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Please tell me when to stop laughing at SHA


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Worth quoting in full, that:

Jasper Carrott may be stripped of Birmingham City honour after joke

Birmingham City club officials have threatened to rename the Jasper Carrott hospitality suite at St Andrew's after the comedian made a joke criticising the current regime at the club.

Speaking at a recent golf tournament, Mr Carrott quipped: 'We are a laughing stock. St Andrew's is known as the "Chinese takeaway" now because managers phone up and go, I'll have a 29, an 18 and throw in a number No.3.'

The comedian has long used the Midlands club as a source of humour in his act.

Shortly after beating Arsenal in the League Cup final last season he said: 'We’d done s** all until we won the League Cup. That’s one reason why I supported them, because, being a comedian, it is ready-made material.

'When they started to be successful I had to go out and write half an hour of stuff on another subject.'

But the latest gag is reportedly one step too far for club officials close to owner Carson Yeung - with sources telling The Daily Mirror that the swanky conference suite named after the 66-year-old comedian could undergo a name change unless matters are smoothed out.

Despite Birmingham's League Cup success last season they dropped back down to the Championship and lost to Derby in their opening game in the second tier.

They have already been forced to sell star names like Sebastian Larsson, Ben Foster and Roger Johnson, with centre-back Scott Dann heavily rumoured to be the next to leave.

They actually have a "swanky" (surely a typo, there?) "Jasper Carrott Suite". :crylaugh:

Even he admits he supports them because they are rich comedy material.

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Yesterday's Guardian - comments on their report on the Villa-Rovers game:

Er...Birmingham got a nil nil draw at Vile Park last season, should have had a penalty, etc. Oh yeah and beat Villa in the cup. While we are crap we weren't crap enough to lose at Villa Park

My reply:

I expect you released a commemorative video of that.
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Can't wait to rip it out of the noses at work tomorrow :)

I have found the best way to really get under their skin is either a) offer them pitty or B) say nothing at all, literally nothing.

When we beat them 5-1 I went 3 days without mentioning it to a nose at work and in the end he literally exploded in range. Out of nowhere he just lost it at me it was priceless.

Before that a few years ago when Liverpool put 7 past them I was watching the game with him, I laughed at the first 5 goals and then stayed quiet on the next two. He turned to me in the end and said "what nothing to say?" to which I replied "nah, actually I kinda of feel sorry for you". Once again, fireworks.

They expect the piss taking and will be ready for it, silence or pity though, they just can't take it.

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So up next for them is the UEFA cup game on Thursday and I just can't make my mind up, do I want them to win or lose?

If they win, then they get the kudos (limited though it is) of playing in Europe so on the one hand I'd rather they lose. Then on the other hand if they win then playing in Europe and in the Championship with their already threadbare squad could really stretch them to breaking point and royally **** their season.

Tough one to call.... I can't quite bring myself to say I want them to win so I guess I'll just have to say I won't be too sorry if they don't lose.

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well i read they had to leave Dann on the bench today as he is just 30% fit but needed to make up numbers so extra games will be a killer for them. Can see Nacional going through on away goals

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