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That was interesting. I log on and Nayson whispers me from Undercity to tell me that 2 Alliance are on the Zep and heading to Orgrimmar (which is the Horde main city and were I was at the time).

I give the shout out to the other Horde players and run outside to the gates to see the Alliance arrive, three level ?? on horseback. They mill around for a sec and then four Horde level 60's come to take them apart...


Two got spanked and the third one must have pissed off home. :lol:

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That quest took bloody ages Si. I was there for about an hour and 20 minutes getting all that crap.

Ill think it would be easier to Solo, because last night there were three of us competing for the same drops.

The rewards were ace though. With the grinding to get the drops, then the rewards, 3500 at gadgetzan, and you then get sent back to undercity, where you basically get another 5500 XP, 1g30s, and an item that i sold for 60s It really is quite lucrative.

I have 35000 XP in that shot, and we had been doing the quest for a while then. I now have 53000 XP. So ill say i got over 20k and almost 2 gold for one quest. Well worth it.

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And the Paladins tactic of hoping i ran out of mana before he could pussy bubble, heal, and press his auto attack failed spectacularly. I suppose seducing him while he had his back to me, and twatting him with a couple of big shadowbolts confused the **** out of him...

Gotta love the 1-0.

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Me and Dan had a good go at the elite bit of the Battle of Hillsbrad. It's basically the same layout as the dwarf one in the South Barrens that we all did a while ago, but full of elites.

We were doing OK, until I ran out of mana trying to kill a priest. Normally when they're down to the last few health points I frost shock them to stop them legging it and getting their mates. Unfortunately the priest got away from me, and came back with four of his buddies. Ouch!

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That quest took bloody ages Si. I was there for about an hour and 20 minutes getting all that crap.

Ill think it would be easier to Solo, because last night there were three of us competing for the same drops.

That quest was just bollox mate. One of the worst on the game imo. The main problem was the 'testing' of the samples which led to some of the poorest drops I've seen so far. Unenjoyable and not what the game should be about.

Those few quests we did just before were exactly the opposite though, very enjoyable wasting all those water bag carriers :lol:

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Me and Dan had a good go at the elite bit of the Battle of Hillsbrad. It's basically the same layout as the dwarf one in the South Barrens that we all did a while ago, but full of elites.

We were doing OK, until I ran out of mana trying to kill a priest. Normally when they're down to the last few health points I frost shock them to stop them legging it and getting their mates. Unfortunately the priest got away from me, and came back with four of his buddies. Ouch!

I'm on about 7.30 tonight mate and will help you finish it if you like.

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Riss i found that town to the north of Tarren Mill for that q and also took the staff to all 3 flames and then to the Alliance graveyard for a nifty 3300xp on the other q. That then got me to L35. I'll show you where to go if you want when we do BOH.

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Always carry Mana potions on you Risso!

And Si, i agree, the quest was shit, but the grinding wasnt bad. Especially for me as a skinner. But its definately a grind-o-quest, and if it wasnt for the fantastic XP reward, i wouldnt be touching it.

Oh, and prepare for me to badger yourself and TRL to join our guild soon. Its undead only, but as undead are probably the strongest race on the game (easily the strongest race on the Horde side) its not a problem. Its the best guild ive been in so far, and if you are only using VT as a chat channel, it might be worth coming over for some higher level instance runs and stuff. I can see myself playing endgame with this guild.

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Ask mages to make some "water" for you Riss. Or in Desolace at Ghost Walker post you can buy some.

But if we are planning to do the SM cath. then we need a full party, and only Si isnt gonna cut it.

I went in with 2 warriors level 38 and 41 + Shaman, and we got le **** on the final ressurection of the boss...

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What level are you now Tarj, 48?! If we can get all the guild together, we'd be OK, perhaps? Me and Dan L35, you 64, Si late 40's, Bicks L33, sounds alright to me.

Apart from our crap tendencies of course!

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Always carry Mana potions on you Risso!

I had a couple, but you can only drink one in a certain amount of time. Where can you buy mana potions from by the way?

I always carry a stack of about 40 water on me which i have bought from the inkeeper, and probably 5-10 mana potions (which are always availiable in the auction house, or which you can make with Herbalism/Alchemy, a profession combo which im seriously considering switching to)

I also ask Mages for water (they can make food too, but with undead cannibalise, warlock healthstones and first aid, i find that water is more useful to me, so i dont use my favours up by asking for food. Melee classes should ask a friendly mage for food though) and try to drink the Mage water before i drink my own which i paid for. The differences being that Mage water is free, but it disapears when you log out. So you use theirs when you can, and yours when you need to.

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