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economic situation is dire


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I missed when we went into triple dip recession , do you have a link

Interesting you had a different attitude when it was the last government ... Global recession and not our fault wasn't it ??

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I think the Amazon/tax issue is a red herring.

Even without online businesses, HMV would hit the wall. Supermarkets' stock isn't much different to HMV, at a much lower price. HMV is a shit shop and was going to fail at some point, no matter if it was Amazon, or Tesco and Asda.

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Often the same people who are quite happy to praise firms like Amazon for using the system to their advantage and dodging tax, are bitterly resentful when they personally end up paying more tax on something, higher VAT, a bit more NI, to make up the shortfall from these companies. They never seem to connect the two things.

Anyone who uses Amazon is also compounding the problem. Because we like cheaper CDs and DVDs and whatever by going with Amazon to get them, we're not only paying more tax to make up for the lost tax, we're also depriving local shops or local internet sites our trade, and profit, and they struggle.

So Tony - and I do remember you had a very different attitude under the last Gvmt by the way - what is the purpose of Gvmt if not to protect the country and the people that live there?

They seemingly allow organisations such as Amazon to trade happily without any tax implications and the rivals to them, who seemingly pay the taxes and employ people directly and indirectly in many towns across the whole of the UK to go bust without any sort of issue? Surely the steady flow of these companies going bust, high street closures like you say, treble dip recessions and the like are something that they should be taking measures to address?

It's only come to the public eye recently, but Gov'ts going back a long way have let them get away with it. It's not just Tories, it's Labour too. It's not a party political thing, as they've both been happy to allow it to go on, till effectively, they were found out.
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Another 800 jobs at Land Rover Solihull being created for anyone looking.

Like last time, they are expecting upwards of 30,000 applications.

As for HMV real shame feel very sorry for the 4000 about to lose their jobs.

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I read AWOL's post as saying that losing jobs @ Honda was somehow offset by JLR taking on people which is obviously nonsense, especially considering where JLR has come from and once was.

Yes, that would be a nonsensical way of interpreting what I wrote. The implied point that Snowy grasped easily enough was the differing performance between companies that are focused on different geographical markets. The EU market is still shrinking but the Asian markets are (relative to the EU) booming and will continue on that trajectory for the foreseeable future. Perhaps if UK firms were able to sell tariff free into markets outside of the EU block then those companies could do even better? Maybe even new businesses may start to service that demand? We could call it Capitalism ;) I understand this is heresy against the hallowed EU and somehow a 'little Englander' approach (i.e. the global trade policies advocated by UKIP) but it does make an awful lot of sense if the main aim is to improve the economic prospects of the UK.

The contrast made between Honda and JLR at the moment was simply a useful metaphor for that broader picture.

The country has massive problems now, and the Gvmt has failed again to help. That is part of their job, they seemingly are happy to help people in the finance sector etc but does nothing for other companies outside of this very small and Tory part funding sector

I agree that it's the government's job to take the big political decisions that will help the economy recover. It is not the government's role to save the jobs of people working for businesses that do not deliver, however brutal that reality is for people on the ground. You don't have to like that, glorify it or revel in it to understand it. Employment in the private sector is ultimately driven by consumer demand and currently the economic structures we are tied into (or more accurately tied down by) prevent UK firms from fully exploiting the greater opportunities beyond the EU. The government's job should be to position the UK economy to capture that demand to the best of their ability, but neither red or blue have the balls to do so. 'We'(and seemingly 'they' too) are then surprised when a tweak here and a prod there fails to make any significant difference.

Edited by Awol
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First one I clicked said "heading for" as I imagine the others do

Drats post said we'd already entered it

amazing comment tony especially as you have obviously not read any of the many articles. Whats the problem is it the ostrich syndrome re bad news and this gvmt policy? There is a common belief within many about the tory party, its supporters and the general principles they follow and always have. The whole me me me and bugger anyone else mentality is one that they seem to use and we see, incouding i would add in comments in threads like this.

The gvmt have a real responsibility re market places across the uk. Its not just a few hmv shops, its the whole retail environment and the jobs, lives of people and impacts this continued trend will have. As said they, nor their supporters seem bothered, because it dont affect them. Selfish ideology

Also the tax thing is not a red herring at all. Its a real problem and one that does affect many others, to ignore is stupidity

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Another 800 jobs at Land Rover Solihull being created for anyone looking.

Like last time, they are expecting upwards of 30,000 applications.

Yes, its a shame there will be a lot of disappointed people but still, you've got to be in it to win it. Usually they use the agency 'Manpower' to recruit for the plants. Wouldn't hurt to keep an eye on their website.

Link Here for anybody interested

Edited by Tamuff_Villa
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Who the **** are they? (Genuine question).

They sell charm bracelets and then lots of charms at £30 a pop

4 women in the office out of 6 got one for Christmas so it must be the latest "thing"

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amazing comment tony especially as you have obviously not read any of the many articles. Whats the problem is it the ostrich syndrome re bad news and this gvmt policy? There is a common belief within many about the tory party, its supporters and the general principles they follow and always have. The whole me me me and bugger anyone else mentality is one that they seem to use and we see, incouding i would add in comments in threads like this.

The gvmt have a real responsibility re market places across the uk. Its not just a few hmv shops, its the whole retail environment and the jobs, lives of people and impacts this continued trend will have. As said they, nor their supporters seem bothered, because it dont affect them. Selfish ideology

Also the tax thing is not a red herring at all. Its a real problem and one that does affect many others, to ignore is stupidity

funny cause I could have sworn all I asked was when did we actually "ENTER" the triple dip recession you claimed we had entered , all you did was answer a question with a rant

Tell me which poster said he voted based on what was best for him and his family first and then the country second ..isn't it then a bit hypercritical , one might even say selfish idealogical even , to accuse others of being selfish for putting their interests first ??

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all I asked was when did we actually "ENTER" the triple dip recession

In the final quarter of 2012. It will be confirmed officially later this month, I think around 24th or 25th, unless they can think of another way of fiddling the figures.

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