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Everything posted by AValon

  1. I would expect Kozak to score twice the number of chances than Gestede. Like Penguin said, he has the knack of being in the right place, where Rudy seems to lack that nous.
  2. AValon

    Adama Traore

    It's a whole different game from the 70's. I still remember feeling so empty and miserable, and it took a long time to get over it, believe me. Today, the game is pretty much unrecognisable from the grass roots..thr working mans game I grew up with. Am I bothered about the possibility of relegation? Sure. Will it break my heart? Nah, not any more.
  3. Really keen to see this Illori get a run out, though it could have been an easier game than this. Southamptons season starts here unfortunately.
  4. Fortunately, for us and Remi Garde alike, the problem is a glaring one and can be rectified with a couple of solid defensive signings. Is relegation avoidable? Of course it is and for the present I'll believe that it won't be an issue come next May. I will also be putting out mince pies, milk and a carrot on Xmas Eve!
  5. Can hardly wait for next seasons fixtures.
  6. Can we possibly ever play two decent halves?
  7. Defending still a huge issue, but Monsieur Gardes style is certainly a lot more attractive to see. Need to turn it into victories now.
  8. Now push on and do a decent job on them
  9. The mighty Watford eh! What a shambles.
  10. We got to do this for 90mins, not in spells. Oh ******
  11. Must be a nose, he looks like a nose.
  12. I'm struggling to find any positives from this side.
  13. Abandon hope all ye who support this club!
  14. Remi, son, you have seriously got yer work cut out here.
  15. Not a great day all round....2-0 ffs
  16. Still not seeing any goals for us there. Oh for a tap-in. 2-0 Everton
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