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Just now, Demitri_C said:

Completely agree stevo with this I think its true. Also have you noticed the higher level you are the more poke balls you use to capture pokemon?

I caught a standard drowzee and got "excellents" yet the pokemon still escaped took 6 poke balls to capture him

I think that's just a case of the higher level you are, the higher CP the pokemon you catch ((c) Dem 2016) so the harder they are to catch.

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Had a weird weekend. Nearly hit level 16 after gaining 3 levels through evolution and lucky egg help. Suddenly, at home, which is usually rife with Pidgeys, Rattatas and Zubats, I had pop up Hitmonchan (CP560) and Alakazam (CP620). Also a low level Mankey.

Still not found a Rhyhorn though even though he keeps popping up in the area. Scyther too.

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yeah my eggs have been awesome. Got a Electabuzz, a Cubone, a Rhyhorn and an Ekans from my last 4. All ones I didn't have before.

There's another myth. That egg chart I posted can't be right. I've witnessed the fury from my GF as she hatched a 10km egg only for a Weedle to emerge :crylaugh::crylaugh: 

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A 10km egg can hatch 2km Pokemon and the 5km as well as the 10km one. 5km eggs can also hatch 2km ones.

Hence my frustration at my Rattata army. Finally broke the sequence though with a 10km egg Onix.

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Had my first Pokemon Go related accident the other day. Wasn't looking where I was going, slipping on something, phone fell out of my hand, I fell on floor. There have been reports in my town of people falling in to the canal whilst playing. Hungry for Magikarp's, no doubt. There are two that spawn 'in' the canal at a road bridge near me either side, every single time I walk up it. Maybe if I keep going in to town that way, I'll have enough to evolve one in about a year.

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6 minutes ago, hogso said:

Had my first Pokemon Go related accident the other day. Wasn't looking where I was going, slipping on something, phone fell out of my hand, I fell on floor. There have been reports in my town of people falling in to the canal whilst playing. Hungry for Magikarp's, no doubt. There are two that spawn 'in' the canal at a road bridge near me either side, every single time I walk up it. Maybe if I keep going in to town that way, I'll have enough to evolve one in about a year.

I had a stroll along a canal on Saturday and was very worried I was going to fall in at some point :D

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7 minutes ago, CardiffGreens said:

Bah, a Grimer just spawned about 20 foot away from me, but the app was freezing every time I was trying to open it - it then despawns and the game goes back to normal.   Hurrumph!

There have been numerous reports about Grimers causing the game to crash and freeze

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Some upcoming features include turning pokestops in to pokecentres so you can rest/heal injured pokemon there to recover, and it seems that each Team will be able to capture 'their' legendary bird pokemon at some point - as the logos for each are Atricuno for Blue/Mystic, Moltres for Red/Valor, and Zapdos for Yellow/Instinct. Which suggests you would only be able to get your teams legendary bird, and therefore not be able to complete the collection. Which would be a bit rubbish. Hopefully there would be some criteria to fill to enable one to get all three.

That's pure speculation at the moment though, and hasn't been confirmed, but some bloke (can't recall if he's a high up Nintendo, Niantic or Pokemon guy) was giving a few little details at SDCC, which included those tidbits, as well as the intriguing fact that  there are more easter eggs already in the game, like the Eevee evolution trick, that haven't been discovered/publicised yet.

I want Ditto, don't care about anything else.

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23 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

Wow, you've been busy!

I've walked about 60km. Got a sweet Aerodactyl in a 10km egg along with Electrabuzz and Magmar in 10k eggs got another 10k egg on 7.9km I'm working in a different town today so have gone onto the local pokemon go page and have planned a 13km walk tonight after work, hoping I'll pick up a few new ones. I had 37 pokemon when I finished work on Friday but the gf was away the weekend so I just went mad exploring. I can't seem to find bulba, char and squirtle anywhere though, I got Charmander as starter, caught a Squirtle at the bottom of my road Saturday morning and Bulbasaur with a lure in the local park but I've no idea how I'll ever be able to evolve them. Hoping that I'll crack 80 by tonight but it might be a bit ambitious I was on 63 yesterday morning and managed to beat my target of 70 but spent half the day with the missus. Hoping the walk tonight will see me catch a few new ones.

I'm close on a few new evolves as well need 1 Nidoran (f), 1 Paras, 2 Sandshrew, 2 Eevee (Jolteon), 3 Abra, 3 Machop, 3 Krabby, 3 Staryu, 4 Slowpoke. 4 Meowth. Hoping I'll evolve 3 of these today at least.

Eggs are the job really, I'd recommend picking a route somewhere new try it out, incubators are great, I use my infinite for 2km only and the 3 use ones for 5k and 10km always, if you are going to spend a few pound spend it on incubators, Have 4+ on and just go exploring also the walk seems to react better to straight line distances. 

On a new route, there is a peer 10km from our house I drove back there Saturday and caught a Pikachu & Sandshrew, said I'd go back again yesterday just in case and caught a Ponyta. I've had a few on the nearby list to that I haven't seen yet, Vulpix, Clefairy, Diglet, Exeggecute.  I've also abandoned catching pokemon I've already evolved expect for low level 12 evolves (Pidgey, Weedle, Caterpie) and only give them 1 pokeball. It's 50k xp to get to 21 as well which is a bit of a joke, I'm not in it for the battling though I just want to catch as many as possible. I was under the impression when I was around level 9 that if I got to level 20 I'd be bumping into a Blastoise etc but it's not working out that way.

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1 hour ago, Stevo985 said:

Why is Ditto so highly desired?


Cos he's sooo cuuute look ^_^

There's no real reason, other than it isn't in the game, so should be. Why isn't it in the game? Who knows. It was 'just' a pokemon in the first game/s, a weird one sure, but so were a bunch of other non-evolving pokemon. It could only copy it's opponent - literally. It would transform in to them, and have their moveset, which isn't terrifically useful.

In later games though it had special significance because it could breed with genderless pokemon and other pokemon in the 'undiscovered' group. This is massively important, because pokemon in the 'undiscovered' group can't breed, and are legendary and mythical types. Pretty cool man!

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