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hehe, you removed my ventrilo swearing though!

I think i might have to do some more ganking with those demons.

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I think its the fact that healers have to chain cast a lot more in TBC, which kinda breaks spirit based regen.

Head. Nail. Which is quite **** fantastic, because it means Blizzard has totally ignored the main priest stat.

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In fact managing to ignore the main regeneration stat for the main PvE healer (in theory)... incredible

And that they think armour scaling and migitation is okey atm. Because all classes felt it... well thats hardly **** relevant for PvP is it? Its not like i **** hit warriors with my mace... thick braindead useless dev words removed

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Where am ya?

Tarren Mill server? Hordeside?

can't remember. I am a Taurean, a druid, and on this land which is a bit like a plain, with a campsite at the centre.

I got killed by this wild boar tribe.


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Yep, before you invest much time where you are, , re roll on the Tarren Mill server - its where the rest of us are.....

And Horde, obviously....

Post your name here so we can add you to our friends list....

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Re-roll is old terminolagy from D&D days, it means just create a new character on the Tarren Mill server, and you'll find a whole heap of people happy to help you and provide advice, items, show you around ect ect..

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I think its the fact that healers have to chain cast a lot more in TBC, which kinda breaks spirit based regen.

Head. Nail. Which is quite **** fantastic, because it means Blizzard has totally ignored the main priest stat.

Aye. Priests need a buff. Badly.

And why did the synergy between warlocks and shadow priests mean priests only get a nerf?

Also, Blizz wants to buff the Ret tree for paladins so their DPS is "raid viable". But dont worry - there's room next to the fire with the shaman sitting in shat city spamming the LFG channel.

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I feel sorry for ret paladins. The other day I got whispered by one who was asking for advice as he couldn't get groups. I just told him to spec with what he enjoyed the most- but realistically if he wanted to raid he'd have to change.

I think you can take them on 5 mans- but hell prot pallys seem to be last choice tanks, and I doubt he'll ever find a good grp through lfg as ret.

The best suggestion Ive heard is to give ret pallys something like vampiric embrace for melee, but its such a major change its unlikely to happen.

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I dont get why people just cant accept there are PvE specs and PvP specs.

I can sympathize when PvE specs are considered 'weak', i mean i played a Warlock in MC/BWL, but when Ret Paladins complain they cannot understand why the class doesnt compete with Rogues and Warriors in terms of sustained melee damage i wonder what is going on in their brain. As long as things like Divine Shield, Blessing of Protection, Lay on Hands (etc) are trainable, then Pallys will have to give up damage because of their survivability.

Paladins are awesome at certain aspects of the game and very mediocre at others. In the min-max world of raidgroups, you take people who play to their strengths, not those who want to pew pew in PvP and whine for buffs because someone who specs PvE has their spot in a group. You could just buff the shit out of every class and talent tree so you have 9x3 god mode specs, then ooops, you just broke the game.

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server is up btw. Buffed epix! overnight ive gained 180hp, 135 mana and 37 spellpower. Id imagine with the amount of purple Sam has its about 500hp, 1000mana and 5k spellpower!

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I dont get why people just cant accept there are PvE specs and PvP specs.

I can sympathize when PvE specs are considered 'weak', i mean i played a Warlock in MC/BWL, but when Ret Paladins complain they cannot understand why the class doesnt compete with Rogues and Warriors in terms of sustained melee damage i wonder what is going on in their brain. As long as things like Divine Shield, Blessing of Protection, Lay on Hands (etc) are trainable, then Pallys will have to give up damage because of their survivability.

Paladins are awesome at certain aspects of the game and very mediocre at others. In the min-max world of raidgroups, you take people who play to their strengths, not those who want to pew pew in PvP and whine for buffs because someone who specs PvE has their spot in a group. You could just buff the shit out of every class and talent tree so you have 9x3 god mode specs, then ooops, you just broke the game.

Yeah I see all this- but still they should be able to get spots in non heroic instances.

Lorewise (and I know this is a geeky response) the ret paladin is probably the closest to what they should be. Two handed hammers, spot healers, buffs thats what most people imagined when they rolled the class. Baseline dps shouldn't match but should be nearer, with buffs making up for the difference. I dont think serious posters would try to argue otherwise about dps. Somethings wrong though when people specced cant get a grp through lfg for shadowlabs. Apparently the guy was just getting the following-

"holy or prot?"



As I think I've said before I hate pvp- they could take it out the game for all I care, then balancing would become a lot easier.

At the moment I see the class as healer/tanks and priests as healer/dps, which is causing all the friction between the two classes. The jack of all trades is being forced into aiming to be a master of one.

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And why did the synergy between warlocks and shadow priests mean priests only get a nerf?

Its probably because they feel better nerfing the debuffs of a class which isnt really supposed to be THE debuff class. Thats fair enough, but then they should up the percentage on shadowform. Because as it is now, they are punishing PvP, grinding, questing priests in shadowform, for the insane damage locks could give in a RAID environment with a SP.

I dont get why people just cant accept there are PvE specs and PvP specs.

I think most people do. Very few ret palas think they should compete with rogues. The issue is that they are pretty much useless.

I read a post on the OS were shadowpriests, moonkins, ferals, enhancements... everyone gave more to a raid in not only pure DPS, but debuffs and additional passive abilities like VT,VE, LoP etc.

Then again Ret is getting buffed, or have been buffed.

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server is up btw. Buffed epix! overnight ive gained 180hp, 135 mana and 37 spellpower. Id imagine with the amount of purple Sam has its about 500hp, 1000mana and 5k spellpower!

And FWIW looking at your post time, this is the fastest ive ever seen a patch getting implemented.

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It was up at about 9:45 UK time according to people in IRC (before the usual advertised time!) so its been the smoothest patch of all time. The questing areas are swamped at the moment, but they should be okay later. Once a day and everything.

One other thing i noticed, Shammies have had their colour changed to small health blue now. No wonder Risso took a break!

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"holy or prot?"



Just a thought, this could be as much to do with the strengths of Holy and Prot as to the weaknesses of Ret.

Ive found heal specced Pallys to be awesome in 5 mans, better at keeping a tank up than the other healing classes.

I think tank specced Pallys shine in places with big pulls too. You run a Shattered halls with some people throwing AOE and you will see how much DPS the group can put down.

I guess you have a point in Ret just isnt desirable to have in a group, but when people think of what they want from a Paladin then one turns up and says "actually, no, i dont do that" then you cant blame them for wanting alternative melee DPS. I cant use two of my 41 point talents in raids (admittedly i can in non heroic 5 mans) so this speccing the right way for what you want to do will always exist.

Pallys are buffs, heals and tanks.

Priests are buffs heals and damage.

I think Shadowpriests will hit scaling problems too. Mind Flay and Mind Blast dont scale very well, and with that as Mages and Warlocks get better gear the gap in DPS will widen.

However, the Shadow 41 pointer has to be one of the best group buffs in the entire game and Shadow will always offer very good DPS even if they slip down from the Champions League spaces on damage meters to the UEFA cup spaces (see what i did there?) but is there room for a similar buff with Retri? Things like Leader of the Pact, Trueshot Aura and the many melee DPS buffs a Shaman can bring already have most things covered, so there is no gap like there was for the mana regen that shadowpriests give.

Paladins cant take these buffs from classes who rely on them to get groups. Pallys are already one of the most in demand classes in the game for PvE and PvP, ****, the Devs broke to constant pressure and whines from the Horde raid community to give them to us in TBC because of what the class can offer.

I just dont see giving Paladins another pro PvE spec as being a high a priority as to fixing Hunters who are only really taken to places to misdirect stuff onto the tank atm.

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Retri is fine, if it gets buffed it'll make pallies unstoppable in pvp. ATM its just like a moonkin druid, youre not gonna want one in a 5 man.

All my Ace2 addons are broken, GG

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