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Everything posted by hogso

  1. Does that mean we have a trophy room...? So they're not all in Deadly's cabinet at home, or will he just be loaning them to the club?
  2. Here are two I saw recently. Another Earth - a nice premise and a low budget directed very well. The young lady playing the lead role was superb. I am a great lover of movies that serve up a 'what does that actually mean, then?' ending, and this one had a doozy. I settled on my answer as to what it meant quite quickly, but was encouraged to read on IMDB that it certainly isnt the definitive answer (there isnt one (which is good)). Lake Mungo - Creepy **** film. There are many reasons to dislike this, the fact it's a mockumentary complete with 'interviews', and 'police footage', and 'news broadcasts'. The whiny Australian accent is particulary grating? I don't know why they emphasis **** words so much, but it's mighty annoying? And then there's the acting, which is off putting. Although it's easy to be hyper critical of it, as the idea is that everything is 'real' (there isnt ever any mention that what you are watching is real though, it's just presented that way. Which is good, I don't really like when films do that), and I imagine the job of the actors to just be, well, normal, must be quite a difficult thing to replicate. BUT. It sounds wonderful. The sound effects and original soundtrack using was properly good. And although the film did chop and change from 'interview' to 'home camera' to 'phone camera' footage frequently, it all flowed nicely. The best thing about it though it that it is just creepy as **** at times. Towards the end of the movie when they actually visit Lake Mungo inparticular...what an unsettling place. And some of the images from around the house aswell. It was quite like those 'scary/weird' viral videos you see that emerge from Something Awful or such places every now and again, but in full length movie format. It was nearly neaaarly very good...but not quite there. Going back to my earlier post about which action movies from that list I should watch, I have Point Break ready to watch now. It looks cooooool mannnnnn
  3. OH the funniest moment of the night though was Mr. Lordi doing the results of the Finnish vote. He was the best looking, most beautiful.....best handsome, er.....CUTEST, most cutest yep, cutest presenter person going. I said at the time after Lordi won it (was it '08?), we should have GWAR represent us. I still think they should. Look at the state of that. Barking mad. They look like Warhammer figures
  4. It was not the worst! It was good. Funny though, yes I agree. The way they made that boat thing and then nodded their heads in time to the music/to simulate the motion of the ocean...glorious.
  5. I am ITK. The next manager of Aston Villa Football Club will be Simon Grayson.
  6. As it was shot in 3D I will go and see it in 3D first I think. I have avoided 3D a lot myself, and have only seen a handful of films in 3D at the flicks...Avatar, Up, ermmm...I think there might have been 1, maybe 2 others, but thats it. Unless the film is an unequivocal disaster, I will probably go and it again anyway, in which case it would be in 2D.
  7. I've seen this online aswell, there's a thing you can use (pay for) that skips adverts on Youtube and the like.
  8. I still have that shirt. Ofc it is a bit small for me now, but it fits my little brother. He wore it to VP once last season, and a bloke walking past said 'that's my favourite Villa shirt'. I was surprised.
  9. This friday ! I saw a lot more than I wouldve liked the other week when I went to the cinema, as they showed one of the featurettes before the film. I'll be going to one of the first showings on Friday afternoon, as the cinema is only down the road from my work, and the wonder of flexible hours permit me to leave at my whim. SO I WILL. And I will turn up an hour early to secure my favoured seating position in the auditorium. Plus it should be early enough in the day (~3pm probly) so that no kids will be there. Just us proper srs film fans. Maybe a couple will be smoking pipes. There might be a guy in an Alien costume. I just don't know. But I am excited.
  10. It was just rubbish. It's nothing to do with political voting, it was a shit perfomance and the song was just so old fashioned there was no way the majority of the watching European audience wouldve liked it. Take last year for instance, a much better song for the European audience nearly made the top ten (11th, 100 points)
  11. hogso

    Soccer Aid

    Was a better watch than the actual England game, that's for sure.
  12. It was a wonderful night. My favourites were Ukraine (which did shit) and Turkey (which did OK). Man, you actually voted? That's dedication. We did scorecards but didn't go that far
  13. Ah yeh I will start with Eleftharia, Greece's 2012 entrant s'all rite
  14. Yeah, it's purpose built, pretty impressive too. It's an enormous building, and they've rigged it so the entire outside of the stadium, excluding the roof, lights up in the colours of the participating nation, at the time of their song. It looks pretty magnificent. Did garner some controversy though, as allegedly the government bulldozed a bunch of houses to make way for it, and the inhabitants were not best pleased.
  15. One of the highlights of the year is here at last - Eurovision 2012 broadcasts from Baku, Azerbaijan tomorrow night on BBC1 @ 8.00pm GMT. Who else loves it! Having a party? It's perfect BBQ whether and what better way to enjoy one than with Eurovision. Pick your faves! 01 United Kingdom : Engelbert Humperdinck - Love Will Set You Free 02 Hungary : Compact Disco - Sound Of Our Hearts 03 Albania : Rona Nishliu - Suus 04 Lithuania : Donny Montell - Love Is Blind 05 Bosnia & Herzegovina : Maya Sar - Korake Ti Znam 06 Russia : Buranovskiye Babushki - Party For Everybody 07 Iceland : Greta Salóme & Jónsi - Never Forget 08 Cyprus : Ivi Adamou - La La Love 09 France : Anggun - Echo (You And I) 10 Italy : Nina Zilli - L'Amore È Femmina (Out Of Love) 11 Estonia : Ott Lepland - Kuula 12 Norway : Tooji - Stay 13 Azerbaijan : Sabina Babayeva - When The Music Dies 14 Romania : Mandinga - Zaleilah 15 Denmark : Soluna Samay - Should've Known Better 16 Greece : Eleftheria Eleftheriou - Aphrodisiac 17 Sweden : Loreen - Euphoria 18 Turkey : Can Bonomo - Love Me Back 19 Spain : Pastora Soler - Quédate Conmigo (Stay With Me) 20 Germany : Roman Lob - Standing Still 21 Malta : Kurt Calleja - This Is The Night 22 F.Y.R. Macedonia : Kaliopi - Crno I Belo 23 Ireland : Jedward - Waterline 24 Serbia : Željko Joksimović - Nije Ljubav Stvar 25 Ukraine : Gaitana - Be My Guest 26 Moldova : Pasha Parfeny - Lăutar I think Ukraine's song sounds like a winner this year. Jedward's track is not anywhere near as good as last years so I can't see them bettering or equaling their 8th place finish from last years competition. Not sure how the rest of Europe feels about Engelbert...mostly I just think he's old, mostly. So I don't think he will win. Maybe a top 10 finish. But I am sure he can do enough to avoid nul point.
  16. My reply is the same as it was in the old ST thread, of about a month ago - I havent renewed yet, not for any particular reason, I just havent. I had a text from them the other day, but havent had any calls or anything.
  17. Ruddy has broken his finger, so is out of Euro 2012. Congrats to Jack Butland, who is now on the plane! Whoever you are!
  18. Looks like the perfect zombie game, doesnt it? I have a mate who has played it a fair bit, prefers to go it alone in the woods and perform daring night raids into zombie infested towns for goodies, rather than teaming up with others. Would love to have a go myself, but I'm aware tha Arma is pretty demanding and don't think my PC is up to the task.
  19. hogso


    Yeh I sometimes watch the prelims on ufc.tv, whan I can be bothered. It takes a bit of negotiation, but you should be able to find it eventually. Good quality stream too!
  20. Do you think adding one of these to a claret and blue bedroom is too much? Hey and GUYS there are weeaboo girls who **** love bedrooms filled with legos and plushies and...shit. They're completly barmy but they do exist, so there is hope for villaajax yet ^__^
  21. Yes indeed...a very memorable goal for the fact that his reaction was one of utmost surprise I don't think he was expecting the ball to reach him, but it did, and just happened to hit his head and go in. He also scored against Blackburn at some point...can't remember which league/FA Cup/League Cup games though. Bye big man! I am one of those who was always rootin' for ya
  22. I did when I was about 12. It took my parents ages. The room was white washed, then coloured claret & blue with sponges all over, so it was kind of a splash effect I guess...I imagine there is a technical name for it, but I don't know what it is. Then I also had a proper border that was bought from Villa Village. I thought it was pretty cool. For awhile. I still have a Villa pillow case now though. teehee! ^__^
  23. hogso

    Brad Guzan

    So - will we be in the market for another keeper? They happy for Andy Marshall to be no. 2? Or has Benjy been given the green light to move up to the first team?
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