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The Chairman Mao resembling, Monarchy hating, threat to Britain, Labour Party thread


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I'm sure they were just as fascinating and important as the tiger issue or that tiresome and fatuous 'won't the PM agree with me that'' guff.


I personally think that any member who asks a question like that should be banned from the House for a month (on no pay). 

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It's a different event. A ceremonial welcoming event does not call for the national anthem to be sung,  protocol does not call for it .  A commemorative event such as the one yesterday does. 

Given members of the shadow cabinet accept this and also accept he should have sung and the man himself has said he will be singing from now on I am a little confused as to the need to perpetuate the argument.


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I would have more respect for him if he stuck to his guns and didn't sing that chauvinistic shite tbh.


How about kissing the Queen's hand and taking his place on Privvy Council then? Is that OK and does not constitute him abandoning his principles?

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I know the consensus was that he did well at PMQs but I thought it was more like an episode of Points of View. 

If Corbyn is simply going to read out questions from the public we may as well bin PMQ's and have an online "Ask the Prime Minister" session on live TV. I don't think that format will work for long.

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I know the consensus was that he did well at PMQs but I thought it was more like an episode of Points of View. 

If Corbyn is simply going to read out questions from the public we may as well bin PMQ's and have an online "Ask the Prime Minister" session on live TV. I don't think that format will work for long.

No follow up question,  no drilling down to put the PM on the back foot just allowing David Cameron to bat it back.  Not sure it will continue for long but if he stops it it allows the criticism that it was a shortlived gimmick .  If he persists it will get tiresome.  He's made a rod for his own back.

Not sure his shadow cabinet think it's a good idea on his question from "Angela" Angela Eagle sitting next quite clearly mouths "NOT ME"


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Its all about respect (Down George!) isn't it

Here's someone not singing the National Anthem


And here's someone being respectful at a State Funeral



There is a huge world of difference between a memorial for Battle of Britain hero's and a dead terrorist

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It's a different event. A ceremonial welcoming event does not call for the national anthem to be sung,  protocol does not call for it .  A commemorative event such as the one yesterday does. 

Given members of the shadow cabinet accept this and also accept he should have sung and the man himself has said he will be singing from now on I am a little confused as to the need to perpetuate the argument.


it's taken the left 24 hours to think of this retort  ..let them have their moment

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Its all about respect (Down George!) isn't it

[url=https://www.youtube.com/embed/QQ_qxI8nm5M?feature=oembed]Here's someone not singing the National Anthem


And here's someone being respectful at a State Funeral



There is a huge world of difference between a memorial for Battle of Britain hero's and a dead terrorist

Do the ends justify the means? If so, then Mandela was not a terrorist. If not, then Arthur Harris was.

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Its all about respect (Down George!) isn't it

[url=https://www.youtube.com/embed/QQ_qxI8nm5M?feature=oembed]Here's someone not singing the National Anthem


And here's someone being respectful at a State Funeral




There is a huge world of difference between a memorial for Battle of Britain hero's and a dead terrorist


Do the ends justify the means? If so, then Mandela was not a terrorist. If not, then Arthur Harris was.

you are John McDonnell and I claim my £5

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I'm sure they were just as fascinating and important as the tiger issue or that tiresome and fatuous 'won't the PM agree with me that'' guff.


They may have been who knows? They may even have given the PM more difficulty than Corbyn's approach.

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It's a different event. A ceremonial welcoming event does not call for the national anthem to be sung,  protocol does not call for it .  A commemorative event such as the one yesterday does. 

Given members of the shadow cabinet accept this and also accept he should have sung and the man himself has said he will be singing from now on I am a little confused as to the need to perpetuate the argument.


I bet he doesn't even stand for the Queen at the pictures either; he looks like one of those teddy-boy types. 

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It's a different event. A ceremonial welcoming event does not call for the national anthem to be sung,  protocol does not call for it .  A commemorative event such as the one yesterday does. 

Given members of the shadow cabinet accept this and also accept he should have sung and the man himself has said he will be singing from now on I am a little confused as to the need to perpetuate the argument.


I bet he doesn't even stand for the Queen at the pictures either; he looks like one of those teddy-boy types. 

I remember those days. You weren't expected to sing. Standing was deemed sufficient.

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Its all about respect (Down George!) isn't it

[url=https://www.youtube.com/embed/QQ_qxI8nm5M?feature=oembed]Here's someone not singing the National Anthem


And here's someone being respectful at a State Funeral




There is a huge world of difference between a memorial for Battle of Britain hero's and a dead terrorist


Do the ends justify the means? If so, then Mandela was not a terrorist. If not, then Arthur Harris was.

you are John McDonnell and I claim my £5

He's right though. 

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I would have more respect for him if he stuck to his guns and didn't sing that chauvinistic shite tbh.


How about kissing the Queen's hand and taking his place on Privvy Council then? Is that OK and does not constitute him abandoning his principles?

You know that kissing the queens hand thing doesn't happen don't you?

You also know that he was informed that if he didn't join the PC he wouldn't receive defence briefings don't you?

So he didn't really have much option did he.

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Was he being true to his principles when he said

"I...swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, her heirs and successors, according to law. So help me God"

Or perhaps he gave the text of affirmation  "I...do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, her heirs and successors according to law"

Or perhaps he said neither and just stood there in respectful silence

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I would have more respect for him if he stuck to his guns and didn't sing that chauvinistic shite tbh.


How about kissing the Queen's hand and taking his place on Privvy Council then? Is that OK and does not constitute him abandoning his principles?

You know that kissing the queens hand thing doesn't happen don't you?

You also know that he was informed that if he didn't join the PC he wouldn't receive defence briefings don't you?

So he didn't really have much option did he.

I think the internet is getting confused here  ?   The kissing hand doesn't happen when the PM formally goes to the palace to form a government  ( though  Blair did & Brown didn't  ) but it does at Privy Council

Even Tony Benn did it

‘We went into the Privy Council, and we all had to get down on one knee on a footstool and have the oath administered and go forward. I of course was affirmed and kissed hand, and I put my thumb out and kissed my thumb. And we all stood there holding our little red boxes, I mean it really was ridiculous.’


 The security briefing surely Corbyn could easily send a delegate instead , the Queen does as she doesn't  attend every meeting

Even the Guardian agree

The claim from some quarters that Corbyn must join the privy council in order to receive security briefings is a fig leaf, a distraction that makes no sense. It’s quite possible to devise a method of ensuring confidentiality and secrecy without the pantomime of becoming a Right Honourable Gentlemen. The pantomime persists because it helps defend the power structures it represents.

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