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Disaster... I was out last night drinking beer with humans. And tonight I have to take a woman bowling with food and drink after.

And all I want to do is stay home and get My Troll Shaman level 17!

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Disaster... I was out last night drinking beer with humans. And tonight I have to take a woman bowling with food and drink after.

And all I want to do is stay home and get My Troll Shaman level 17!

Is this the same woman as the topic you started the other month?

If so its obviously getting serious, persuade her to buy WoW and play with us. that way she wont feel neglected :D

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Funny you say that... guest pass was emailed this am...

But I am thinking I'd like to try an alliance player. I understand designer 1 and Nayson have alliance characters on a less full server of Draenor.

Perhaps we ought to create characters there as a back up to see some alternate adventuring....

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But I am thinking I'd like to try an alliance player. I understand designer 1 and Nayson have alliance characters on a less full server of Draenor.

Yep, I have an Alliance Dark Elf Hunter on Draenor server (not sure if nayson still has one or not). Its a PvE server so no ganking, but the ability to explore is obviously better. Anyway, Deathwing covers all my PvP needs.

Btw, its fascinating looking at the game from the 'other' side and you really do get your moneys worth this way.

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We formed something of a gank squad after you left Si, and headed for Ally territory.


And this poor little one was killed just for the fact she had a comedy name.


But from Ashenvale, we decided to do a bit of a world tour. We hit Westfall, which is the Ally equivilant of The Barrens i guess. Same kind of levels. Anyway, we cant attack unless attacked first, as are the rules of being in the other sides area. But i stumbled upon a load of Level 10-20 alliance duelling, and one of them had a PvP flag on. Whether they had turned it on deliberately, or whether they had flew in from a PvP area, and was still flagged, i dont know, but i rode over and killed them regardless. Anyway, the rest of the group started attacking after that (there were about half a dozen of them, probably) and they all became flagged. Easy meat for us three (level 46 Lock, 49 Priest, 50 Rogue) and we just tore the area up. Funny, but not spectacular. And i wouldnt have even mentioned it had this screenshot not have happened..


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Disaster... I was out last night drinking beer with humans. And tonight I have to take a woman bowling with food and drink after.

And all I want to do is stay home and get My Troll Shaman level 17!

So was it worth it Juju or would you have been better off playing WoW? (assuming you've made it home yet that is!) :D

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I cant summon him yet, thats level 50, but if i see one out in the field (any demon in fact, up to level 49) i can enslave him, which is a bit like priests mind control, i guess.

Its mainly for comedy/scaring lowbies, because they arent actually that good a pet to have.

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Okay. A tip.

skill up your first aid

In a couple of hours, ive got mine up to 300/300, which gives me the ability to make heavy runecloth bandages, which will heal me for 2000 in 8 seconds.

Basically, how first aid works, is you learn to make various types of bandage from the really shit (linen) through wool, silk, mageweave and runecloth.

Each type has a "heavy" version, which requires two sheets of cloth to make the bandage, but it does offer more healing. Make the light versions until they turn green in the first aid menu. Then make the heavy versions. Then move onto the next type when you can learn it. Sell all the bandages you made back to the vendor before you make the next type, and you will find you probably get about 60% of your outlay back, making levelling up cheap.

When you get to 150 skill, you have to go buy a first aid book from a fella in Dustwood (at the camp where the flightpath is) and at 225 skill, you get a fun little quest which is set entriely in the camp at Hammerfall, and will give you 3900 XP.

Sion can probably skill up from 0-300 in one session, for no more than about 10 gold (probably a lot less than that in fact, i wasnt counting) if all the goods are purchaced from the auction house, and a lot less if all the goods are collected from drops.

Bicks and Risso and Juju and Dan and TRL (though its not as important to a priest. Healing is kinda his thing as it is, but i guess if mana efficency is a concern first aid will be a massive bonus) might want to stop at mageweave or somewhere, because you would be getting to the point where the bandages will heal you for more health than you actually have, which seems a bit of a waste. But it really does seem to be a good thing to be 300/300 by the time you hit the mid 40s level wise.

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Brian Little walks on water, and so can I....

(Apparently an in joke from the programmers, ie overpowered Shammies are godlike!). Actually it's dead useful sometimes for short cuts, like getting north to south in Desolace.


And just about to leg it to check in a quest, when around the corner comes this bloke, remember him from Nayson's post a little while ago?!


He actually followed me into the sea as well!

Reckon me and Tarj could take him though!

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Have you succumbed to this yet LV?

I'm trying to keep my life on an even keel but found myself perusing the gaming shelves of PC World and Woolies on Saturday morning....

I'm getting dangerously close to resigning my life to this game but not sure the new gf would be best pleased - especially given Juju's dilemma of yesterday (and unlike him I've not yet managed to get a curry and a shag for £30 let alone a game of bowling thrown in!)

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