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Today I just did my workout. No run. But I promise there will be running tomorrow morning....oh yes, there will be running.

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I've signed up to do a Marathon in October. It's the Eden Project Marathon so it's a smaller event.

Anyone who wants to sponsor me can do so at this link

I reckon I'm about 6 weeks ahead of a 24 week training programme so I hopefully should be OK. I've got to lose about 3 stone in the process though.

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What about just walking your normal route, rather then running it.

He really should probably rest for a day or so because if anything is inflamed walking that far can still irritate it.

BTW, your icon always messes with me just a little bit. ;P

Messes with YOU? Whatya think it does to US? :lol:

I mentioned it once but nobody picked up on it :)

Jeez ---- who's the girl anyway? Have to look her up :D

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What about just walking your normal route, rather then running it.

He really should probably rest for a day or so because if anything is inflamed walking that far can still irritate it.

BTW, your icon always messes with me just a little bit. ;P

Messes with YOU? Whatya think it does to US? :lol:

I mentioned it once but nobody picked up on it :)

Jeez ---- who's the girl anyway? Have to look her up :D

It's my wife - taken on last years holiday...

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Been running alot for the past 4 months...ran 15 km for the first time yesterday..it was a strange feeling when i stopped..i was walking but it was like my legs wanted to run..ive never had such an experience..felt very odd.

The only bad thing is that i have lost over 10 kgs since i started out....i look so thin across the shoulders..but i have to say the feeling of running beats the feeling of lifting weights.

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Been running alot for the past 4 months...ran 15 km for the first time yesterday..it was a strange feeling when i stopped..i was walking but it was like my legs wanted to run..ive never had such an experience..felt very odd.
There was a guy in the US a few years ago who ran 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days (or something very like that), finishing with the NY marathon. On the day after the NY race he planned to have a good rest, but his legs felt so restless that he had to go for a run in Central Park.

I believe he ended up running back to San Francisco after that, a la Forrest Gump.

Can't say I'm THAT addicted! :)

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Did another 10 k tonight. Not quite as fast as last week but still managed it in under 56 minutes.

Which is odd because it felt very very slow. But it was still well over a minute per mile faster than I was running 2 months ago.

Leg held out ok as well. Knee is aching a bit, but I'll never get rid of that. Achilles feels fine.

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Anyone taking part in any marathons this weekend?

I'm off to Zurich to take part in the marathon over there. I have an old uni mate who managed to get a job in application design for a brokerage firm. So its a great place to visit, very clean, ornamental, and the swiss don't mess about - they are very efficient!

I'm looking to go faster than 2hrs 45 mins although my clubmates reckon I could go quicker. I've been training very well over the past few months with a few niggles here and there (the old tendonitis keeps coming back) so this gives me a bit of doubt, however I've acually won a fair few races and put in some strong performances in other races. I went under 33 minutes in a 10k in March which I was pretty chuffed about.


I started tapering from 60-80 mpw two weeks ago and feel pretty good, but all will depend on how I feel in the first few miles. I won't be going off with the Kenyans and Ethiopians but I'll give it a good crack! For all those running a race this weekend the forecast looks very good....mild and no wind.

I will let you all know how I get on! If I get under 2:45 I'll get a guaranteed Championship entry into the London Marathon next year, which in an olympic year will be one hell of an event!

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Go R.I.C.O. You are one hell of a good runner, my friend.

As for you JaiME, I'm not surprised, with your working schedule. Quit one of your jobs.

I did seven hilly miles with the club last night. Tough, but satisfying.

They say "Winter miles, summer smiles". Well I'm in the world of "Winter shirk, summer hard work". Still no plans to do races (except Yorkshire Vets).

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Still no plans to do races (except Yorkshire Vets).

Should be a very small pool of runners that, I'd imagine Mike?

I'd imagine you should be able to hare away from the rest of the field...

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Still no plans to do races (except Yorkshire Vets).

Should be a very small pool of runners that, I'd imagine Mike?

I'd imagine you should be able to hare away from the rest of the field...

I've done the veterans/vetinarians thing already in an attempt to avoid that quip.
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Go R.I.C.O. You are one hell of a good runner, my friend.

As for you JaiME, I'm not surprised, with your working schedule. Quit one of your jobs.

I did seven hilly miles with the club last night. Tough, but satisfying.

They say "Winter miles, summer smiles". Well I'm in the world of "Winter shirk, summer hard work". Still no plans to do races (except Yorkshire Vets).

I want to. I should. I just can't yet. :(

I will run tomorrow either way.

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Another six miles tonight. Edging that weekly mileage up again, slowly but surely. Feel better for it.

And I'm jealous. :P Really want to run farther again. Definitely don't see it tomorrow though, kinda exhausted...but I WILL run.

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Another six miles tonight. Edging that weekly mileage up again, slowly but surely. Feel better for it.

And I'm jealous. :P Really want to run farther again. Definitely don't see it tomorrow though, kinda exhausted...but I WILL run.

It was a nice hilly off-roader, too. Around here:


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make the most of it gents......really enjoy your running.

I regularly ran 5m, 10K's and 15k's up until 2 years ago.

I then did my ankle in playing football, and despite a couple of op's I can't really run anymore without paying for it big time afterwards. I don't really want to walk with a limp forever so I try to be a good boy and not run.

But, every now and then I can't help myself.

Every 3 or 4 months, I'll do 20 or 30 mins on the treadmill at the gym.

It is fan-bloody-tastic, and I feel like I could keep going forever, but I know I can only do a little bit.

I end up in a pain for a few days afterwards, but its worth it (as long as I'm not doing any damage to my ankle).

So, like I say, enjoy your running...its not nice when you can't do it anymore.

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make the most of it gents......really enjoy your running.

I regularly ran 5m, 10K's and 15k's up until 2 years ago.

I then did my ankle in playing football, and despite a couple of op's I can't really run anymore without paying for it big time afterwards. I don't really want to walk with a limp forever so I try to be a good boy and not run.

But, every now and then I can't help myself.

Every 3 or 4 months, I'll do 20 or 30 mins on the treadmill at the gym.

It is fan-bloody-tastic, and I feel like I could keep going forever, but I know I can only do a little bit.

I end up in a pain for a few days afterwards, but its worth it (as long as I'm not doing any damage to my ankle).

So, like I say, enjoy your running...its not nice when you can't do it anymore.

:( That's a bummer, Andy. Have you sought any advice from doctors/physios?
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yes, I've been there. got the tshirt and the scars.

I have 0 cartlidge in the ankle now and at one point they were looking at a fusion op. I turned that down as I'm too young (45) for that just yet.

I manage with other stuff at the gym, just have to make do with no impact stuff.

have to pack in footy and running in one fell swoop was a bummer though.

Like I say enjoy your running...I am a little jealous.

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