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Well, Noctus is a very well geared player. Problem is with a lot of our ferals (Redemptus is particularly guilty) is that they see themselves as DPS. Druids are mediocre at that. They are awesome healers and very good tanks. We need a Druid to get geared up as a tank. I think Beorn is going that way, and Attacker seems to be the same way too. I was chatting to Shaetano (remember him?) and he has maintanked Kara for Mist now, so i think if the gear is on the Druid they can do the job. Just a case of waiting.

You are bang on about people slacking though. Its a nightmare because there is such potential. Like when Bigun was causing wipe after wipe after wipe for the same thing and blissfully ignoring requests to stop doing it. Its times like that when you think that joining another guild isnt such a bad idea.

*jay, get on yer raiding shoes

The Felhunter thing got a bit better when they moved the position that the Warlock was being tanked. Before everything was happening behind us because the distance the Warlock was being tanked from the nuking spot so it was virtually impossible to DPS and CC at the same time. I said id do most of the banishing and Mad or Nix could be backup. There is only one felhunter up at a time with a little overlap, though they die naturally after about 1 minute.

When i enslave them i can see their spells, much like you can when you mind control something. They have an auto attack which hits cloth for about 1.5k, and a special attack called Wild Bite or something which hits for 3.5k or so (tooltip says it ignores armour so it hits Warriors for the same as it hits Priests) then they have a taunt and a Cloak of Shadows.

I dont think the Felhunters are too much of an issue at the moment. Its the Shaman mob doing Arcane knockbacks on large numbers of the raid when someone in his melee range gets aggro. Hopefully we have a full time Moonkin tank on him next week. That way he can be ranged tanked and wont Polymorph who he has on aggro.

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Are alliance any good?

Treat them like SHA fans. You will learn to hate them, particularly when you get ganked on a regualr basis.

That bad eh?

TBH being horde is good fun, there are some mean mofos around.

I got two of my mates to sign up aswell, except we got killed several times as we are only level 10.


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Well due to some afkers and bad play we only had 3 attempts at the curator yesterday, and on our best attempt got him to 72%... not great. I have a feeling our dps isnt good enough, but as im so focused on the main tank I couldn't really see what they were doing. We used the "soaker" tactic but I noticed at one point the lock doing it got attacked by flares and their hitpoints went down and all of a sudden I was getting the bolts. Do you guys know if it is second on his aggro list or second highest hitpoints? I keep seeing conflicting answers.

My concern is I was using such big heals I was oom mana during the period after the first evocate. I'll work on my pots and over healing.

Next week we're going to take two paladins as main healers and 2 shadow priests in the dps grp. (something like prot warrior, 2 holy pallys, 2 shadow priests, 2 locks, hunter, mage, rogue). this will reflect our best geared players

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If you can get the two locks to time curse of dooms to hit in evocation at a point when weaving is stacked you have got some sick damage on the curator. (might be an idea to get a shadowpriest to soak. Its definately aggro, ive soaked myself. He might start shooting at others if the Soaker isnt kept at 100%)

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Mwahaha id love to see your repair bill after your Kara tonight Nays :lol:

I stand corrected.

Attunmen down first attempt.

Moroes down third attempt. Most of us didnt die on the two failed attempts as we ran down the stairs.

Maiden down second attempt.

Opera (wolf) down first attempt.

Not bad considering of the ten of us, at least three were in for the very first time and two were in on different characters for the very first time. Was a bit slow as there was a lot of explaining to be done for a lot of the pulls, and yes, the place has been nerfed, but i was very impressed.

Doing Moroes with one shackle and two tanks was crazy good.

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Mwahaha id love to see your repair bill after your Kara tonight Nays :lol:

I stand corrected.

Attunmen down first attempt.

Moroes down third attempt. Most of us didnt die on the two failed attempts as we ran down the stairs.

Maiden down second attempt.

Opera (wolf) down first attempt.

Not bad considering of the ten of us, at least three were in for the very first time and two were in on different characters for the very first time. Was a bit slow as there was a lot of explaining to be done for a lot of the pulls, and yes, the place has been nerfed, but i was very impressed.

Doing Moroes with one shackle and two tanks was crazy good.

Not really. The original line up didnt have a priest, and you only need one priest for buffs and shackle at moroes. It turned out to be a squad who had not only been there before, but also the right key classes present. Nothing less the expected, and definatly not comparable to doing it without a priest.

It was fairly easy with one priest before the patch, now it must be a piss.

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Ye the nerf has made it so that undergeared players like my alt can get by just fine in there. Maybe on the curator or something i might struggle, I wont be making a habit of healing in there tho, not while my main is fastly becoming the poorest geared rogue in the guild.

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Yeah, one of the main reasons i cant be arsed trying to gear up Trl anymore. No matter what i get, where i go, nothing will be as good as tailored mooncloth gear. And i dont have the time, money or interest levelling tailoring on this toon aswell.

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