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Well my plan was to up the length of my runs today but ended up hurting my back playing football yeserday so that will have to be put off for a few days atleast.

More like a few weeks.

By back hasn't been good for most of 2011 - and it can't be old age just yet (can it) ?

Really fed up with it at the moment, as if I do venture out, can't really go that fast and causes a lot of pain afterwards.

I thought I would have to leave it a few weeks when I first did it as it hurt like hell whenever I tried to move at first. But two days of rest and warm baths seemed to of helped a great deal and just feels like a slight twinge there now.

So ill probably try a small run in at the end of the week just to check how it holds.

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Managed to do my first 10k since I got injured in the Phoesnix Park run in april last year. I was only going to try do a good 6k time but was going well I just kept on until the 5k marker then turned round and ran home.

I did it in 46:58. Here's my splits (taken from the awesome runkeeper app)


km Pace (min/km) Elevation (m)

1 4:38 -1

2 4:51 -4

3 4:25 2

4 4:41 3

5 4:37 2

6 4:45 -1

7 4:41 -3

8 4:48 -1

9 4:50 2

10 4:45 1

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By back hasn't been good for most of 2011 - and it can't be old age just yet (can it) ?

I ve had some back issues, would recommend doing some back strengths and strengthening your core. Get one of those gym mats and do it whilst watching the TV three times a week. At first really really hard, but they get easier if you are persistent and will really help.

I'll second that. Core strengthening might be very good for your back, you could use a fit ball as well as a mat. I had a back op last May and after doing countless amounts of pilates core exercises, my back's much stronger than it was, helps with the rest of your body as well.

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Managed to do my first 10k since I got injured in the Phoesnix Park run in april last year. I was only going to try do a good 6k time but was going well I just kept on until the 5k marker then turned round and ran home.

I did it in 46:58. Here's my splits (taken from the awesome runkeeper app)


km Pace (min/km) Elevation (m)

1 4:38 -1

2 4:51 -4

3 4:25 2

4 4:41 3

5 4:37 2

6 4:45 -1

7 4:41 -3

8 4:48 -1

9 4:50 2

10 4:45 1

Nice! :thumb:

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Managed to do my first 10k since I got injured in the Phoesnix Park run in april last year. I was only going to try do a good 6k time but was going well I just kept on until the 5k marker then turned round and ran home.

I did it in 46:58. Here's my splits (taken from the awesome runkeeper app)


km Pace (min/km) Elevation (m)

1 4:38 -1

2 4:51 -4

3 4:25 2

4 4:41 3

5 4:37 2

6 4:45 -1

7 4:41 -3

8 4:48 -1

9 4:50 2

10 4:45 1

Good work.

This was just a training run, yes? A race should add a bit of adrenaline edge and could well get you a sub-45.

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All my mates are doing a half marathon the first weekend of July.

I am seriously tempted to do it too, but I do not like long distance running and have had bad shin splint trouble in the past. I would see myself as being of a decent level of fitness though so I can pick up training if needs be... Am playing 5 a side football once a week now and doing a bootcamp style fitness training twice a week also for the past few months. Haven't done any long distance stuff in years though.

What would be required to get up to the half marathon level in just under 3 months?

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3 months = 12 weeks ish.

Go out on the weekend and run 5 or 6 miles (assuming your fitness is already decent). Do that run a couple of times a week and just increase the distance by half a mile every week.

Done. I should be a personal trainer.

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3 months = 12 weeks ish.

Go out on the weekend and run 5 or 6 miles (assuming your fitness is already decent). Do that run a couple of times a week and just increase the distance by half a mile every week.

Done. I should be a personal trainer.

:| Oh!

Didn't expect it to be so severe!!!

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3 months = 12 weeks ish.

Go out on the weekend and run 5 or 6 miles (assuming your fitness is already decent). Do that run a couple of times a week and just increase the distance by half a mile every week.

Done. I should be a personal trainer.

:| Oh!

Didn't expect it to be so severe!!!

If you think that's severe then don't do the half marathon!

You could probably just ignore all that and do the half anyway - you can get round on willpower, but it'll absolutely cripple you.

Or, do the (very sensible) regime suggested above, and do the half feeling good. Your call.

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3 months = 12 weeks ish.

Go out on the weekend and run 5 or 6 miles (assuming your fitness is already decent). Do that run a couple of times a week and just increase the distance by half a mile every week.

Done. I should be a personal trainer.

:| Oh!

Didn't expect it to be so severe!!!

If you think that's severe then don't do the half marathon!

You could probably just ignore all that and do the half anyway - you can get round on willpower, but it'll absolutely cripple you.

Or, do the (very sensible) regime suggested above, and do the half feeling good. Your call.

It's really not that severe, as mike says.

Ok I'm only up to 5 miles, which given your claimed fitness you should be doing from the start, but you don't even notice the half mile increase. My 5 mile runs feel like my 2 and a half mile runs when I first started.

As long as you're willing to dedicate the time then you'll be fine.

If you do 3 runs a week that's no more than 6 hours a week you're putting aside to run.

As MIke says, you'll get round on willpower but you'll be slaughtered afterwards. if you want to actually get up to that distance comfortably then go for a steady increase, and go running a couple of times a week.

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I'm doing the B'ham fun run in June (8.5 mile) and my training has started today, I'm a good runner on the treadmill and have started running regularly outdoors, well twice lol.

I'm just hoping I can get up to that distance pretty quickly, I've a good base level of fitness so fingers crossed.

If any of the more experienced runners have any tips or suggestions then I'm all ears. :)

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I'm doing the B'ham fun run in June (8.5 mile) and my training has started today, I'm a good runner on the treadmill and have started running regularly outdoors, well twice lol.

I'm just hoping I can get up to that distance pretty quickly, I've a good base level of fitness so fingers crossed.

If any of the more experienced runners have any tips or suggestions then I'm all ears. :)

Keep running outdoors, treadmills aren't the same. Do that and you'll have no problem.

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Well there was my first race of the year - Yokshire Vets' (that veterans, not vetinarians BTW) GP race 1.

Struggled round to a poor finishing position. Must get my training regime back on track.

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Time for me to join this conversation, started going running again after abandoning it last summer. Need motivation so have signed up for a 5k June hopefully giving me plenty of time between now and then to be able to run that far.

I'm using the couch to 5k app and so far so good and I am starting to enjoy it! Any tips much appreciated.

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Ran 10k last night! Did it in 54 minutes and 43 seconds. Seeing as 55 minutes was my stretch target for my 10k race, which isn't for another month, I am chuffed that I've already beaten that!

I was only aiming to run 5 miles or 5.5 miles. But once I got to about 4.5 I thought I may as well push on and do 6 because I felt so good. And once I was approaching 6 I thought I may as well do the extra quarter mile to take me up to 10k, as I knew I was on for a good time.

Don't know where I got the energy from. The fastest I'd run before was 9:15 per mile. Yesterday I averaged 8:45 per mile. That's quite a jump, especially as I added a mile and a quarter to anything I'd run before.

I'm suffering today though. Legs are knackered and my left achilles is painful, so hopefully I haven't done any damage. Will have to rest up to see if I can attempt a run tomorrow

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