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hold on that first pic, the others are talking about allies being around and you're off playing games

tut tut

NAh, me and Riss had been away slaying the fish people (naga) on a quest at the time, the others were in a different place altogether

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Btw. Nays... did Sie just join the board?

Yeah, we were on about the hugeness of the WoW thread on this site, and he thought he would have a read of it.

Dont expect many posts by him though. He hates football, and Sunderland are his local team (which probably explains why he has no interest in football)


Oh, and this is me, this morning. A couple of addons in my profile too. Ive got one which is for casters, and gives a total of all the +spell damage gear ive got on, like the + spell resist stat that is on the profile automatically, and one called Tankpoints or something, which i got from Cursegaming. Ill send them over MSN if anyone wants them.

Oh, and another plug for the READER which is fantastic.

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Got booted off because of some upgrade, so now I restart in the middle of the rougue feather den, f*ckin marvelous

Oh and after reading that guide, that cat is going, I'm off to hilsbrad to get a similar one that comes with Cower rank 3 in built

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And ive had a proper good look at that site now.

Seems that those cats are ace PvP pets:

The 1.2 speed cougars (23-28) (Starving Mountain Lion (23-24), Needles Cougar (27-28), Feral Mountain Lion (27-28) are all noteable reminders that some of the most exceptionally fine pets in the game are also the most common spawns. These "Saturday Night Specials In A Plain Brown Wrapper" are found in the Hillsbrad and Thousand Needles zones. These are great speed cats outperformed only by the unique Broken Tooth, and far easier to acquire. They have the same stats as The Rake,(who seems to be the most sought after pet in the game, probably because of the way he looks, elsewhere on the site, it says that he is probably the best pet in the game beacuse his is just so damn fast. These things have the same stats, and seem to be a lot easier to get - Nayson). and a good choice for both PvP and Beast Mastery builds. Their chase speed is the same "Fast" rating as most other cats, it's their attack speed that is exceptional. The easiest of any "fast attack" pets to acquire in the game. Starving Mountain Lions come knowing Cower 2, Feral Mountain Lions know Cower 3

We should swing by Hillsbrad, and get you a Feral Mountain Lion instead. He is the same, but has the extra bonus of a "cower" ability, which is the same as my succubus "soothing kiss"

Basically, it means that while the pet is attacking a target, it can make the target it is attacking hit something else (quite often you, so you have to be prepared to do a bit of tanking. From experience, i can tell you that its worth it, i use my succubus more than any other pet for her fast attack speed and low aggro)

Shall we go get one?

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That pet thing Hunters have seems to be similar to the Warlocks minions i have access too.

They seem to break into four catagories:

High DPS pets, of which cats seem to be the king, and a PvP must, as PvP is all about doing as much damage as you can in a short a space of times as possible (well, thats my experience anyway) and cats seem to be able to give out the most damage per second, and with the ability to chase down fleeing Alliance, and get a nice free hit in with their prowl ability which they learn, seems that they are a force to be reckoned with in PvP. That lion we got earlier seems to be well thought of by hunters too. Cats will **** any casters over too, because of the interuption of spell casting times. I guess this means Hunters own Mages, who dont really have a way to get the cat off of them. Warlocks and Priests have fear to get rid of the pet for a period of time, but the Hunter can still do big damage while we worry about getting the pet off of us.

I keep seeing the name broken tooth come up again and again and again as the best cat, cos of its stupidly fast attack speed. But it is a rare elite. Might be worth a look for when you are about level 40 though..

Tanking Pets: of which there are two sorts. High health pets which tank well in all situations, but more so against people who use magic as opposed to people who use melee, and high armour pets where the opposite is true. Probably better for using as a tank in quests and instances, cos in PvP, good opponents will just ignore your pet and come for you, and with the slower speed and lesser damage of a tanking pet, we can ignore them for longer before they start to hurt us. Still good for kicking the computers arse though, cos that cant decide who to attack independently, it just attacks the thing giving out the most aggro.

Balanced Pets

Like citizen smith was. Alright at both giving out a kicking, and taking one, but not especially good at either. Yawn!

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Any things i should know about beeing a warrior Si?

Is skinning a good profession, or should i get mining and blacksmithing? I still have my starting axe, just because it looks cool :lol:

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I have Pro Evo 4. And fantastic it is too.

anyway, you will notice i have gone for the Paedophile look for my Paladin:


I dont expect to play as him very often.

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