warrior who had a lot of arcane resist gear. As there is craftable +arcane resist cloth gear easily availiable (ask guild tailors) a Lock or a Shadowpriest could easily take the Hateful Bolt damage all the time. They will need a lot of healing though. Its for your group to decide who is going to be the Soaker.

3] Astral Flares. very important. This is how the Curator attacks the raid. They are adds which do a chain lighting attack (arcane damage) on the raid. They pushback cast times and do reasonable damage. They come every ten seconds or so, so if you have two or three in your group you are going to have big problems as caster DPS and healing is going to drop massively. All DPS should be on the flares when they are spawning. If you have people concentrating on the Curator and ignoring the Flares your raid will just be overwhelmed and wipe. You can have dot classes keep dots up on the Curator at all time, but seriously, dont let the Flares get out of control.

4] Evocation. Like the mage spell, the Curator does it when his mana drops. He stops spawning flares and takes a lot more damage when he Evocates. You need to do your damage to him here. If you have Warlocks in the raid, a Curse of Doom can hit for up to 30k on him (my record is 29,900) and things like AP > POM > PYRO really hit hard. You need to have most (if not all) of the flares down before he evocates. Have priests use Shadowfiends here. Get hunters to send pets in here. Have a Shammy use Bloodlust. Hit him with everything you have basically. Just dont neglect the soaker healing, MT healing or Flares.

At 15% (i think?) he enrages. He stops throwing flares out but does more damage to the tanks. Spamheals. Unload DPS. Loot.

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TBH, I think your wrong Rev, I think he needs 4 totems in his bag to launch all the different elemental totem "spells".

Each one is gained through either a quest or quest chain. I know when I didnt realise this ang had got to about l40 without having picked up a quest in 1k needles, the air one I think, people were questioning why I couldnt lay down a particular helpful totem, and it was because without having it in my bag, I'd not been able to learn them. I think it was the air totem, the last one you get in my circumstance.

Anyway, whats your characters name, which server are you on mate?

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Okay, four and a quater hours in Gruuls Lair.

For two and a half hours we had the Shaman mob doing massive AOE knockbacks for 2k on half the raid knocking tanks out of position, knocking crowd controllers out of position, giving healers lots of extra work.

About five times the guys tanking him (2 hunters, Bigun and Tatonka) were asked if they knew what was causing it as the Shammy only does his AOE if something gets aggro in his melee range. Bigun had his pet on defensive with taunt on auto cast the whole time. He must have been told to turn it off every time but continued to do so.

When one person can continually do so much damage to a raid by being lazy/stupid its annoying isnt it?

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Its funny though. First thing i said while starting the encounter was to move the Paladin to MT healing to support GHs for better efficiancy and control. We wiped and wiped, the tank died and died. Then after 2 hours they sorted it.

Then i said the Felhunter was wiping us. After probably 5 constant wipes which the 3 last every priest in the section had been attacked and pretty much killed by the pet, they sorted and brought the problem up in raid chat.

Wouldnt it be easier to listen to me WHEN i say it, instead of making us wipe 2 hours.

Secondly, the fact that i was healing Noctus alone with Crazyhorse for probably over 2 hours, well thats just quality. No **** wonder it was hard.

So what it comes down too. Dont listen to me, but when you do, be sure to delay whatever fix for 2 hours.

And how the hell Arcasis managed to die, i have no idea. The one time he takes damge is after spell shield fails, then he takes a 10k fireball, but that still leaves 2-3 k hp. And that should be more then enough for a pw:s, flash heal and pot.

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Ali, you need to do quests to get all four totems. The first one is for the "Earth totem." It's from a quest chain that starts in the Valley of Trials in Durotar. It's quite easy, just to get you into the swing of things. Once you have it you'll be able to use earth totems like Earthbind, which slows all enemies down around you. The next totem is fire, which starts at L10 I think. When you have this you'll start getting fire totems to use which attack people.

At L20 you get the water totem. You'll find this quest a COMPLETE pain in the arse, as it has lots of stages which gets you running backwards and forwards all over the map. Get used to it!

Lastly you get the air totem at L30. As you level up you'll be able to learn new totems of each type.

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Okay, four and a quater hours in Gruuls Lair.

For two and a half hours we had the Shaman mob doing massive AOE knockbacks for 2k on half the raid knocking tanks out of position, knocking crowd controllers out of position, giving healers lots of extra work.

About five times the guys tanking him (2 hunters, Bigun and Tatonka) were asked if they knew what was causing it as the Shammy only does his AOE if something gets aggro in his melee range. Bigun had his pet on defensive with taunt on auto cast the whole time. He must have been told to turn it off every time but continued to do so.

When one person can continually do so much damage to a raid by being lazy/stupid its annoying isnt it?

So what was done about it? I take it people became aware of it?

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Ali, you need to do quests to get all four totems. The first one is for the "Earth totem." It's from a quest chain that starts in the Valley of Trials in Durotar. It's quite easy, just to get you into the swing of things. Once you have it you'll be able to use earth totems like Earthbind, which slows all enemies down around you. The next totem is fire, which starts at L10 I think. When you have this you'll start getting fire totems to use which attack people.

At L20 you get the water totem. You'll find this quest a COMPLETE pain in the arse, as it has lots of stages which gets you running backwards and forwards all over the map. Get used to it!

Lastly you get the air totem at L30. As you level up you'll be able to learn new totems of each type.

Actually, the Tauren start in Mulgore and it is at Red Cloud Mesa where you need to get the first quest for the Earth totem. I remember having to run back from TB to get it when I was level 8 >.<

To read up on the quests, click here

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I assume the Totem quests are like the Warlock Demon quests, ie slightly different depending on your race and where abouts you pick the Q up?



I made a video so people could see the encounter from my point of view. As you can see if you watch it im trying to position myself in a spot where i can assist the DPS and CC the felhunters. Ive got BNASIH!! on mouseover so i dont have to lose my target and i dont think i do badly on the one im looking after. Obviously the last 20 seconds of the video we have lost Arcasis and a couple more key people so i thought **** it, lets focus on the Warlock and get him down before the wipe happens, but what do you think of the CC for the time when Arc is still up?

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I assume the Totem quests are like the Warlock Demon quests, ie slightly different depending on your race and where abouts you pick the Q up?



I made a video so people could see the encounter from my point of view. As you can see if you watch it im trying to position myself in a spot where i can assist the DPS and CC the felhunters. Ive got BNASIH!! on mouseover so i dont have to lose my target and i dont think i do badly on the one im looking after. Obviously the last 20 seconds of the video we have lost Arcasis and a couple more key people so i thought **** it, lets focus on the Warlock and get him down before the wipe happens, but what do you think of the CC for the time when Arc is still up?

There were a couple of tries we did fairly well. The one you have frapsed looks like the try when we had Beorn for the first time. The banish wasnt poor this try, or lets rephrase, as utterly useless as it was before. But still we have one felhunter running loose in your movie, and how come the other warlocks didnt banish it? Your movie clip is afaik one of our best tries aswell.

This really is the problem with Dashers. We got a fair few people who are focused and know their class. Then we always have the 25% we have to carry. Sometimes that just wont work.

Just looking at the fact that it was me and Crazyhorse on Noctus for the first 2-3 hours. Crazyhorse i have yet to see in a raid, and his equipment belongs in the arena. He has bloody resilience on his mace.

This is the same MT healing fight, were most guides suggest 3 well geared priests spamming rank 3 GH together. And along with this we had a paladin they refused to put on MT duty.

Sometimes this guild just makes me rip my hair out, because they make it SO much harder and painful then it needs to be.

EDIT: Ive checked the movie once more, and i can see that the felhunters werent much of a problem there. They were banished fairly quick, but thats kinda the point. It HAS to be that way. One of our best tries i was crit for 2.4 k -----> 1.5 hit in a split second, which led to me healing myself, Shack healing me, and Noctus dying.

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And HKM has some utterly insane damage output. Noctus and Beorn were hit/crit for 8-9 k x 2 = within 2-3 secs. And im not yet convinced Beorn tanking is the way to go. Personally i think he took much more beating then Noc in terms of the hits and hp percentage, but maybe he is easier off with having a lot more hit points. It just seems like a panic attempt to switch tanks, basically because we wipe a place were half the raid is under geared, and we have never practised the boss fight.

Then again he didnt die, as often as Noc.

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Ali, you need to do quests to get all four totems. The first one is for the "Earth totem." It's from a quest chain that starts in the Valley of Trials in Durotar. It's quite easy, just to get you into the swing of things. Once you have it you'll be able to use earth totems like Earthbind, which slows all enemies down around you. The next totem is fire, which starts at L10 I think. When you have this you'll start getting fire totems to use which attack people.

At L20 you get the water totem. You'll find this quest a COMPLETE pain in the arse, as it has lots of stages which gets you running backwards and forwards all over the map. Get used to it!

Lastly you get the air totem at L30. As you level up you'll be able to learn new totems of each type.

Cheers for the tip.

Can I say, what a fantastic game - one drawback, no social life and an annyed girlffriend.

Got a lvl 10 druid and a lvl 9 shaman, don't think I should meet up with you lot yet, as I'd probably hold you back.

Are alliance any good?

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