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I know they are useful Riss...just tried beeing funny, AGAIN!

Yeah guld was a bit foolish, but we really were crap. And you didnt miss out of anything Dan, except me promising Si never to tank and only stay back next time ^^

Wanna try out Ferales or Desolace tonight riss?

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I know they are useful Riss...just tried beeing funny, AGAIN!

I know tarj, I get your humour, even if nobody else does!

Sorry for the long explanation about the spells, I just think it's useful if we understand a bit about what the other group members can/can't do.

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What did I (get left out of and) miss then?

Remember Vietnam, last night was ours :D

It actually cost me money being in there

I hope that was the money you spent on having that **** dog put down!! :lol:

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ANyway, anyone having trouble actually accessing the game? I am, latest patch (which was for german servers only) has totally locked me out, I get to the download screen It downloads then when gamer closes, I get the updater, which says its waiting for the game to close, but it already has

Awaiting blizzards response

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Upcoming patch.

Finally, Some BlizzCon Details Confirmed

Blood ElfIn just one more day none of this will matter anymore, but I figured it was worth the post to straighten out what we know about the World of Warcraft expansion. My buddy from Blizzard said the following after he read last week's speculation article, "you can say you know someone from Blizzard who says that 'leak' is speculation at best, and a lot is just made-up stuff."

However, I was able to find out a few interesting things that will be revealed at BlizzCon on Friday.

* Official title: “The Burning Crusade”.

* Max level increased to 70.

* 2 new races: Blood Elves for the Horde & unknown for the Alliance (unsure if the new Alliance race will be shown at BlizzCon).

* New race for Alliance will NOT be the Pandarean.

* Blood Elves can play mage, warlock or warrior. Still being determined if they can play rogue or hunter.

* No new classes.

* New profession: Jewelcrafting (exact details of how this profession will work are still being determined).

* Flying mounts attainable at level 70, but they can only be used in the Outlands.

* At BlizzCon attendees will be able to play as Blood Elves and will get to adventure in the starting area for the Blood Elves (other areas may be playable as well, including a 5-player group instance).

A few other interesting tidbits that I managed to find out. New raids will, if anything, require less people and not more. New high-level instances are going to be much shorter to allow for easier re-raiding and group looting. There will be tons of new areas opened up for players, including (perhaps) a raid instance in Tanaris that will allow to travel in the time and participate to the most important events of the story of Azeroth. Also the actual release of the expansion is a long way off (expected around May 2006). Hence a lot, and I mean a lot, can and will change from now until then.

And one final note ... yes, the level cap is going up to 70. Get ready to start grinding again!

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where was Rissok

hiding behind the sofa

That's a L55 elite spider Al. Nays and Si are both mid 40's so I imagine they got their arses toasted fighting that thing. The likes of me, Bicks, TRL and Dan would last less than a second.

(Even though me and Tarj form a formidable double act!)

I went into Stranglethorn tonight for the first time in ages. A raptor started chasing me, so I legged it. After about a minute I realised it was only level 34, and I've added about about 20 levels since the last time I was there, so I turned round and kicked its sorry arse.

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Saw loads of ally in there, but mostly high levellers who all left me alone, apart from L39 Mage, who ganked me when my health was down to a fraction, the word removed. The last time I was in there all the beasts were ??, but now I'm higher than most of them. I spend too much time on WoW I'm starting to realise......

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A valliant, if ultimately fruitless attempt at a level 50 elite quest.

The squad were:

Level 46 warlock, me

Level 46 warrior, Si

Level 49 priest, Flesha, who turns out to be from Tamworth.

Level 46 rogue, Biffo,

Level 44 rogue, Kongmini

And we werent a bad party, but we were totally carrying Kongmini, who was quite frankly, shit. He was nearly outdamaged by the Priest, which is a terrible thing to happen considering all Rogues are invited along for, is to dish out damage, which along with mages, they are probably the best in the game at. If we had have had a second tank, either a Druid, or a Shaman instead of Kongmini (who's basic strategy seemed to be to stand there stealthed, and watch everybody else fight most of the time, as you can tell from this screenshot. He has full health, so he isnt getting hit, and full energy, so he probably isnt hitting anybody) we might have got some joy.

Still im pleased with my contribution, outdamaging two rogues, and finishing top with almost 40% of the groups total damage output, when im not really an out and out damage dealer like a Rogue is made me very happy. And i will do this quest over the weekend. Oh yes, i will.

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