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1 minute ago, Xela said:

Don't think they will provide a penthouse apartment over central park ;)

I’d take a view of the Empire State Building :D 

Seriously though, Im just curious how it would work because it’s got to be one of the most expensive places to live in the Western world, even heading an hour or so away from the office it’s looklikg like about £3k+ a month rent for a nice (but not fancy) 3 bed house.

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  • 3 months later...

I've got a job interview on Wednesday.

The company called me directly through their own internal recruitment department, I'd never heard of them at all but the woman that I was speaking to really did a good job of selling them to me, I've looked the company up only and they are pretty **** big internationally by the looks of it.

From the first time that this woman called me they seem to be doing everything really well, normally you get a call saying 'I saw your CV online, can we have a quick chat, right your interview is next Wednesday' but she called me up and asked if I was still looking for work and basically said 'I'm going to leave it there, I'll send you some info on the company and I'll send you the details of the job and then I'll call you back tomorrow so you know exactly what job it is that you are talking about'

She's been on the phone 3 times since then just checking that everything is ok and just talking to me about the job and interview etc.

I know that it is her job to sell the company to me but they have been extremely professional so far and I'm impressed with how they have gone about things.

It is doing the same job as I'm in now but within a smaller team and no management badgering you at every turn (it'll be for a couple of extra quid as well)

I'm shitting myself about the interview, I'm not very good with people at the best of times but put me in that situation and I'm usually a wreck, in my last interview I went full retard, I always feel that I look a right scruffy word removed as well, I'm one of those people that you could put in a £1000 suit and I'd still look like a bag of shit.

I really really really am hoping that I get it and that it all works out, I would love to hand my notice in and see my managers face, it'd be **** brilliant.

Only problem is that I would have to work a 12 week notice, that'd **** kill me, I'd have to have a good chat with them and see if they could let me leave earlier.

Oh and the other thing is that the interview is in Milton Keynes....I haven't gone further than the pigeon park in 2 months, I have no internal compass so at least if I make it to the interview on time that'll be a win in itself.

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9 minutes ago, Tayls said:

@leemond2008  Congrats on the interview! 

3 months notice! Long! What do you do?! 

What do you know about the structure of the interview? Have you been asked to prepare anything for it? 

And why do you think you look like a bag of shit?

I'm a bodily injury claims handler, it can be pretty stressful, (especially where I am at the moment, I should only have 150 claims to deal with but at the moment I've got 230 and the managers don't seem to care) constantly dealing with solicitors, insurers and court dates etc.

If anything the job has taught me 2 things, first thing is that solicitors are thieving words removed, second thing is that either 99% of injury claims are bull shit or the human body is a helluva lot more frail than I ever thought they could be.

The structure of the interview sounds like a bog standard sort of thing, discussing my CV and experience, discussing my technical capabilities, running through some scenarios etc, I'm trying not to overthink the actual interview, that's when my brain gets bogged down and I start rambling a load of shit, I tend to do better when I wing it.

Why do I look like a bag of shit? I dunno I just do, I'm one of those people who were born scruffy and will no doubt die scruffy, nothing much I can do about it.

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Had my Interview, I think it went well.

I should find out by Friday if I've got it, then I've just gotta decide if I'm going to accept it, I think I will to be honest, it sounds like harder work than I'm doing now but if they give me a decent pay increase then I'm happy to accept.

Just waiting for the bloody train now, been hanging around since 12:45pm 

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I need some pretty urgent help from some of the more well traveled peeps on here.

Well they called me back about 90 minutes ago and told me that I have got the job if I want it, BRILLIANT

It is an extra 4k a year compared to what I am earning now and 2k more than I asked them for, **** YEAH

I will have to travel to Milton Keynes every day for 2 to 3 months for training, HELL YEAH.....wait....what....

Now I don't think I'll get an offer like that again anytime soon, but traveling 60 miles a day 5 days a week is a bit of a ball breaker, I mean I don't even know how I'd afford that, is there some sort of travel pass that you can get or would I have to literally buy a ticket everyday?

The company haven't mentioned putting me up during the week or anything like that, they did mention that they could possibly do a travel loan where they would initially pay for the travel and then deduct a bit from my wages until it was paid off, I suppose that isn't too bad.

The actual travel isn't too bad to be honest, it wouldn't take more than 2 hours for me to get home so I could manage that for a few months if needed, that isn't an issue, although I don't like the thought of leaving the house at 6 or 7 in the morning and being out for 12 or 13 hours 5 days a week, that'd piss me off but it isn't a deal breaker.


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Your £4k raise will be wiped off in those 3 months! 

I would have assumed it was a given they would put you up in a hotel or pay for your travel? I wouldn't know of a big company that wouldn't foot the bill?


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6 minutes ago, leemond2008 said:

I need some pretty urgent help from some of the more well traveled peeps on here.

Well they called me back about 90 minutes ago and told me that I have got the job if I want it, BRILLIANT

It is an extra 4k a year compared to what I am earning now and 2k more than I asked them for, **** YEAH

I will have to travel to Milton Keynes every day for 2 to 3 months for training, HELL YEAH.....wait....what....

Now I don't think I'll get an offer like that again anytime soon, but traveling 60 miles a day 5 days a week is a bit of a ball breaker, I mean I don't even know how I'd afford that, is there some sort of travel pass that you can get or would I have to literally buy a ticket everyday?

The company haven't mentioned putting me up during the week or anything like that, they did mention that they could possibly do a travel loan where they would initially pay for the travel and then deduct a bit from my wages until it was paid off, I suppose that isn't too bad.

The actual travel isn't too bad to be honest, it wouldn't take more than 2 hours for me to get home so I could manage that for a few months if needed, that isn't an issue, although I don't like the thought of leaving the house at 6 or 7 in the morning and being out for 12 or 13 hours 5 days a week, that'd piss me off but it isn't a deal breaker.


Beardy Knob Trains Season Ticket Calculator

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If it’s mandatory training for your job, and you won’t be working in MK when you actually get the job (as in the training isn’t in the office you’ll be working at, I assume you’re working in Brum?) then I’d be very surprised if they’re expecting you to foot the bill. 

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8 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

If it’s mandatory training for your job, and you won’t be working in MK when you actually get the job (as in the training isn’t in the office you’ll be working at, I assume you’re working in Brum?) then I’d be very surprised if they’re expecting you to foot the bill. 

See that's what I was thinking, I think it'd be a bit of a piss take if they said 'well we are giving you a good wage so you can pay it yourself'

I mean if I bought single tickets it would be at least £300 a month, the season ticket that Bicks posted (from what I can work out) says it is £330 a month just to go from New Street to Milton Keynes, I don't think that includes the return trip.

expecting someone to pay out nearly a grand in travel just to begin working for a company doesn't sound great to me

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Just now, leemond2008 said:

See that's what I was thinking, I think it'd be a bit of a piss take if they said 'well we are giving you a good wage so you can pay it yourself'

I mean if I bought single tickets it would be at least £300 a month, the season ticket that Bicks posted (from what I can work out) says it is £330 a month just to go from New Street to Milton Keynes, I don't think that includes the return trip.

expecting someone to pay out nearly a grand in travel just to begin working for a company doesn't sound great to me

I’d be shocked if they’re not covering it. 

If it’s a company of any sort of size then they will. 

Where will you be working? In Brum?

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Well they are a pretty big company, they are a Third Party Administrator to the world's largest independent provider of claims management for insurance companies who have 700 offices across 70 countries.

I'm not 100% sure of the exact location but it isn't any more than 5 minutes from where I work at the minute (by the pigeon park)

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5 minutes ago, leemond2008 said:

Well they are a pretty big company, they are a Third Party Administrator to the world's largest independent provider of claims management for insurance companies who have 700 offices across 70 countries.

I'm not 100% sure of the exact location but it isn't any more than 5 minutes from where I work at the minute (by the pigeon park)

They’ll be paying for your travel mate. 

I’d bet money on it. 


Onviously confirm that that beforehand though!

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You may have to pay for it yourself and claim it back through expenses. The travel loan offer might be to assist with the initial cost of the travel. 

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provided that I'm not going to be expected to pay £1000 out purely in travel for the first 3 months purely for the pleasure of working for them then I'll definitely take it

If I have to pay it out and then I get to claim it back then that is different.

I've gotta call them up tomorrow so I'll have thrash it out with them then, when they first called me up my brain was going 100mph so I'll be better placed to find out more details now that I've had a chance to think it through

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