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Everything posted by AValon

  1. Interesting and for all intents and purposes a positive step. I wait with baited breath.
  2. I always felt it was a strange kind of fit, like we were too provincial a prospect for Fox.
  3. No thanks Krulak, you know jack about this club, this game and these people who have dedicated large portions of their lives and hard earned money for Aston Villa, for little in return. Go home and take our beloved 'custodian' with you
  4. Feel kind of sorry for the OTD74 organisers, but your efforts were from the heart and should be applauded. Of course, if the end result is a more concerted, if different, demonstration of how everyone feels, then it can be deemed a great success. Whistles, tennis balls, beach balls, banners, paper planes, white hankies or just a cacophany of anti-board noise......I hope they get the lot!!
  5. Yes.....but no. Seriously no
  6. Championship sides must be crapping themselves.
  7. I disagree. Apitch invasion throws the impetus (right word?) Straight back to the club. Mikes initiative gives our frustration some real depth, without seeming to disrespect the one thing that unites us.
  8. You wear your heart on your sleeve Mike and serious fair play for putting it out there. I could hear the emotion in your voice. We're down, we all pretty much know that, but we don't have to go with a whimper.
  9. Point is, we've been here before and we will be back. Hopefully the American won't.
  10. Hasbeen.........should disappear up his own orifice
  11. Just saying what the rest of the Prem fans are thinking probably. And we don't give two ****s what they think either.
  12. With this bunch one goal might be ALL You could hope for.
  13. If he stays, Championship or not, I think he will eventually prove to be a succesful and popular manager. He needs to be seriously backed, which is obvious, but hopefully Lerner will have departed by then. Have to face it though, he did inherit quite a train wreck.
  14. I would imagine Arse fans would rather see their North London rivsls go down than us, same for all the other rivals. As has already been pointed out, we are nothing much more than the occasional embuggerance and seen as such. Personally, I could'nt give a rats ass what anyone thinks of us. And MOTD would always struggle to fiĺl its air time if we did'nt make up the final minute and a half every week, so thats saying something.
  15. Kozak must be ring rusty, but if he gets a sniff........
  16. At least we might lose with some dignity tonight.
  17. I hope any protest is more dignified than what we saw at Wycombe. That was pure gold for the media circus. But if folks need to get stuff off their chest, then sure, protest, its understandable. We're going down.......we've been there before. We shall return (God, i'm turning into Krulak).
  18. Wheres GI Joe these days? Bout time for some old gung-ho sabre rattlin'
  19. Less the Goose....more the Goof. Times up.
  20. I think Garde inherited a mediocre side already in freefall. Does he have the experience to take on players with negative issues, probably not. In that respect, maybe he was always going to be the 'wrong' appointment. He needed to take on a mid-table team upon whom he could make his own stamp, without everything going wrong that could go wrong. Somebody should have told him 'hey, this is Aston Villa you know, Remi, they used to be good but......'
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